
ān quán dǎo
  • safety island;pedestrian island
安全岛 [ān quán dǎo]
  • [refuge;safety island;pedestrian island] 供行人穿过马路时躲避车辆的地方

  1. 提出了用稳定度(Δf)概念描述安全岛的稳定程度,并用模式识别方式进行量化表达。

    Third , a stability criterion of " Safety Island " is expressed quantitatively by a concept called stable level ( f ) calculated on the pattern recognition theory .

  2. 浅谈大型地下商场安全岛的设置

    Preliminary Discussion on Setting the Safety Island at a Large Underground Shopping Center

  3. 我国每年弃婴10万名,“婴儿安全岛”内99%为残疾弃婴、弃童。

    About 100000 babies are abandoned every year , and 99 percent of them are disabled or have diseases .

  4. 你转的弯太小,所以压到了安全岛。

    You cut the corner too short and ran over the curb .

  5. 我们必须是自己的安全岛。

    We must be our own island of refuge .

  6. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加阻止机动车通行的安全岛护柱。

    Drag onto the page to add a bollard for blocking vehicle access .

  7. 对数据安全岛进行实验和结果分析。

    The experimental data and results are analyzed .

  8. 右击可以指定安全岛护柱的数目。

    Right-click to specify number of bollards .

  9. 大鼠搜索安全岛时间缩短;

    Latencies of searching safety island prolonged .

  10. 阻止机动车通行的一组安全岛护柱。可指定安全岛护柱的数目。

    Set of bollards for blocking vehicle access . Number of bollards can be specified .

  11. 从“停车场和道路”中,将停车带、隔栏和安全岛放置在绘图页上。

    From parking and roads , position parking strips , stalls , and islands on the drawing page .

  12. 当交通灯转变为红色时,约翰正横过街道的一半,他便在安全岛上停下来等绿亮时再走。

    John was half-way across the street when the light changed . He stayed on the safety island until it changed again .

  13. 两车相撞后,冲力令车辆失控,撞毁安全岛上的栏杆,并撞倒行人。

    The force of the impact caused the car to swerve , smash into railings on the traffic island and hit the pedestrians .

  14. 不要每次只横过一条行车。除非路中央有安全岛,否则不可在路中央停候。

    Do not cross one traffic lane at a time and do not wait in the middle of the road other than on an island .

  15. 该设施是一个小屋,名为婴儿安全岛,安置了保温箱、排气扇,还涂有色彩鲜艳的漆。

    The facility , called Babies ' Safe Island , is a small cabin equipped with an incubator and ventilation and painted with bright colors .

  16. 阐明了实行突发性灾害管理的“安全岛”战略,“差别化”战略与“成本优先”战略主张。

    End it suggests carrying out the safe island safe island , Differentiation strategy and the cost priority strategy into practice for the dashing catastrophe management .

  17. 该设施是一个小屋,名为“婴儿安全岛”,安置了保温箱、排气扇,还涂有色彩鲜艳的漆。

    The facility , called " Babies ' Safe Island , " is a small cabin equipped with an incubator and ventilation and painted with bright colors .

  18. 它包括安装在安全岛上的两对光栅,光栅通过信号线缆连接到称重控制机柜。

    The grating sensor comprises two pairs of gratings which are installed on a safety island , and the gratings are connected with a weighing control machine cabinet through signal cables .

  19. 以城市道路景观设计中的交通道路安全岛为例,运用本文提出的本土文化设计方法,对现代城市道路景观设计进行设想。

    The urban landscape design , road traffic safety islands , for example , the use of the proposed design method of indigenous culture , the modern urban landscape design ideas .

  20. 法兰克福报道-因周三未能将拍卖的国债全部售出,欧债危机中德国安全岛的地位被撼动。

    FRANKFURT & Germany 's stature as an island of stability in the European debt crisis was shaken Wednesday when it fell far short of selling all the government bonds it put up for auction .

  21. 通过分析大型地下商场火灾和烟气的特点,提出了设置安全岛的构思,并分析了安全岛的功能及其设置要求。

    After analyzing the main characteristics of fire and smoke movement in large underground shopping center , the idea of setting the safety island is suggested . The function of safety island and its setting requirements are analyzed .

  22. 通过实施人行横道的宽度设计、行人无障碍设计、安全岛的设置、立体行人过街的导引等措施,可提高行人过街的安全性。

    The safety of pedestrians cross - ing the street can be improved by such measures as designing the width of the crosswalk , obstacle free crosswalk , establishment of safety island , guidance by flyover , etc. .

  23. 这些地带的特色是,这里没有经过铺设的人行道,而是对地面进行了各种处理:用树木、植物和街道设施来规范汽车停放;通过安全岛护柱和街灯提供照明。

    These zones are characterised by having no separate raised pavements but instead a variety of surface treatments : trees , planting and street furniture to define and screen car parking ; bollards and street lighting to illuminate the space .

  24. 中国区域地壳稳定性评价图,是根据安全岛理论,采用网格划分,逐层应用模糊综合评判和图象识别,以及区域地壳稳定性评价专家系统的步骤和方法编制完成的。

    Following the idea of " Safety Island " the crustal stability zonation map of China ( 1:5000000 ) is first compiled on a grid basis in different steps using fuzzy synthetic judgement , image recognition and an expert appraisal system .

  25. 结果在定向航行实验中,给药组大鼠在原安全岛所在象限的搜索时间和距离均较Aβ组延长。

    Results During place navigation test , the mean escape latency and searching distance were decreased in drug treated groups compared with A β group . While in the spatial probe test , the mean searching distance and time were increased accordingly .

  26. 为反映安全岛的地质地震历史状态,提出据安全期概念建立安全岛的工程分类,即分为永久稳定的、相对稳定的和暂时稳定的三类。

    Fourth , the authors divide " Safety Island " into three types in the concept of safety period based on the state ot geological bodies and large earthquake recurrence intervals , which are permanently , relatively , and temporarily stable " Island " .

  27. 船安全绕过一个岛。

    The ship wreathed an island .

  28. 网络安全隔离设备采用软、硬结合的安全措施,在硬件上使用双机结构通过安全岛装置进行通信来实现物理上的隔离;在软件上,采用访问控制、文件安全防护技术。

    Network security isolation device using software and hardware combined with the security measures used on the hardware structure of two-machine communication devices through the refuge to achieve physical isolation ; in software , using access control , document security technology .