
  • 网络Password keyboard;Keypad
  1. 基于PS/2接口的密码键盘研究

    Research about the password keyboard based on PS / 2 interface

  2. 低成本串口扩展方案在银行柜台密码键盘设备中应用

    The Application of Low Cost Serial Expansion IC in Bank Counter Pin-Pad

  3. 设计了基于无线传输的智能小区门禁系统,介绍了系统的读卡模块、无线数据传输模块、液晶显示模块、随机密码键盘模块。

    An intelligent district access control system based on wireless transmission is designed .

  4. 独特的两套独立工作的控制电路,即密码键盘开锁电路及电子钥匙开锁电路。

    Two unique sets of self-work controling circuit are the unlocked circuits of both password keyset and electronic key .

  5. 因此,不管是否有人获得了真正的密码,键盘都可以决定人们的身份,进而决定是否应该让他们访问与之相连的计算机。

    Thus , the keyboard can determine people 's identities , and by extension , whether they should be given access to the computer it 's connected to — regardless of whether someone gets the password right .

  6. 当年宇航员们没能找到可以进入那防撞逃生舱的通行密码输入键盘,即便他们找到了,也无法打开大门。

    The astronauts never found the keypad that would allow entrance to the crash vault and , even had they done so , would have been unable to activate it .

  7. 常见的身份验证方法包括密码、公钥、键盘交互、GSSAPI、SecureID和PAM。

    Common authentication methods include password , public key , keyboard-interactive , GSSAPI , SecureID , and PAM .

  8. 另外,本系统还设置了密码验证,通过键盘可输入验证码并可修改密码。

    Besides , this system also sets a password to verify , through the keyboard the user can input the code or modify the password .