
  • 网络garden soil
  1. 平均发叶数在园土中最多,为3.6枚;

    The highest average number of leaves is 3.6 when cultivated the garden soil .

  2. 结果表明:园土+木糠基质(2∶1)有利于番木瓜插条的生根成苗;

    The results showed that garden soil + bran medium was beneficial to rooting and seedling .

  3. 柑桔园土pH、有机质及多个大中微量元素有效养分之间存在显著或极显著正或负相关关系。

    Significant positive or negative correlation existed among soil pH , OM , and available nutrients .

  4. 结果表明:在草炭:蛭石:园土:马粪(5:1:1:1),附加200g蔬菜壮苗母剂的母质中成活率达到了84%以上。

    The results indicated that the survival ratio reached upwards of 84 % which substrate component were peat : vermiculite : garden loam : horse dung ( 5:1:1:1 ), adding 200g medicament .

  5. 苹果园土模糊数学评价方法的探讨

    Fuzzy mathematic evaluation of apple orchard soil

  6. 组培材料移栽到草炭土,蛭石和园土后,均可繁殖。

    When transferred to peat , gardening soil or vermiculite , the shoots can propagate themselves .

  7. 任木幼苗在石灰岩土和园土上生长比酸性红壤上好。

    The seedling growth was better in limestone soil and garden soil than those in acid soil .

  8. 滨梅容器苗栽培基质中,草炭较园土有利于株高的生长,树皮较珍珠岩和木屑更能促进生长。

    Cultivation medium for container seedling , peat soil is good for height , while for growth , bark is better than perlite and sawdust .

  9. 这是没有必要控制有害的微生物,通过加热或烘干,而是采取其他步骤,以确保一个健康的微生物种群,在园土。

    It is not necessary to control harmful microbes by heating or drying ; rather , take other steps to ensure a healthy microbial population in garden soil .

  10. 用泥炭+河沙+园土(3∶1∶1)基质栽培可以生产出品质优良的切花和观赏价值高的盆花;

    The medium made up of peat , sand and soil ( 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ) helped produce cut flowers and pot flowers of high quality .

  11. 试管苗移栽对基质要求不严,移栽到疏松透气的蛭石+珍珠岩+园土(1∶1∶1)混合基质中,成活率可达92%。

    There was no strict demand for matrix , when the plantlets were transplanted to vermiculite + pearlite + soil ( 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ), the survival rate could reach 92 % .

  12. 炼苗移栽:炼苗移栽的基质选取沙子:园土(1:2),成活率为70%。综上所述,紫薇快繁体系为品种繁育及种质资源保存有重要意义。

    Hardening and transplanting : Transplanting substrate selected the sand : garden soil ( 1:2 ) and the survival rate was 70 % . In summary , it is important that the propagation system for the preservation of germplasm .

  13. 以绿源有机肥与园土1:15的比例进行基质配比在设施草莓栽培中应用效果较好。研究了不同定植时期和不同保温时间对早熟草莓栽培的生长发育和产量的影响。

    1 part of ' Lv Yuan ' manure to 15 parts of orchard soil was appropriate . The work on the effect of different setting and heat preservation time on the growth and development and output of early-maturing strawberry was carried out in Laiyang , Shandong Province .

  14. 杉木种子园测土施肥模式

    The fertilization model based on the soil nutrient in Chinese Fir Seed Orchard

  15. 苹果园春季土施尿素的利用及其在土壤中的累积

    Studies on Utilization and Accumulation Dynamics of Spring Soil ~ ( 15 ) N-urea Application in Apple Orchard

  16. 三峡库区柑桔园紫色土光谱特征及其与氮素相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation of Spectral Characteristic and Nitrogen Content of the Soil in Citrus Orchard of Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  17. 他有时在园里铲土,有时阅读和写作。

    Sometimes he dug in his garden ; again , he read or wrote .