
bǎo biāo
  • bodyguard;heavy;muscleman
保镖 [bǎo biāo]
  • [bodyguard] 古代镖局接受客商委托,派遣有武艺的镖师,保护行旅安全,称为保镖。今称受雇为别人保护财物或人身安全的武艺人。现多用于比喻

保镖[bǎo biāo]
  1. 他至少总有两名保镖护卫。

    He always has at least two bodyguards in attendance .

  2. 总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。

    The president arrived , escorted by twelve bodyguards .

  3. 这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。

    The bodyguards , as usual , were brave but oafish .

  4. 总统来了,随行的是他的私人保镖。

    The President arrived , followed by his personal bodyguard .

  5. 《保镖》是一部毫无新意的惊险电影。

    ' The Bodyguard ' is a fairly bog-standard thriller .

  6. 他这家中介公司有保安和保镖可供雇用。

    His agency hires out security guards and bodyguards .

  7. 在这次袭击事件中,他有3名保镖受了伤。

    Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack

  8. 我知道有强壮的保镖在我的周围,我永远不会有什么危险。

    I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me .

  9. 当情绪几近失控的人群拼命想接近他时,警察和保镖不得不保护他。

    Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him

  10. 保镖护送老板回家。

    The bodyguard escorted the boss home .

  11. 他招手把另一姓罗的保镖叫过来。

    He beckoned a second bodyguard , lou .

  12. 她不管到哪儿都得有带武器的保镖跟从。

    She has to have an armed bodyguard wherever she goes .

  13. 在这次袭击事件中,他有3名保镖受了伤

    Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack .

  14. 被保镖簇拥着的明星

    a star surrounded by her minders

  15. 和往常一样,在两名保镖的陪同下,布鲁克斯去吉姆的办公室

    Brooks came to Jim 's office accompanied — like always — by his two bodyguards .

  16. 利用超级保镖与Ghost工具软件,进行硬磁盘或逻辑分区数据的恢复以及数据的快速备份。

    Using super protector and Ghost tools software , Computer processes restoration of data of hard disk or logical partition and backup quickly .

  17. 其中一个酒吧名叫Xanthus,它很“另类”,保镖是一个名叫“爆炸头”(BigHair)的女孩(顺便说一句,我和“爆炸头”直到现在仍是好友)。

    One was named Xanthus , an " alternative " bar where the bouncer was a girl named Big Hair . ( By the way , Hair and I are still friends to this day ) .

  18. 话说在厨房,他正和妻子Judy站在一起,还有他的保镖Sean

    So in his kitchen -- he was standing there with his wife , Judy , and his bodyguard Sean

  19. 他们身后几乎总有一辆黑色的SUV跟随着,车内坐满了携带武器的保镖。

    The women have expensive bags and sunglasses . They are nearly always followed by a black SUV packed with armed bodyguards .

  20. 她还学习了歌剧演唱、接受了保镖训练、乘坐了挎斗摩托车、学习了尊巴健身舞,在加利福尼亚还爬了座山这些都是和她Facebook上的好友一起完成的。

    She also learned opera singing , trained to be a bodyguard , rode in a motorcycle sidecar , took Zumba lessons and climbed a mountain in California all with her Facebook friends .

  21. 周末的时候,这张标题为“老爸保镖”的照片首次被分享在Reddit上。

    The image was first shared on Reddit under the headline ' Dad security ' at the weekend .

  22. 通过研究扣扣保镖对腾讯QQ软件的侵害,分析奇虎360在互联网市场巾不正当竞争的行为特征。

    Through the study of " buttoned bodyguard " of Tencent QQ software infringement , behavior characteristics analysis of unfair competition in the Internet market in the enterprise .

  23. 他自称受到柬埔寨人民爱戴,但负责保护他的却是他的朋友、金日成(kimil-sung)在生前为他提供的朝鲜保镖。

    He claimed to be loved by Cambodians , but was protected by North Korean bodyguards provided by his friend , the late Kim Il-sung .

  24. 1999年,英国皇家空军一名军官的孙子曾就这起UFO事件致信英国国防部,这位军官曾是丘吉尔的私人保镖。

    The grandson of an RAF officer who was one of Churchill 's personal bodyguards wrote to Britain 's Ministry of Defence in1999 about the alleged incident .

  25. 废话连篇的Jay-Z和坎耶・韦斯特都是超级有钱的商人,被保镖、媒体顾问和形象制作人团团包围。

    The trash-talking Jay-Z and Kanye West are superwealthy businessmen surrounded by bodyguards , media consultants and image-makers .

  26. 解决掉Merlyn的贴身保镖,迫使他和人流一起出去

    to disable Merlyn 's private security and force him outside with the others .

  27. 因此,他们需要除掉这位江户官员Kira的保镖,为此,他们需要让Kira相信他们没有威胁。

    Therefore , they needed the Edo official to get rid of his bodyguards and , for that , they needed to convince him that there was no threat .

  28. Camille是王妃最小的孩子,于1998年7月15日出生,母亲是摩纳哥斯蒂芬妮公主,父亲是皇家保镖JeanRaymondGottlieb,她父亲的身份多年来一直保密。

    As the youngest child of the Princess , Camille was born on July 15 , 1998 , to the family of Stephanie of Monaco and Jean Raymond Gottlieb , a royal bodyguard , whose fatherhood was kept secret for many years .

  29. 去年8月,另外一个高加索北部共和国印古什的MagomedYevloyev被关押,并被一名内务部的保镖“走火”射中,他是一名记者,同时还拥有一家反对党网站。

    Last August Magomed Yevloyev , a journalist and owner of an opposition internet site in another north Caucasus republic , Ingushetia , was detained and " accidentally " shot by an interior ministry guard .

  30. 董事长和高级官员在任何活动中都要带随身保镖。

    Chairman and senior officers would have bodyguards during any activity .