
  • 网络Security door;AT-IIIA;XST-A;M-SCOPE
  1. 甚至警察的x射线安检门都涂上了“印度远离腐败”。

    Even police X-ray gates have " corruption-free India " scrawled on them .

  2. 没有机票怎么能进安检门!

    You can 't get to the gate without a ticket !

  3. 航空公司则共用服务台、安检门和其他设施。

    And airlines have shared check-in , gate management and other facilities .

  4. 请您再穿过一次安检门。

    Could you pass through the gate again please ?

  5. 低头看着前面通往安检门的坡道,她的心沉了下去。

    As she looked ahead down the long ramp leading to the guard 's gate , her heart sank .

  6. 北京南站启用了一种新的智能安检门,能够对乘客进行脸部识别。

    At the Beijing South Railway Station , a new smart gate is using facial recognition to screen passengers .

  7. 旅行中,随身行李请勿离开自己的视线,包括行走、乘车、等车、过安检门时;

    Pay attention to your baggage anything in traveling , include walking , taking or waiting for bus , pass the safety inspect door .

  8. 他看着她。“拿到了吗?”他的声音很紧张,显露出他坐在这里等她通过安检门时所感到的压力。

    He looked at her . " Did you get them ? " His voice was tense.He showed pressure he must have been feeling while sitting there waiting for her to come through the gate .