
  • 网络Sergio;Sérgio
  1. 通常,你不会在如Sergio(塞尔吉奥)这样的恒星周围发现行星。

    You dont ordinarily find planets hanging around a star like Sergio .

  2. 但在一场关于薪酬福利让步的谈判中,盖特芬格尔与菲亚特(Fiat)公司CEO塞尔吉奥•马尔基翁棋逢对手,针锋相对。

    But Gettelfinger meets his match when he battles Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne over concessions on wages and benefits .

  3. 可Sergio(塞尔吉奥)的金属含量只有太阳的百分之一。

    But Sergio has only one percent the metal content of our Sun .

  4. CEO:作为汽车业新人,通用CEO玛丽o芭拉和福特CEO马克o菲尔兹开始密切观注菲亚特和克莱斯勒集团CEO的塞尔吉奥o马基奥尼的一举一动。

    CEOs : Newbies Mary Barra at GM and Mark Fields at Ford start playing close attention to the moves made by FCA 's Sergio Marchionne .

  5. 如果说菲亚特(Fiat)的CEO塞尔吉奥•马基奥尼知道权力的杠杆在哪里,那么他比任何人都懂得利用它。

    Does Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne know where the levers of power are , he knows better than anyone how to use them .

  6. 曾经凭借其天才拯救克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和菲亚特(Fiat)于水火之中的塞尔吉奥•马尔乔内去年获得的收入为1620万美元。

    Sergio Marchionne , whose wizardry so far has saved Chrysler and Fiat from liquidation , earned $ 16.2 million last year .

  7. 下个月起,曾于2004年至2006年带领菲亚特公司(Fiat)扭亏为盈的塞尔吉奥o马尔乔内将执掌这家豪车生产商。

    Next month , Sergio Marchionne , who led a turnaround of Fiat between 2004 to 2006 , will take the helm of the luxury car company .

  8. 研究人员是在研究HIP13044恒星的时候发现了这颗太阳系外行星。恒星HIP13044又名Sergio(塞尔吉奥),取在银河系外起源的恒星之意。

    Researchers found the exoplanet while looking at the star HIP 13044 or Sergio , for Star of Extra-Galactic Origin .

  9. 早在两个月前,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司(FiatChrysler)首席执行官塞尔吉奥o马尔基翁就曾经宣布,经过多次推迟之后,阿尔法o罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)4C终于做好了最后的准备,迎接自己在美国即将到来的黄金时代。

    Less than two months ago Sergio Marchionne , Fiat Chrysler 's chief executive , announced that the Alfa Romeo 4C was finally ready for prime time in the U.S. , following several delays .

  10. Sergios(塞尔吉奥)或许可以让我们一窥自己的行星系统大约50亿年后的未来。

    The Sergios may offer a glimpse of the future of our own planetary system in about five billion years .

  11. 她说你不想和塞尔吉奥一起睡。

    She says you don 't wanna sleep with sergio .

  12. 塞尔吉奥,要拒绝前,先好好想想。

    Sergio , before you say no , just think about it .

  13. 佩佩和塞尔吉奥•拉莫斯在1:0战胜迪纳摩后谈到了他们对比赛的感受。

    Pepe and Sergio Ramos shared their views on the1-0 victory over Dinamo .

  14. 那么,塞尔吉奥,你打算在哪儿向我求婚?

    So , sergio , where would you like to propose to me ?

  15. 还是克莱斯勒的老板塞尔吉奥•马尔乔内已经想到了法子,保存自由客的越野口碑?

    Or has Sergio Marchionne figured out a way to preserve its wilderness cred ?

  16. 塞尔吉奥:也许你是世界上最容易上当受骗的笨蛋!

    Sergio : And maybe you 're the most gullible person who ever lived !

  17. 塞尔吉奥,今天晚上你救了我的命,受折磨的痛苦的生命。

    Tonight you saved my life , sergio . a life of torment and suffering .

