
  1. 讨论了构建电子学习系统的软硬平台、功能结构、网络安全管理与培训;

    It discusses the platform construction of software and hardware for E-learning system , the functional structure , the web security management and training work .

  2. 法国的安全生产管理与培训

    Work Safety Management and Training in France

  3. 职业健康与安全管理体系的培训、危险源辨识和绩效测量规范运行研究

    Study on Standardizing Running of Training , Hazard Identifying , Achievement Measure of Occupational and Health Safety Management System

  4. 最后,根据选择结果,分别从交叉培训的性质、意义、前提等角度分析了民航安全管理中交叉培训的实施前景及需要注意的问题。

    Finally , according to the selecting results , the prospects and problems of cross-training in civil aviation safety management are analyzed from the angle of nature , significance and implementing premise of this training .

  5. 基于胜任力的公共安全管理在职人员的培训系统创新

    Based on Competency Public Safety Management in-service training system innovation

  6. 民航安全管理中岗位交叉培训方案的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on the Training Plan of Cross-post in Aviation Safety Management

  7. 所开发的信息管理系统具有危险货物档案、安全管理制度、安全培训、运输线路规划、车辆基本信息、人员信息、数据备份、数据恢复等功能。

    The functions of system involved hazmat information , security management , security training , planning of transportation routes , basic information about vehicles , personnel information , data backup , data recovery etc.

  8. 网络安全体系应加强安全管理和培训

    Security Management and Training In The Network Security System

  9. 然而煤矿瓦斯安全事故却频频发生,除了要加强安全管理和技术培训之外,更重要的是对煤矿环境的静电、瓦斯浓度、温度等主要参量进行准确有效的模拟测试。

    However , mine accidents caused by gas occur frequently . In addition to strengthening safety management and technical training , but the more important is that simulating and testing the main parameters of the mines environment accurately , which include electrostatic , gas concentration , temperature and so on .