
  • 网络density;Density measurement;densitometry
  1. 对莲子不同发育阶段子叶蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱的光密度测定表明:莲子叶蛋白有12个主要SP亚基(SP1-12)。

    Result from optical densitometry of protein SDS-PAGE in different developmental stages of the lotus cotyledon indicated that the lotus cotyledon SP included 12 major subunits ( SP 1-12 ) .

  2. 结论HLD可出现继发性骨质疏松症,骨密度测定可较早期地发现骨关节损害,有助于预防和减少骨关节变形和骨折。

    Conclusions HLD can appear secondary osteoporosis . Bone densitometry testing can discover the earlier period osteoarticular injures in hepatolenticular degeneration , which militate to prevent and reduce bone joint transform or bone fracture .

  3. 昆明地区成人定量CT骨密度测定的研究

    A study on bone mineral density of adult in Kunming city by quantitative CT

  4. 大鼠神经肌肉接点N型乙酰胆碱受体密度测定的ELISA法

    An ELISA for the determination of N-Ach receptor in nerve-muscle joint of rat

  5. 目的应用螺旋CT肺密度测定软件,根据肺密度变化,找出与放射性肺损伤之间的相关因素,探讨其应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate lung density variation in radioactive lung injury by lung density detecting software of helical CT .

  6. 桡骨单光子骨密度测定与跟骨X射线摄片诊断骨质疏松比较桡骨头半脱位的X线片表现

    Single photon absorptiometry and calcaneum radiography for diagnosis of osteoporosis X-ray manifestation of subluxation of radial head

  7. 结论螺旋CT肺密度测定能准确评价不同类型肺气肿的肺密度,并能按肺密度推测肺气肿类型。

    Conclusion The ALD detected by spiral CT can correctly assess the lung density , and can suspect the sorts of emphysema .

  8. 目的评价螺旋CT肺密度测定在诊断肺气肿中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of measurement of average lung density ( ALD ) using spiral CT in diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema .

  9. 并在左侧桡骨远端1/3处,用单能光子骨密度测定仪测定BMD。

    BMD was measured at left radius by mono-energy X-ray absorptiometry .

  10. 骨密度测定应用双能X射线骨密度测量仪,测量L2~4和股骨上端的骨密度。

    Bone mineral density ( BMD ) of L2-4 and upper end of femur was assayed with X-Ray absorptiometry .

  11. 重症肌无力患者Jitter值及肌纤维密度测定研究

    Jitter and Fiber Density Study in Myasthenia Gravis

  12. 基于GVFSnake模型的骨密度测定研究

    Study of bone mineral density measurement based on GVF Snake model

  13. 单光子骨密度测定适于在患OP的高危人群中作为筛查方法。

    Single - photon absorption meter is fit for high risk women of OP.

  14. 肺肿瘤血管三维重组与CD34标记微血管密度测定相关性研究

    Correlative Study of 3D Reconstruction of Lung Tumor Vasculature and CD34 Marked Microvessel Density

  15. 肺功能检测取其FEV1及FEV1FVC所测值与预测值的百分比(%),并将CT肺密度测定结果与肺功能结果进行对照。

    FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC ( % predicted ) in pulmonary function testes and controlled to mean lung density which were studied .

  16. QCT骨矿密度测定校验体模系统的研制

    A Calibration Phantom System for QCT Bone Mineral Density Determination

  17. 发射强度与电子密度测定的结果显示了Freon12在ICP的不同观测高度产生不同的影响,表明ICP在导入Freon12后出现了明显的热箍缩效应,从而有利于该化合物的完全分解。

    The thermal pinch effect was found with the addition of Freon 12 , which is beneficial to the complete decomposition of the compound .

  18. 目的:利用计算机、MicrosoftAccess数据库软件对双能X线骨密度测定(DXA)的数据资料进行智能化管理。

    Aim : Computer and Microsoft Access was used to attain the goal of intellectual management of the patient database from Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry ( DXA ) .

  19. 利用QDR-4500W型DEXA机内人体ROI软件做动物骨密度测定

    Determination of animal bone mineral density by means of human ROI software of QDR-4500W DEXA

  20. 采用X射线极密度测定方法,研究了18%Ni马氏体时效钢不同冷轧量(50%、70%,90%)及其冷轧后再经固溶处理或时效处理织构的变化。

    The texture changes with deformation in 18 % Ni maraging steel after cold-rolling ( 50 , 70 , 90 % in reduction ) followed by solution or aging treatment have been investigated using X-ray pole density measurement .

  21. 术后第8周骨密度测定证明自体微小颗粒骨复合bFGF组骨密度值明显高于对照组。

    The bone mineral density ( BMD ) in the group of compound of b-FGF and autogenously micro grain bone was much higher than that of other groups at 8 weeks .

  22. 目的探讨肝豆状核变性(HLD)骨密度测定及临床骨关节症状。

    Objective To probe into the bone density and osteoarticular symptom of 216 cases in hepatolenticular degeneration ( HLD ) .

  23. 结论妊娠期间存在不同程度的骨量降低现象,L1椎体骨密度测定较腰椎其余部位更为敏感。

    Conclusions During pregnancy and early postpartum , women presented different degrees of low bone status and the detachment of L1 BMD is more sensitive than other parts of lumbar .

  24. D2-40标记的喉鳞状细胞癌组织淋巴管密度测定及其临床意义

    Clinical significance of lymph vessel density marked by D2-40 in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas

  25. 采用XRD方法结合粉体相对密度测定研究了热处理条件对沉淀法合成纳米CeO2的结构和性能的影响。

    Effects of different heat treatment conditions on the structure and property of CeO_2 nanocrystalline synthesized by precipitation method were studied with XRD method combining with measurement of relative density of CeO_2 nanocrystalline powders .

  26. 为了评定I号药的疗效和机理,在造模前、造模后和治疗后,分别进行3次血清GOT、TG和髋区的骨密度测定和病理组织学检查。

    In order to evaluate the therapeutic effect and its mechanism of FNI , before and after modeling and after treating , the content of serum GOT and TG , the bone density of hip region , and the pathohistology of femoral head were examined .

  27. 采用双能X线骨密度测定仪及其所附带的小动物测量软件,测定大鼠离体股骨的骨矿含量(BMC)和骨密度(BMD)。

    Using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and the detector attached to small animal measurement software to measure the isolated rat femoral bone mineral content ( BMC ) and bone mineral density ( BMD ) .

  28. 前言:目的:应用双能X线骨密度测定仪(DEXA)观察骨折愈合过程中骨痂的骨密度变化,说明临床测定骨折愈合程度的方法。

    Objective : To find the clinical significance and value by using Dual Energy X ray Absorptionmetry ( DEXA ) as a quantitative measure of callus .

  29. E-301换热器管程喷头出口液体分布密度测定

    Measuring Fluid Distribution Density of E-301 Heat Exchanger Injector Outlet

  30. 方法采用免疫组化法和原位末端标记技术对8例桥本氏甲状腺炎(HT)和8例正常对照甲状腺组织中Bcl2、Fas、FasL和细胞凋亡情况,进行了检测和光密度测定分析。

    Methods The expressions of Bcl-2 , Fas , FasL and the apoptosis in 8 cases of HT and 8 cases of normal control were investigated by using immunohistochemical and TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling techniques .