
  • 网络System response time
  1. 元数据缓存可以大大减少元数据服务器和DBServer的交互,减少系统响应时间,提高系统性能,因此元数据缓存是整个系统的必要组成部分。

    Metadata cache can greatly reduce the metadata server and DB Server interaction , and reduce system response time and increase system performance , so the metadata cache is an integral part of the entire system .

  2. Matthews的团队仍然在收到关于系统响应时间的用户呼叫,但比以前少得多。

    Matthews ' team still gets user calls about the system response time , but much less often .

  3. 通过基于离散事件的模拟器,对该策略和其他策略进行了模拟比较,结果说明无论从CPU占用时间和系统响应时间该策略都获得了比较理想的效果。

    We also developed a discrete event cluster simulator to simulate the strategy , the result from witch shows that both CPU occupation time and application response time is improved obviously .

  4. μC/OS-Ⅱ内核是采用占先式调度方式的实时内核,保证最高优先级任务一旦进入就绪态,就能立刻得到CPU的使用权,减少系统响应时间,从而保证系统实时性。

    In order to reduce the response time ,μ C / OS - ⅱ kernel with preemptive scheduler guarantees that the task of highest priority can access the CPU first as soon as it is ready .

  5. 第一:分析原有静态SessionTimer机制的缺陷,建立分析模型,计算会话间隔的大小对系统响应时间的影响;

    Our research focused on three parts displayed as blow : The first : analyze the defect of Session Timer , construct an analysis model . Analyze the relationship between system performances and refresh interval .

  6. 实验结果表明,实现负载分类的精确划分和对内存资源的实时优化调节,对Oracle数据库的资源利用率和系统响应时间有明显改善。

    The experiment results show that the precise division of the type of load and the real-time optimization regulation to the memory resources has a significant improvement on the resource utilization and system response time to the Oracle database .

  7. 实验表明,文章所提出的方法可以将显示器的立体视角扩大至±30°,系统响应时间小于50ms。

    The experiment shows that the stereo visual angle is enlarged to ± 30 °, and responding time of the system is less than 50 ms.

  8. 因为MSP430内部中断资源丰富,键盘扫描、温度转换、定时等均采用中断触发,减少了系统响应时间,提高了软件执行效率。

    As for the software design , main sub - programs , such as keyboard scanning , temperature measur - ing and timing , are all triggered by system interrupts . Therefore , it reduces system response time and improved working efficiency .

  9. 初步的实现结果表明,分类的缓存延迟写技术比LRU的缓存策略有更短的系统响应时间,写文件的反馈时间减少了11.3%,并且使用RWB策略的缓存命中率比使用LRU策略高。

    Abecedarian implementation has shown that this technique has less 11.3 % response time compared with LRU policy when writing files , and has more cache hit rate compared with LRU .

  10. 仿真结果表明,对于两类任务模型,PAA算法与SAA算法相比,在任务完成时间、负载均衡度、系统响应时间及任务夭折率等多方面均有显著改善。

    The results of the simulation of the two task models have shown that compared with SAA scheme , the performance of PAA is significantly better in task finishing time , load balancing , system response time , ratio of discarded tasks , etc.

  11. 提出了延迟时间的化解规则及算法描述,通过反复应用规则进行化简,逐步减小E-CPN的规模,最终计算出分布式工作流系统响应时间。

    A delay-time algorithm based on simplified rules is given . By applying the rules continuously , the scale of the E-CPN can be reduced progressively so that the distributed workflow systematic response time can be calculated .

  12. 实验表明该系统响应时间在10-2s数量级,能在恶劣环境的下对800~1900℃瞬态高温进行测量。

    The experimental results show that the system with a time response on the order of 10 ~ - 2 s can be used to measure transient high temperature from 800 to 1900 ℃ under harsh environment .

  13. 滤片-XRD探测系统响应时间测量

    Response time measurement for a filter - X-ray diode detection system

  14. 生成一系列使用“用户/秒”衡量的系统响应时间评级。

    Generates a number of users-per-second system rating with a response time .

  15. 基于策略和主动网技术的系统响应时间研究

    Study on the system response time based on the strategy and active network technology

  16. 基于防危核(壳)的安全关键硬实时系统响应时间的分析

    Response Time Analysis for Safety-Critical Hard Real-Time Systems Based on Safety Kernel / Shell Scheme

  17. 并且保证两种控制切换的连续光滑性,能较好的优化系统响应时间。

    Moreover , the smooth of control is realized and the time of response is optimized .

  18. 该方法准确率低、系统响应时间长。

    The veracity of this method is not good and the systemic response time is slow .

  19. 系统响应时间10-6s。

    System reponse time 10-6s .

  20. 设计了数据库结构,采用数据库缓冲池技术减少系统响应时间。

    Designing the database and using database table buffer technology is to reduce the response time of system .

  21. 实验结果表明,空气系统响应时间显著缩短,并具有良好的稳态控制效果。

    Further test results verifies that the system response time is improved significantly by the algorithm with good steady-state performance .

  22. 实践证明,该系统响应时间快,抗干扰能力强,运行稳定,安全可靠。

    In practice the system has a speedy response , strong capacity of anti-interference , stable operation and reliable safety .

  23. 工作相关度与用户的有用感知呈正相关关系,系统响应时间与用户的可靠感知呈负相关关系。

    Job Relevance has a positive effect on Perceived Usefulness and Response Time has a negative effect on Perceived Reliability .

  24. 实验证明,这种策略提高了网络传输速率,缩短了系统响应时间,增加了系统的并行性。

    The experiment shows that the system using the improved buffer strategy has shorter response time and higher I / O speed .

  25. 它通过简单的生成测试模拟大量的,并发的、多用户负载的情况,然后比较并图形化的显示系统响应时间。

    It simulates large , concurrent , multi-user loads based on easily generated tests , and then collates and graphically displays system response times .

  26. 但是,可以在上班期间后台运行填充过程,而不会对用户的系统响应时间产生显著影响。

    However , you can run the population process in the background during business hours without significant impact on system response time for users .

  27. 为降低计算复杂度和系统响应时间,提出了图像采集卡硬件参数自动优化的工程实现算法。

    In order to simplify computation and reduce system response time , an algorithm has been proposed for automatic optimization of image board parameters .

  28. 其基本思想是给除通信源节点外的其它参与节点分配适量的通信工作,减少发送源结点的工作量,以达到缩短系统响应时间的目的。

    The basic thought is to assign proper work to the other nodes besides the communication source node , and so shorten the system responding time .

  29. 对油墨重力对系统响应时间和稳定时间的影响,提出了一些初步的构想并进行了探讨。

    This paper put forward some principal ideas on the effect number of ink gravity in the response time and the stabilization time and discussed on them .

  30. 控制结果表明,该控制方法可以大幅度提高控制精度和缩短系统响应时间,从而避免了染菌事故的发生,带来了较好的经济效益。

    The results show that the control method can improve control accuracy and shorten the system response time , moreover avoid occurrence of bacteria contaminating and increase economic benefit .