
  • 网络Syd;Teesside;PORT SAID;Merced;Seyd
  1. 默塞德湖位于旧金山西南角。

    Lake Merced is located in the southwest corner of San Francisco .

  2. 半圆顶,默塞德河,冬季。

    Half Dome , Merced River , Winter .

  3. 剑桥大学就共有7座这样的博物馆——费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普科学历史博物馆、塞德威克地球科学博物馆、史考特北极研究所博物馆等。

    In the University of Cambridge , there are altogether seven such museums-Fitzwilliam Museum , Museum of Archaeology1 and Anthropology2 , Museum of Zoology3 , Museum of Classical Archaeology , Whipple Museum of the History of Science , The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences , Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute .

  4. 当研究人员安德烈•斯派塞(AndréSpicer)和卡尔•塞德斯特伦(CarlCederström)调查企业健康项目的效果时,他们发现这些项目往往挤占了雇员的空闲时间,让他们感到焦虑。

    When researchers Andr é Spicer and Carl Cederstr ö m investigated the effects of corporate wellness programmes , they found they often ate into employees " free time and made them anxious .

  5. 这就是所谓的关于塞德节的三十年原则。

    This is the so-called thirty-year principle of the sed-festival .

  6. 帕利塞德公司在东欧还有这业务。

    I had no idea palisade were this involved in eastern europe .

  7. 我们在黄昏时乘船抵达塞德港。

    We landed at port said in the early evening .

  8. 这么说,庞塞德利昂找不到的东西,你找到了,啊?

    So , what Ponce de Leon couldn 't find , you did huh ?

  9. 塞德节与古代埃及年代学

    The Sed-Festival and Ancient Egyptian Chronology

  10. 纳奥米,银和阿德里安娜购物在帕利塞德并安妮及曾钰成运行。

    Naomi , Silver and Adrianna go shopping in the Palisades and run into Annie and Jasper .

  11. 我知道他当时一定独自呆在伍德塞德那栋空荡荡的大宅子里

    And I knew he was all alone at his great big unfurnished mansion up in Woodside .

  12. 然后代入伯恩塞德公式,求得所有正多面体的顶点着色公式。

    Then it is substituted in Burnside formula , all vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined .

  13. 在帕利塞德是一排陡峭的悬崖上下游西侧哈德逊河。

    The Palisades are a line of steep cliffs on the lower west side of the Hudson River .

  14. 英国主要纺织基地是现在的中东部,约克郡和汉伯塞德郡及北爱尔兰。

    P > 101.The main textile producing regions of Britain are the east Yorkshire and humberside , and northern Ireland .

  15. 在他两年半在莫西塞德中,托雷斯已经把自己标榜为一名名义上的利物浦人。

    In his two and a half years on Merseyside , El Nino has established himself as something of an honorary Scouser .

  16. 若非上周默西塞德普降大雪导致比赛延期,杰拉德理应出现在红军主场与富勒姆的比赛中。

    He would have played against Fulham at the weekend had the fixture not been postponed because of heavy snow on Merseyside .

  17. 更糟糕的是麦克卢尔湖水库。这里储存的是默塞德河流经约塞米蒂国家公园后剩下的规模不定的水资源。

    Even worse is the Lake McClure reservoir , impounding the spectral remains of the Merced River as it flows out of Yosemite National Park .

  18. 利比亚柏柏尔青年集会的的创始人之一塞德•亨希尔称柏柏尔人像所有的利比亚人一样,现在活在自由之中。

    One of the founders of the Libyan Amazigh Youth Assembly , Said Henshir , says Berbers , like all Libyans , live in freedom now .

  19. 长期以来,根据这一理论,涉及塞德节的记载都被当作可以证明某国王的统治年限不少于三十年的证据。

    According to this theory , records of the sed-festival have long been taken as evidence for aking who enjoyed a reign no less than thirty years .

  20. 阿罗特说,塞德港的一些抗议者认为警方和军队要为这次事件负责,而其他抗议者呼吁对挑起暴力冲突的球迷进行报复。

    She said some protesters in the city are blaming the police and military for the incident , while others are calling for retaliation against the fans who instigated the violence .

  21. 全体毕业生,各位家长,摩塞德社区的所有人们,感谢你们!非常高兴今天能来到这里和你们分享这一刻,我感到无比高兴,无比激动。

    And to the graduates and their families and the entire community of Merced , I am so pleased , so thrilled , so honored to be here woth all of you today .

  22. 伦敦都会大学是第一所被剥夺高信任资格的英国大学,还有两所大学:格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学和提兹塞德大学也曾经被临时暂停执照资格,但是之后他们的资格得到了恢复。

    London Met is the first UK university to have its highly trusted status revoked , although two others - Glasgow Caledonian University and Teesside University - have previously had their licences suspended and then reinstated .

  23. 我知道这里有很多国内记者,而且一些人可能也很想知道:作为第一夫人我为什么会选择在加利福利亚大学摩塞德分校进行我的第一次毕业典礼演讲呢?

    Now , I know we 've got a lot national press out there , and a few people may be wondering why did I choose the university of California-Merced to deliver my first commencement speech as First lady .

  24. 埃及人权活动人士星期四走上街头,抗议警方未能预防一场足球赛上的暴力事件。发生在北部城市塞德港的这场骚乱造成至少74人死亡,数百人受伤。

    Egyptian activists are taking to the streets Thursday to protest the failure of police to prevent violence at a soccer match that left at least 74 people dead and hundreds injured in the northern city of Port Said .