
  • 网络barrier;Safety Barrier;MTL
  1. 二极管安全栅脉冲试验装置介绍

    Introduction on the Pulse Testing Device for Diode Safety Barrier

  2. 隔离式安全栅设计的一些体会

    Some Designed Experience of Isolated Safety Barrier

  3. 本文介绍了安全栅和PLC配套使用中产生的干扰和排除干扰的一点经验。

    This paper presents interference suppression of guard grating to PLC .

  4. 安全栅对PLC的干扰的排除

    SECURITY Interference Suppression of Guard Grating to PLC Safety Cartoon

  5. 本安控制系统中齐纳安全栅的合理选择

    Reasonable selection of Zener barrier for industrial safety control system

  6. 经测试和认证的本安设备及安全栅应有各自的认证编号。

    Tested and certified intrinsically safe apparatus and safety barriers incorporate individual certification numbers .

  7. 经认证的本安系统对于本安设备组合的具体的安全栅做了规定。

    Certified intrinsically safe systems specify specific safety barriers in combination with intrinsically safe apparatus .

  8. 不得使用其它安全栅。

    Other safety barriers cannot be used .

  9. 采用安全栅保护电路提高了系统的安全性。

    It enhances the safety property of the whole system by means of technique of safe-bar .

  10. 经认证的本安设备及安全栅的组合需符合要求。

    A combination of certified intrinsically safe apparatus and safety barriers needs to satisfy combination requirements .

  11. 2008年,大部分安全栅和隔离器供应商业绩出现了不同程度的下滑。

    In2008 , a majority of safety barrier and isolator suppliers see a declining performance to different extents .

  12. 对本安设备及安全栅进行单独评估,以保证其符合安全要求。

    Intrinsically safe apparatus and safety barriers are assessed individually to ensure that their safety requirements are satisfied .

  13. 如果安全栅与压力变送器一起使用,必须经验证其本身为一个安全栅。

    For using a safety-barrier with a pressure transmitter , the safety-barrier must be certified as a safety-barrier itself .

  14. 当前,在石油炼化、化工厂、矿山等工业现场,隔离式安全栅产品的使用越来越广泛。

    Currently , safety barrier products are used widely in the industrial fields such as the petroleum refining , chemical plants and mines .

  15. 本文介绍了隔离式安全栅的基本工作原理,电子线路及印刷电路板的抗干扰设计,以及电路保护措施的设计。

    The paper introduces the basic work theory of isolated safety , the antifoaming designs about electronic circuit and PCB and protect measure of circuit .

  16. 二极管安全栅测试技术对满足国标中对安全栅的相关要求,是一种必不可少的检测手段。

    It is an indispensable testing means of the testing technology for diode safety barrier , which can meet the related requirements of GB3836 series standards .

  17. 通过安全栅使缓冲气柜高、低限连锁,可保证气柜的安全运行;利用变频装置实现了缓冲气柜的高度控制和排送机的经济运行。

    It is possible to ensure that the up-down limit joint control of buffer gas tank is realized by using the safety paling , that height of the buffer gas tank controlled and economic operation of the compressed machines achieved by frequency conversion device .

  18. 该系统设计了隔离保护电路:光耦隔离板及安全栅,并选用高性能的隔离器件,保证系统在爆炸性环境中各电气设备相互隔离,实现系统安全可靠地运行。

    The system is designed to protect the circuit isolation : Optocoupler isolation plate and the safety barrier , and select high-performance separation devices to ensure that the system in an explosive environment of mutual isolation of various electrical equipment , to achieve safe and reliable operation of the system .

  19. 为了提高其安全可靠性、确保防爆安全,根据二极管安全栅型式试验对脉冲试验的要求,提出了一种新的二极管安全栅脉冲试验装置及其测试技术,并对其进行了论述。

    In order to improve the safe reliability , a sort of new pulse testing device for diode safety barrier is introduced in this article , and as well as the testing technology with this device .

  20. 对化工过程本质安全控制系统在危险场所的实施进行了研究,并对安全栅,本安设备,本安系统配线问题作了深入的探讨。

    Realization of intrinsically safe control system for chemical process in hazardous locations and intrinsic safety barrier were studied in this paper , intrinsically safe equipment and safe system wiring are discussed deeply .