
  • 网络landscape;garden view
  1. 在大楼的另一边,园景房可眺望那个接近海湾的公园,背后就是南中国海。

    On the other side of the towers , the Garden View rooms overlook the upcoming Gardens by the Bay with the backdrop of the South China Sea .

  2. 高尔夫园林功能及园景布局的探讨

    Probe into the garden function and landscape layout of golf course

  3. 全方位豪华高尔夫园景客房,绿色满园、心旷神怡。

    The luxurious Golf Garden room provides a green view that makes you relaxed and happy .

  4. 超过30个路旁美化市容地带也进行了园景改善工程,以美化环境。

    Landscape improvements were also carried out at over 30 roadside amenity plots to beautify the environment .

  5. 园景人编者注:现代园林是在有限的空间内创作丰富耐看的景观,以满足观者审美心理的需要。

    Abundant views are created in limited space in order to meet visitor 's aesthetic psychology 's needs .

  6. 它具有灵活、巧于因借等特点,能起到组织空间、协调园景变化的作用。

    Flexible and utilizable as it is , waterscape has much effect on space organization and garden coordination .

  7. 种植一般是围绕季相进行设计,来达到园景的四时不同。

    Planting may be designed according to season so that different parts of a garden bloom at different times .

  8. 园景豪宅和世界上最为奢华的一些百货公司林立大道两旁。

    Park-view estates and some of the world 's most luxurious department stores can be found along the avenue .

  9. 服务范围包括园景设计和种植、植物培植、园艺研究,以至树木的料理和保护。

    The services include landscape design and planting , plant production , horticultural research , tree maintenance and conservation .

  10. 然后我们分成三人一组,分别租上几辆三人脚踏车,游玩并欣赏园景。

    Then we be divided into an of three people , renting respectively up several three people bicycle , play and enjoy the park view .

  11. 摘要道路在风景园林中起到组织交通、引导游览、分割空间、联系景点和构成园景的多功能作用。

    Garden path plays a multi-functions role in organizing traffic , guiding tour , dividing space , connecting scenic spot and constituting scenes in the landscapes .

  12. 我们的经营目标是向地产发展商,建筑师,园景设计师,政府部门,学校,幼儿园及高级会所等提供我们最优质的产品及服务。

    Our objective is to provide our best products and services to property developers , architects , landscape architects , Government departments , school and club houses .

  13. 这座宅院拥有私家网球场及游泳池,他们还可以在新建的玻璃园景房里享受星光晚餐。

    The house boasts its own tennis court and swimming pool , as well as a new glazed garden room which allows them to dine under the stars .

  14. 因历史的变迁,如今其它古典园林类型(皇家园林和私家园林)的功能与旧时相去甚远,旧日的园景氛围也几近丧失殆尽。

    Due to historical changes , other types of classical gardens ( Royal garden and private garden ) features are far from old , and their atmosphere are almost lost .

  15. 他们明年在这里要修建一座住宅楼,就修在办公楼旁边。园景豪宅和世界上最为奢华的一些百货公司林立大道两旁。

    They are going to build an apartment house here next year . It is going to be built right beside the office Building . Park-view estates and some of the world 's most luxurious department stores can be found along the avenue .

  16. 我国原产棕榈科植物约有18属100种,可用于园林绿化及观赏的有12属44种,可作行道树、园景树、庭园树、室内观赏树和海滨、沙滩绿化树。

    There are about 100 species of palmae in 18 genera native in China , in which 44 are suitable for landscape or ornament , and can be used as street trees , specimen trees , courtyard trees , indoor shade plants or seabeach trees .

  17. 走进园林,我们可以欣赏其中的建筑文化,山水文化,诗词艺术;还可以细细品味蕴含在园林中的古代文人的人文心态,天人合一的造园理念,以及园景与诗文相统一的深邃意境。

    Into the garden , which we can appreciate the architectural culture , landscape culture , poetry art ; taste can also contain details of the ancient gardens in the humanistic psychology literati of gardening ideas , as well as landscape and poems unity profound mood .

  18. 作者通过实地考察、拍摄、测量等方法对现有的岳麓书院环境景观设计进行综合剖析,寻找出书院景观设计的基本概貌:即整体表现在人工园景与自然景观的和谐上。

    The author gives an overall analysis on the current landscape design of Yuelu Academy through field studying , shooting , measuring and so on , in order to discover the base profiles of landscape design of the academy which is the harmony of artificial landscape with natural landscape .

  19. 当然,’有时我们的标点符号也许只是个审美的问题。插进一个逗号,犹如给一套服装悄然配上项链,使之显得娴静优雅,又如在日本园林的一片幽静之外还听到潺潺流水声,使园景更加充实。

    Sometimes , of course , our markings may be simply a matter of aesthetics.Popping in a comma can be like slipping on the necklace that gives an outfit quiet elegance , or like catching the sound of running water that complements as it completes the silence of a Japanese landscape .