
  • 网络IRQ;Interrupt;Outage
  1. 基于ARM的操作系统中断堆栈分析及实现

    The Operation System Interrupt Stacks Analyze and Implement Based on ARM

  2. 一种应用于嵌入式系统中断控制IP核的研究

    Research on a kind of interrupt controller IP core applying in embedded system

  3. 基于WINDOWSCE的数控系统中断控制

    Real-time Control of CNC System Based on Windows CE Interrupt Architecture

  4. 嵌入式CT前端数据采集系统中断模式驱动采集程序的研究

    A research on realizing CT 's forepart data-collecting system using interrupt technique based on an embedded system

  5. 因此,当加载一个进程时,它会得到一个取决于某个称为系统中断点(systembreak)的特定地址的初始内存分配。

    Therefore , when a process loads , it gets an initial allocation of memory up to a certain address , called the system break .

  6. MCS-51系统中断响应延迟对中断控制的影响与制约

    The Effect and Limit of MCS-51 System Interrupt Response Delay for Interrupt Control

  7. 非理想串行干扰消除的DS-CDMA系统中断概率的最小化

    Minimization of outage probability in DS-CDMA system under imperfect successive interference cancellation

  8. 基于预测的OFDMA系统中断容量的优化

    Outage Capacity Optimization for OFDMA systems Based on Prediction

  9. 在出现瓶颈之前了解这个信息,并使用更多的DataPower设备来缓解它,从而使您避免系统中断。

    Knowing this information before bottlenecks occur and alleviating it with additional DataPower devices can help you avoid system interruptions .

  10. 基于FIFO芯片来实现PCI插卡,从硬件上解决了数据高速交换中频繁调用系统中断的问题,对PCI接口的应用与推广大有益处。

    The design of PCI bus on FIFO chip from hardware solve the problem of frequent calling system interrupt in data high-speed interchange , which will be of great benefit for the application and development of PCI interface .

  11. 接着分别从系统中断概率和功率消耗两个方面对该切换机制进行性能分析与仿真,并和传统的基于网络编码的多中继协作切换机制和Takeover切换机制进行比较。

    Then analyzes performance and simulate the handover mechanism respectively from two aspects of system outage probability and power consumption , and compares with the traditional multi-relay cooperative handover mechanism based on network coding and Takeover handover mechanism .

  12. 特别是在设计系统中断服务程序时,创造性的提出了在定点DSP环境下依托硬件平台实现高效数值运算的若干方法,对于满足系统实时性处理要求等方面具有一定的应用价值。

    Especially , in the course of designing system ISR , some measures were put forward creatively to realize efficient numeric algorithm by means of hardware platform of system in fixed-point DSP . There were some value of application for catching up with requirement of system real time processing .

  13. 第三章还给出了一个通用的分析配有CSI-assisted中继的多跳系统中断概率下界的方法。

    The third chapter provides a unified mouthed for outage probability of multihop wireless system with CSI-assisted relays .

  14. 另一方面,在持久数据实现中,对系统中断或故障以“回滚(rollback)”回应,数据状态被回滚到上一个已知的良好配置。

    In a persistent data implementation , on the other hand , a system interruption or failure is countered by a " rollback ," where the state of the data is rolled back to the last known good configuration .

  15. sbrk根据参数中给出的字节数移动当前系统中断点,然后返回新的系统中断点。

    Sbrk moves the current system break by the number of bytes in its argument , and then returns the new system break .

  16. 为测试创建的所有Pthread使用FIFO策略以rtmax优先级运行,所以它们不会被除了关键系统中断之外的所有东西干扰。

    All Pthreads created for the test are run FIFO policy at rtmax priority so that they won 't be interfered with at all other than by critical system interrupts .

  17. MPC8250采取了基于硬件的中断现场保护机制,系统中断响应时间与所采用操作系统相关性较小。

    The hardware context switch mechanism was adopted by MPC8250.It makes interrupt responding time of MPC8250 has less relativity with operation system .

  18. 小型嵌入式操作系统中断管理的实现

    Implementation of Interrupt Manager in Small - Scaled Embedded Operating System

  19. 对嵌入系统中断控制器的设计具有较好的指导作用。

    It is helpful to the designer of the embedded system .

  20. Link-OPAL系统中断口解理面取向的电子背散射衍射测定方法

    The Method for Determining Cleavage Facet Orientation by EBSD in Link OPAL System

  21. 高速数据采集系统中断方式接口程序设计

    The Programming of the Intermit Interface in the High Speed Data Collection System

  22. 嵌入式系统中断处理的分析和改进

    Analysis and improvement of interrupt processing in embedded system

  23. 同步光缆线路系统中断距离受限因素确定方法

    Decide on method to relay distance limited factor of synchronous optical cable system

  24. 第四部分是判决系统中断的几种方法及系统中断率的计算法。

    The fourth part shows approaches to estimate the system outage and its rate .

  25. 对工业炉集散控制系统中断问题的几点看法

    Aspects on the Problem of Interruption of Distributed Control System Used in Industrial Furnaces

  26. 该文阐述了嵌入系统中断控制器高层次设计的设计思路和设计方法。

    This paper proposes the method in high-level design of an embedded system interruption controller .

  27. 嵌入系统中断控制器的设计

    Design of Interruption Controller in Embedded System

  28. 电源故障而导致的通信系统中断占了较大的比例。

    A quite large proportion of communication system broken is caused by power supply fault .

  29. 分布式系统中断点释放算法

    Checkpoint release algorithm in Distributed Systems

  30. 微波视距信道的多径衰落模型和系统中断的研究

    A Review of Multipath Fading Models to Microwave Line-of-Sight Channels and the Outage of Microwave Link