
  • 网络Osiris;El-Osiris
  1. 年,荷露斯第一次发动金字塔战争,为他的父亲欧西里斯报仇

    Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War . 8970

  2. 在古埃及的夜空,猎户座的腰带三星就是欧西里斯的化身。

    In the Egyptian sky , the3 stars of Orion 's belt was the embodiment of Osiris .

  3. 来来来,是时候去看看展览,会会欧西里斯王和吞噬怪了。

    It 's time now to go to the exhibition and meet the god Osiris and the monstrous Devourer .

  4. 他们的亡灵必须要去冥国走一趟。冥国是一个只有死亡的国度,由欧西里斯王掌管着。

    Their spirit had to cross the netherworld , which was the land of dead , ruled by the god of Osiris .

  5. 向欧西里斯王致敬:把你的脸转向西边,去点亮两片纯金之田。

    Hail to you Osiris : Turn your face to the west . That you may illumine the two lands with fine gold .

  6. 2001年,哈博空间望远镜在外太阳系行星欧西里斯(古埃及司阴府之神)上发现了一种氢气体,这是第一种在外太阳系行星上发现的气体。

    2001-A hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope , the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet .

  7. 它是颗气态大行星,也叫欧西里斯星。它的运行轨迹过于接近其恒星,致使它的部分大气层被恒星吹起。

    It 's a gas giant planet also called Osiris , and it 's orbiting so close to its star that some of its atmosphere gets blown away by the stellar wind .

  8. 希腊女神伊西斯寻找她爱人的肢体碎片,欧西里斯,因为她对他强烈的感情,也因为她觉得有可能再见到完整的他的欲望。

    The Eyptian goddess Isis seeks out the mangled body of her lover , Osiris , because of her powerful affection for him and because of her desire presumably to see him whole again .

  9. 早期基督徒是挪用了好几位异教神的出生日子作为圣诞庆祝:欧西里斯、朱庇特和普路托斯,或者是远古时候被神化了的狩猎带领者。

    It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods , Osiris , Jupiter , and Plutus , or the ancient deified leader Nimrod , was celebrated .

  10. 她的眼睛里流露出惊恐的神气后,抖得几乎不能拉毯子裹紧身体。欧西里斯的质量高达地球的220倍,其重力足以紧紧抓住它自身的大气,直到其恒星死亡。

    Her eyes started with teror , her hands trembled , and she rapidly drew the bedclothes closer to her . At roughly 220 times Earth 's mass , Osiris boasts a gravitational pull strong enough to hold its atmosphere until its star dies .