  18. 菲亚特公司的新任首席执行官塞尔吉奥•马奇奥尼在瑞士多次创造出卓越价值。

    Sergio Marchionne , the new CEO , was a guy with a track record for creating value in Switzerland .

  19. 蒙哥马利也宣布欧洲队将有第四个副队长由于塞尔吉奥-加西亚同意加入。

    Montgomerie also announced that Europe will have a fourth vice captain as Sergio Garcia agreed to join his staff .

  20. 塞尔吉奥:我敢说这些魔术师和艺人声称拥有的任何超能力都能被拆穿。

    Sergio : I 'm sure any supernatural powers these magicians and entertainers claim to have have been debunked by somebody .

  21. 的确如此,斑马军团最终用4300万欧元引进了文琴佐.亚昆塔,塞尔吉奥.阿尔梅隆,蒂亚戈.门迭斯和若热.安德拉德。

    Indeed they thrashed out a whopping € 43m just on Vincenzo Iaquinta , Sergio Almiron , Tiago Mendes and Jorge Andrade .

  22. 除梅西之外,还有卡洛斯,贡萨洛,米利托,塞尔吉奥和马丁巴勒莫。

    In addition to Messi , he can use Carlos Tevez , Gonzalo Higuain , Diego Milito , Sergio Aguero and Martin Palermo .

  23. 李:杰森告诉亨特,亨特告诉塞尔吉奥,塞尔吉奥再告诉我的,他说鲍勃已经连续三次被撞见和一个健硕的拉丁男子在一起。

    Lee : Jason told Hunter who told Sergio who told me that Bob has been seen out three times with some hunky latino .

  24. 李:好吧,那我只好回去让亨特转告塞尔吉奥去转告杰森,他是个骗子。加比:不是,他没骗你。

    Lee : Oh , fine . Then I will go tell Hunter to tell Sergio to tell Jason that he 's a liar .

  25. 就像其他菲亚特-克拉斯勒的高管,他仍然受首席执行官塞尔吉奥•马尔乔内及其黑莓手机的辖制,马尔乔内本人同样拥有自己一套非常确切的市场营销理念。

    Like other Fiat-Chrysler executives , he remains tethered to CEO Sergio Marchionne and his Blackberry , who has his own very definite ideas about marketing .

  26. 很大程度上,这两家公司的生机和活力得益于一个人的远见卓识:那就是塞尔吉奥•马尔基翁。

    To a remarkable extent , the vitality and strength of the two companies is the result of the vision and energy of one man : Sergio Marchionne .

  27. 在操作了塞尔吉奥。阿尔梅隆和蒂亚戈。门迭斯的转会后,俱乐部转会经理阿莱西奥。塞科饱受指责。现在只能眼看这两名球员完全失败。

    Transfer chief Alessio Secco has received huge criticism after he invested heavily in both Sergio Almiron and Tiago Mendes , only to see both players completely flop .

  28. 麦德林市前市长塞尔吉奥•法雅尔多作为一个独立选举人参加总统竞选。一份支持他的国会名单只获得了一个议席。

    A parliamentary list backing Sergio Fajardo , a former mayor of Medell í n running for the presidency as an independent , managed to elect only one senator .

  29. 一楼有双层高,上层暖胡桃木的(悬浮)书架里按赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的顺序摆放书籍,下面还有座位供人一享阅读之乐。这些座位都是出自巴西设计师们之手,塞尔吉奥•罗德里格斯的作品也在其中。

    The double-height first level is bordered by a rainbow of books arranged on warm walnut shelves , and seating options by Brazilian designers such as S é rgio Rodrigues offer pleasant spots to read .

  30. “我们一直都在期待卡卡出色的发挥以及大家对他努力的认可。”赛后,塞尔吉奥·拉莫斯在混合区接受了媒体采访。

    " We were looking forward to seeing Kaka playing this well and to see people acknowledging the hard work he 's done " Sergio Ramos shared his views on the clash with Ajax in the mixed zone .