
  • 网络Seker;saka;Douglas Sirk;Sacae
  1. 昨天,瑞士球迷在雅各布·赫拉塞克对阵库里耶的比赛中为赫拉塞克喝彩加油。

    Swiss fans cheered Jakob Hlasek during yesterday 's match with Courier .

  2. 这辆超级香车的引擎是科尼塞克设计的V字型8缸4.7升引擎。

    The supercar boasts a4.7-liter V-8 engine created by Koenigsegg .

  3. HPLC法测定塞克硝唑的含量及有关物质

    Determination of secnidazole and its related substances by HPLC

  4. 当太阳资本得知只剩下贝恩资本(BainCapital)和塞克资本(SACCapital)两家还在角逐时,太阳资本向贝恩资本提出了一个交易提议。

    When sun learned that the American standard process was down to just Bain Capital and sac capital , it went to Bain with an offer .

  5. 加达塞克用一个美国CJD病人尸体的脑组织重复做了实验,结果相同。

    Gajdusek then repeated the experiment with brain tissue from an American CJD victim and got the same result .

  6. 目的观察塞克硝唑(secnidazole,SNZ)体内外抗厌氧菌的活性。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the anti anaerobic activities of secnidazole ( SNZ ) in vitro and in vivo .

  7. 瑞典汽车制造商科尼塞克的CCX于2006年日内瓦车展上面世,这辆双门跑车有着V字型8缸4.7升双级涡轮增压发动机和六挡手动变速,这些都是Cima特意为科尼塞克设计的。

    The CCX from the Swedish manufacturer was revealed in 2006 , at the Geneva Motor Show . This 2-door roadster has a 4.7 L twin-supercharged V8 engine and a six speed manual gearbox made specially for Koenigsegg by Cima .

  8. 结论:单次应用塞克硝唑阴道泡腾片,最大剂量至750mg,多次用药250mg·d~(-1)比较安全、耐受性较好。

    CONCLUSION : Single-dose up to the maximum dosage of 750 mg and multi-dose of 250 mg · d ~ ( - 1 ) secnidazole vagina effervescent tablets are safe and tolerable .

  9. 注射用塞克硝唑小鼠及犬急性毒性试验

    Acute Toxicity of Secnidazole for Injection in Mice and Dogs

  10. 塞克硝唑注射液与几种常用输液配伍的稳定性

    Compatibility of secnidazole injection in four kinds of intravenous transfusion

  11. 这项活动在庆祝1779年的塞克维尔堡战役。

    The event celebrates the capture of Fort Sackville in1779 .

  12. 目的研究塞克硝唑胶囊在健康志愿者中的生物等效性。

    Objective To study the bioequivalence of secnidazole capsule in healthy volunteers .

  13. 塞克硝唑片治疗细菌性阴道病的临床分析

    Clinical evaluation of secnidazole tablet in treatment of bacterial vaginosis

  14. 克兰烈塞克学的是建筑和设计专业,早先从事广告设计工作。

    Mr Klanjsek studied architecture and design and previously worked in advertising .

  15. 目的建立塞克硝唑注射液中细菌内毒素定量分析的方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a method for monitoring bacterial endotoxins of secnidazole injection .

  16. 国产塞克硝唑片剂与胶囊剂的生物利用度研究

    Study on bioavailability of domestic secnidazole tablet / capsule

  17. 在巴克莱的会议上,季曼塞克也提到了这种新品。

    This new product was also mentioned by Szymanczyk at the Barclays conference .

  18. 塞克硝唑苯甲酸酯体外抗阴道毛滴虫作用的研究

    In Vitro Effect of Secnidazole Benzoate on Trichomonas vaginalis

  19. 结论口服塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎安全、有效。

    Conclusion Secnidazole tablet is effect and safe in the treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

  20. 这些成果使加达塞克获得了诺贝尔奖。

    They also won Gajdusek a Nobel Prize .

  21. 塞克硝唑口腔膜剂的制备与质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Secnidazole Stomatic Membranes

  22. 塞克硝唑片与替硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎临床疗效比较

    Clinical Effect of Secnidazole Tablet and Tinidazole Tablet in The Treatment of Trichomonal Vaginitis

  23. 塞克硝唑注射液中细菌内毒素的定量检测研究

    Test & Measurement Measurement of bacterial endotoxin in secnidazole injection by kinetic turbidimetric method

  24. 塞克硝唑局部用药治疗牙周炎的临床研究

    Clinical trial of secnidazole in treatment of peridontitis

  25. 就是塞克雷坦他们但是你见不到他们

    That would be the Sacretains , but you won 't find them here .

  26. 塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎随机双盲双模拟临床研究

    Double-blind double-simulate randomized controlled clinical trial on secnidazole tablet in the treatment of trichomonal vaginitis

  27. 塞克硝唑的药理及临床应用

    Pharmacological action and clinical application of secnidazole

  28. 塞克硝唑胶囊健康人体生物等效性研究

    Bioequivalent study of secnidazole in healthy volunteers

  29. 评价口服塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of secnidazole tablet in treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

  30. 塞克硝唑1/2水合物的研究

    Study of secnidazole hemihydrate