
  • 网络system automation
  1. 电力系统自动化GPS精确对时的解决方案

    Solution scheme of GPS accurate time setting for power system automation

  2. 配电系统自动化探讨本文的主要内容如下:首先,介绍了配电系统自动化(DSA)及其发展以及配电网状态估计的作用。

    Firstly , the development of distribution system automation and the function of distribution system state estimation are discussed .

  3. 配电系统自动化及其发展(五)&配电图资系统AM/FM/GIS

    Distribution automation and its development ( v )── automated mapping / facilities management / geographic information system for distribution management system

  4. Cfengine是一种GNU开源配置管理框架,用于计算机系统自动化。

    Cfengine is a GNU open source configuration management framework for computer system automation .

  5. 整条生产线采用了先进的灌装技术来提高机器的自动化控制水平和生产效率,同时利用PLC控制与总线技术结合的控制思路提高系统自动化程度。

    The entire production line employs advanced technology to improve the filling machine automatic control level and production efficiency , use of PLC control and bus control technologies to improve system automation ideas .

  6. 第三章研究了电火花线切割DNC加工系统自动化编程系统模块的关键技术。

    In chapter 3 , some key technique used in realizing the module of wire automation programming system is discussed .

  7. 国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)及其在电力系统自动化方面的活动

    IFAC and Its Activities in Power System Automation

  8. 对电力系统自动化而言,组件化不仅需要提供组件交互的互操作机制,而且需要定义组件间的公共信息模型CIM和组件接口规范CIS。

    For the development of Component-integration , not only has the interoperation mechanism between components to be supplied , but also the CIM and CIS between them should be defined .

  9. 1200mm冷轧机列电气传动控制系统自动化技术改造

    Automization Improvement on Electrified Transmission Control System of 1 200 mm Cold Rolling Mill

  10. 探讨了软件自动化测试原理、自动化测试支撑工具以及自动化测试案例的设计方法,并据此完成了SSE系统自动化测试案例的设计;

    Discusses software 's automation test theory , automation test 's supporting tools , and automation TestCase 's design method , based on which complete the design of SSE system 's automation TestCase ;

  11. 对转炉上料系统自动化改造设计的控制系统的组成,OPC标准接口的设计,系统自动控制和过程监视,参数计录等进行综述。

    This article surveys the composition of control system that is designed to the automatic transformation of material loading system of the converter , the design of OPC standard interface , the system automatically control and course monitoring , the parameter counts and records etc.

  12. 德国Mahlo公司实现控制系统自动化

    Mahlo Control Systems Automation

  13. 首先简单介绍了电力系统自动化中数据采集和监控的意义以及RTU的发展状况,探讨了它的应用前景和研究意义;

    At first it simply introduces the significance of supervisory control and data acquisition in the current net system automation and the development condition of RTU . The practical prospect and research purport are also probed into in this paper .

  14. 柳州电网配电系统自动化的发展方向

    The Development Direction Of Distribution System Automation In Liuzhou Power Network

  15. 《电力系统自动化》第一届编辑委员第一次会议

    A meeting of Editorial Committee on automation of electric power systems

  16. 配电系统自动化效益评估的相关问题

    Problems Concerning the Evaluation on Benefit of Power Distribution System Automation

  17. 真空感应CVI/CVD系统自动化控制技术

    The Control Technology for Vacuum Induction CVI / CVD System

  18. 逻辑综合是数字系统自动化设计的重要理论之一。

    Logic synthesis is an important theory of design automation .

  19. 对焊钻杆热处理系统自动化改造

    Automation improvement to heat treatment system for welded drill pipe

  20. 大型矿厂高炉供风系统自动化控制的实现

    Design of Automation Control for Wind Supply System of Iron Ore Mine

  21. 发电厂网控系统自动化方案的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Power Plant Network-control System Automation Scheme

  22. 提升系统自动化改进与完善

    Improvement and Perfection of the Hoisting System Automatization

  23. 分层递阶控制理论与电力系统自动化

    Hierarchical control theory and power system automation

  24. 电磁兼容与电力系统自动化

    Electromagnetic compatibility in electric power system automation

  25. 因此,目前电力系统自动化领域中,大多数厂家提供的图形都是自定义的,格式不尽相同。

    So in the Power Automation System field , the formats of graphics are manufacturer-specific .

  26. 对货油装卸系统自动化、智能化研究有深刻意义。

    This paper is of some value to the automatization and intelligentize study of cargo handling system .

  27. 谐振腔的自动准直调整技术是实现高能激光器系统自动化的关键技术之一。

    Technique for automatic alignment of the resonators plays an important role in high energy lasers system automatization .

  28. 另外,全数字锁相环在数字通信、电力系统自动化及无线电电子学等各个领域中的应用越来越广泛。

    All-Digital Phase-locked Loop ( ADPLL ) is generally used in digital telecommunication , power system automatization and radioeletronics .

  29. 配电自动化是现在电力系统自动化工程中重要的一个方面,正在受到人们的普遍关注和重视。

    Electric distribution automatic system is given more attention as the major aspect of the electric power system automatic project .

  30. 电力系统自动化、网络化、信息化的趋势对网络资源管理提出了安全性、高效率的要求。

    The current development trends of the Power Energy System poses high requirements on resource management in the security and efficiency aspects .