
  1. 保险合同成立、生效辨析

    Analysis on Establishment and Effectiveness of the Insurance Contract

  2. 论保险合同成立的时间&兼论保险费交付的效力

    On The Time of Drawing up of Insurance Contract

  3. 简论保险合同成立后的诚信义务

    A Brief Research on the Good Faith Obligation after the Establishment of the Insurance Contract

  4. 作者希望通过立法,统一暂保制度体系来完善保险合同成立程序。

    The author hopes that through legislation , unified temporary insurance system to improve insurance contract process .

  5. 保险合同成立后,双方当事人就受保险合同的约束。

    After the establishment of insurance contract , both parties will be governed by the contract of insurance .

  6. 保险合同成立与生效的关系一般有三种:第一,成立时即生效。

    Their relationship normally has three kinds : First , the contract takes effect as soon as it is formed .

  7. 但实践中常出现保险合同成立前,投保人交付首期保险费后发生保险事故保障的真空。

    While in practice , after a policy-holder deliver priority advance insurance premium , before an insurance contract comes into being , safeguard vacuum arises .

  8. 投保人在保险合同成立后,可以向保险公司一次支付全部保险费,也可以按照合同约定分期支付保险费。

    Policy-holder holds water in insurance contract hind , can pay all insurance premium to insurance company , also can pay insurance premium in installment according to contract agreement .

  9. 保险合同成立时,保险公司向投保人收取保险费,而在约定事件发生后才履行给付或赔付义务。

    When the insurance contract is confirmed , the policy-holder pays insurance premium to the insurance company . But insurance company fulfills its payment or compensation obligation after the agreed events happened .

  10. 本章中,笔者联系实践中干扰保险合同成立的几个问题,讨论了保险费的交付、保险单的签发及其保险代理人的行为与保险合同成立及其效力的关系。

    In this chapter , the author discusses several issues in practice interfering the formation and entry into force , including paying insurance premium , issuing insurance policy and the behavior of insurance agent .

  11. 第二章影响保险合同成立及生效的有关问题。根据合同法的一般原理,保险合同成立于双方达成合意之时,保险合同应为非要式和不要物合同。

    According to the general principles of contract law , the insurance contract is formed when the two sides have reached an agreement , so the insurance contract should be informal and without performance .

  12. 所谓不可抗辩条款,是指保险合同成立一段时间后,保险人不得以投保人违反重要事实告知义务为由拒绝给付保险金或取消保险合同。

    Alleged cannot contradictory clause , be after showing insurance contract establishs period of time , the underwriter must not disobey important fact to inform with policy-holder reject to pay insurance gold or cancel insurance contract for obligation .

  13. 保险合同成立后,如果发现投保方对本条上款所述的主要危险情况不申报或者有隐瞒或者作错误的申报,保险方有权解除保险合同或者不负赔偿责任。

    Should , after the conclusion of the contract of insurance , there be any non-disclosure , concealment or misrepresentation by the insured of the material circumstances mentioned in the preceeding paragraph the insurer shall be entitled to rescind the contract of insurance or disclaim liability .

  14. 最大诚信原则与保险合同的成立与履行

    Application of the Utmost Good Faith to the Forming and Performance of the Insurance Law

  15. 认定保险合同是否成立,适用合同订立时的法律。

    To determine whether an insurance contract is established , the law at the time when the contract is concluded shall apply .

  16. 人身保险合同的成立是指人身保险合同的当事人对保险合同的主要条款达成意思表示一致。

    The formation of personal insurance contract refers to both the clients reaching an agreement on the main provisions of insurance contract .

  17. 全文分四个部分,各章主要内容如下:第一章保险合同的成立与生效。

    This thesis is divided into four chapters as follows : The first chapter is the formation and taking effect of insurance contract .

  18. 财产保险合同的成立要件、生效原因、终止时间与其他合同比较有明显的特殊性。

    Compared to other kind of contracts , the components , the reasons it goes into effect , as well as its duration all has an obvious character .

  19. 第四部分针对我国人身保险合同的成立与生效的立法现状及存在的问题,提出了立法完善的对策。

    The part four puts forward proposals to the perfection of legislation , aimed at the current legislative situation and existing problems of the formation and validation of the personal insurance contract .

  20. 论第三人代付保险费论人身保险合同成立前交付的首期保险费

    On First Delivery of Insurance Premium Before Occurring a Life Insurance Contact

  21. 在保险法领域,保险合同的成立与生效也是两个不同的范畴,归属于不同的制度。

    In the field of insurance law , the formation and the taking effect of insurance contract are also two different areas , belonging to different systems .

  22. 保险合同标的是保险合同得以成立的基础。

    Insurance contract is the subject of the basis for insurance contracts to be established .

  23. 指出保险人说明义务不是基于保险合同成立后产生的约定义务,而是法律直接规定的法定义务。

    It points out that insurer explanation obligation is not contractual obligation after the insurance contract is signed but legal obligations regulated directly by law .

  24. 在本章中,笔者先从一般合同成立后的效力形态入手,结合保险合同的特殊性,探讨保险合同成立后的效力问题。

    In this chapter , the author start with the effectiveness form of general contract after establishment , then combine the special nature of an insurance contract , to analyze the effectiveness of insurance contracts after establishment .

  25. 就保险合同而言,当事人之间的合同效力主要有以下几种类型:保险合同成立后立即生效;

    In the case of insurance contracts , for parties involved , effectiveness of them falls into the following types : the insurance contact becomes effective immediately after it comes into existence ;

  26. 投保人或被保险人对其投保标的必须具有可保利益方可投保,否则保险合同也就不能成立。

    Policy-holder or insurant cast those who defend bid to must be had to its insurable the interest just can be cast protect , be sure otherwise the contract also cannot hold water .