
  • 网络intersystem crossing;I X;ISC intersystem crossing
  1. 气相分子电子激发态的非绝热过程是指那些在反应动力学中电子激发态无辐射退活的过程,主要包括内转换、系间窜跃、振动弛豫、解离与异构化等。

    The nonadiabatic deactivation processes of electronically excited molecules in the gas phase are all closely related to radiationless deactivation processes of electronically excited molecules during the chemical reactions , including internal conversion , intersystem crossing , intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution , dissociation , isomerization , and so on .

  2. 同时提高了从单线态到三线态系间窜跃(ISC)的效率,从而发出高效磷光。

    The intersystem crossing ( ISC ) efficiency from the singlet to triplet is increased , which issued a highly efficient phosphor .