
  • 网络HOLDER;Retainer;Hold;Cage;Keeper
  1. 改良Hawley氏保持器的临床疗效观察

    Clinical observation on reformative Hawley retainer

  2. 结果透明保持器戴入后髁突向前下方移位,对logE(P/A)值进行统计分析发现,二者存在显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results After the clear thermoplastic retainer was worn , condyle moved forward . LogE ( P / A ) valuses were analyzed , and the differences between them were found significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 圆锥滚子轴承保持器模具CAD系统CADBMS的研究与开发

    Development of CAD System for the Mould of Retainers in the Roller Bearings

  4. 实体保持器半自动兜孔钻床的PLC改造

    The PLC transformation of entity retainer semiautomatic drilling machine

  5. 基于FPGA的高速数字峰值保持器设计

    Design of High-Speed Digital Peak Holding Circuit Based on FPGA

  6. 结合模糊控制的PWM技术在负荷保持器中的应用

    Application of PWM with Fuzzy Control Used in Retainable Load Equipment

  7. 介绍了结合PWM的模糊控制方法在电网负荷保持器中的应用。

    Fuzzy control with PWM used in the retainable load equipment is presented in this paper .

  8. 改性BMI微孔轴承保持器材料研究

    Study on modified BMI micro-porous material for bearings retainer

  9. 基于VB6.0的轴承保持器冲压CAPP系统

    The CAPP System for Bearing Cages Based on VB6.0

  10. 本文首先分析了取样-保持器和闪烁式ADC用于动态模拟信号数字化时最高频率受限的主要原因。

    In this paper , firstly , we analyze convertions errors for time sampling realized using sampling & hold or flash ADC converter .

  11. 当采样开关后无零阶保持器且采样时间τ保持不变时,esr随T增大而增大。

    However , if there isn 't a zero-order holder behind sampling switch and sampling time keeps constant , then e_ ( st ), increases acceding to the increase of sampling period T.

  12. 在停止戴用保持器后至少1年(大部分5年),制取随访模(T3)。

    The post retention model ( T 3 ) was taken after retention for a period of 12 months to 5 years .

  13. 分析了模拟峰值保持器的特点,介绍了一种基于现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA与高速A/D转换器的数字式峰值保持电路,并给出了该电路的峰值采集仿真结果。

    This paper analyzes the characteristic of the analog peak holding-circuit , introduces a digital peak holding circuit based on FPGA and high-speed A / D converter , and provides its simulation wave in EDA software .

  14. 该谱仪的模数转换器采用带采样保持器的14位高速ADC芯片和带USB接口的16位单片机,简化了电路,提高了性能;

    By taking fast 14-bit ADC with track / hold circuit and 16-bit microcontroller with USB interface , the circuit of the spectrometer analog-digital converter is simplified , and the performance is improved .

  15. 由于单级式光伏并网系统电压外环输出参考电流幅值含有大量二次谐波成分,为了防止参考电流混入谐波,本文考虑在PLL环节前面增加一个零阶保持器。

    Because Single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic system reference current amplitude contains second harmonic components , in order to prevent the reference current to have harmonic , we consider increase a zero-order hold in front of the PLL block .

  16. 极为敏感的探头是一个超导量子介入装置(SQUID),它在低温保持器中使用液氦冷却(-269℃),能够以二维分辨率探测和量化非常微弱的磁信号。

    Extremely sensitive sensors , Superconductive Quantum Interference Device ( SQUID ), cooled in a cryostat with liquid helium ( - 269 ℃), can detect and quantify the very weak magnetic signals with 2 dimensional resolution .

  17. 论文采用分数阶保持器(FROH)代替传统的零阶保持器(ZOH),对减摇鳍系统进行数字控制设计。

    This paper uses fractional order hold ( FROH ) to replace the traditional zero-order hold ( ZOH ), designs a numerical control system for the fin .

  18. 本文介绍了两种新型跨导型脉冲峰值保持器,分别用于多丝正比室(MWPC)和复合晶体闪烁探测器(Phoswich)输出脉冲信号的形状和幅度分析。

    In this paper we introduce two kinds of novel transconductance amplifier peak hold circuit . They are applied in pulse shape and height analysis of the output signals of multi wire proportional chamber ( MWPC ) and phoswich respectively .

  19. 结果15例牙列拥挤患者在拔牙后,关闭拔牙间隙一般2~6个月完成,平均每个月牙齿移动1.6mm;矫治12~20个月,再佩戴保持器1年,均获较好效果。

    Results It took 2 ~ 6 months to close the teeth space , the teeth moved 1.6 mm every month , 12 ~ 20 months later , wore keeper for 1 years , then got better effect .

  20. 改良式压模保持器保持治疗在下颌后缩患者的疗效观察

    Clinical effects of modified vacuum-formed retainer on children with mandibular retrusion

  21. 液态模锻轴承保持器及模具设计

    Liquid Forging for Bearing Bridges and Design of the Die Set

  22. 应用采样保持器和低通滤波器控制混沌

    Control Chaos Using a Sampling Holder and a Low Pass Filter

  23. PS&A峰值保持器在微量汞测定中的应用

    Application of PS-A Peak Value Instrument in Determinating Micro Mercury

  24. 数字控制中的保持器与系统稳定性的关系

    The Relation Between Stability and the Hold in the Digital Control Systems

  25. 后车门框板由模制紧压保持器连接。

    The rear door scuff plate is attached with molded-in snap retainers .

  26. 应用新型及特殊口腔正畸保持器的临床观察

    Application of new and special retainers in orthodontic outcomes maintaining

  27. 研究了轴承保持器的间接挤压铸造工艺;分析了模具的结构特点;

    Indirect squeeze casting technology for bearing holder is studied .

  28. 高速圆柱滚子轴承保持器动力分析

    A Dynamic Analysis on the Retainer of High-Speed Roller Bearings

  29. 他让我提醒你记得戴保持器

    He wanted me to remind you to wear your bite guard .

  30. 牙齿保持器没了我还怎么活啊

    What am I gonna do without my bite guard ?