
  • 网络landscape engineering
  1. 应用电子表格软件建立园林绿化工程预结算系统

    Applied Spreadsheet to Establishment of Landscape Engineering Budget Making System

  2. 浅议园林绿化工程中喷灌系统的设计和施工

    Design and Construction of Spray Irrigation System in Landscape Engineering

  3. 用ADO技术开发园林绿化工程预算软件

    ADO Technology Applied to Developement of Landscape Budget Software

  4. 连云港盐滩地绿化施工技术应用与分析3C技术在园林绿化工程中的应用

    The application and analysis of afforestation construction technology of Lianyungang salina

  5. 3C技术在园林绿化工程中的应用名优绿茶机械化加工技术集成与应用

    Application of " 3C " Technology to Landscaping Engineering Integration and Application on Mechanized Processing Technology of High-quality Green Tea

  6. 园林绿化工程质量验收标准的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Acceptance Standard for Landscaping Constructional Quality

  7. 论园林绿化工程质量监督工作存在的问题及对策

    On Problems and Solutions of Quality Supervision over the Landscaping Project

  8. 天津园林绿化工程施工质量控制

    Quality control of virescence project 's construction in TianJin gardens

  9. 园林绿化工程施工招标中评标办法的探讨

    On Bid Evaluation Method during Garden Landscaping Works ' Invitation for Bid

  10. 城市园林绿化工程招投标规范化的可拓评判

    Extensional evaluation of urban green engineering tenders and bids standardization

  11. 谈如何控制园林绿化工程施工项目成本

    How to Control the Cost of Landscaping Construction Projects

  12. 浅谈园林绿化工程监理

    Brief discussion on project supervision of botanical garden afforestation

  13. 以技术创造优势&浅谈园林绿化工程的技术投标书

    GAINING PREDOMINANCE BY TECHNOLOGY & Views on a technical tender for landscaping projects

  14. 林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects

  15. 园林绿化工程建设质量是项目建设的核心。

    The quality of garden landscaping is the core of the project construction .

  16. 《园林绿化工程预算与工程量清单计价》教学方法探析

    Analysis of How to Teach Landscaping Construction Budget and Bill of Engineering Quantity

  17. 园林绿化工程监理质量控制依据标准的探讨

    Discussions on the garden greening engineering standards in the application of supervision quality control

  18. 城市园林绿化工程建设中的误区与启示

    Mistakes and Inspirations in Urban Landscape Greening Construction

  19. 滨海凤凰广场园林绿化工程的实践与探索

    Planting of Trees for Landscape Greening on Alkali-saline Soil in the Beach Phoenix Piazza

  20. 模糊相似优先比在预测园林绿化工程项目投标报价上的应用

    Application of fuzzy similar priority comparison on predicting the bid of landscape engineering projects

  21. 但园林绿化工程在实际操作过程中也暴露出诸多的问题。

    But the botanical garden forestation project also exposes many questions in the actual operation process .

  22. 浅析园林绿化工程最低价中标无标底招标实施的风险及对策研究

    Research on the Risk of Implementation of the No n - price Bottom Bidding and the Countermeasures

  23. 结合河南驻马店市特点对园林绿化工程大树移植的技术进行了综述。

    Transplanting techniques of big trees in landscape greening engineering were reviewed in this paper according to local characteristics .

  24. 园林绿化工程是城市建设的重要组成部份,是宜居城市的基础条件。

    Landscaping projects is an important component part of urban construction , is the basic condition of livable cities .

  25. 园林绿化工程作为政府工作形象的重要窗口,施工质量关系到城市赏心悦目环境的营造。

    Landscape project work as an important window of government image , the construction quality related to urban pleasing environment .

  26. 可常年满足城市园林绿化工程,苗圃定植,公路行道树等用苗。

    Can be greening works year round to meet the urban landscape , nursery planting , roads with trees and other seedlings .

  27. 工业园区绿色招商指标评价体系研究林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Indicator System for Greening Investment-recruitment of Industrial Park ; Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects

  28. 本文就当地实际与绿化现状,分析了园林绿化工程监理存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。

    Based on the local situation and greening , the problems were analyzed and the corresponding solutions were proposed in this paper . 1 .

  29. 城市园林绿化工程中的大树移植技术城市园林树种规划探讨&以衡阳为例

    The Technology of Big Tree Transplant in the Landscaping Project ; Planning Study of Urban Greening Tree Species : A Case of Hengyang City

  30. 长株潭经济一体化进程中的生态工业园建设林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Initial Study of Eco-industrial Parks in the Economic Integration of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan ; Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects