
  • 网络Stick in the mud;conservative;old-fashioned
  1. 中国少数民族传统医药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目吃惊。

    The miraculous effect of the traditional medicine of the Chinese minorities has raised some conservative eyebrows .

  2. 一类极端保守的人;一类反对进步和自由的人。

    An extreme conservative ; an opponent of progress or liberalism .

  3. 你刚好是保守的人怎么办?

    So what if you 're hardly a Renaissance man or woman ?

  4. 他是一个保守的人,并全面管理着自己的私人生活。

    He is a conservative person who thoroughly administers his private life .

  5. 一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。

    Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub .

  6. 草药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌。

    The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows .

  7. 739.保守的人在天文台做了预约。

    739 . The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory .

  8. 头脑保守的人反对任何改革。

    The conservative-minded are averse to making any changes .

  9. 保守的人总是遵循传统。

    Conservative people are rather wedded to traditions .

  10. 我跟他说他是一个思想保守的人时,你看到他那张脸了吗?

    Did you see his face when I told him he 's a stick-in-the-mud ?

  11. 我是一个传统和保守的人。

    I am a traditional and conservative person .

  12. 威廉是一个对于社会问题保守的人。

    William is a conservative about social issues .

  13. 齐利亚说:“一般是自信而且穿着保守的人。”

    It 's generally someone who is confident and conservatively dressed , ' Mr. Zillier said .

  14. 如果你是个观念保守的人,很可能在穿衣上也保守。

    If you 're conservative in outlook , the odds are you will dress that way too .

  15. 多数加拿大人都很懂礼貌、尊重礼节并且是相当保守的人。

    Canadians are ( for the most part ) polite , respectful , and fairly reserved people .

  16. 他从事有风险的事业的魄力和才具给我留下了深刻的印象,因为他是个生性保守的人。

    The resourcefulness that went into the venture impresses me , for he was by nature conservative .

  17. 保守的人对随随便便的衣着很不习惯;随随便便、无拘无束的举止;朋友之间的非正式聚会。

    Conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress ; an informal free-and-easy manner ; an informal gathering of friends .

  18. 玛丽阿姨是一个非常保守的人,她完全反对妇女外出工作。

    Aunt mary 's a real conservative . she 's totally opposed to women going out to work .

  19. 他不是一个很现代的人,然而他也不是一个保守的人。

    He is not a very modern person . However , he is not a conservative one , either .

  20. 而如果你恰巧是个保守的人,那么你自然而然会注意到那些声音最大的人。

    And , if you happen to be conservative , they can be the ones who you naturally notice .

  21. 在相当长的一段时间内,我们甚至可能是第一代比父母更保守的人。

    It 's even possible that we will be the first generation in a long time to be more conservative than our parents .

  22. 然而农村地区那些思想保守的人踊跃购买铁路股票,往往为此而把农场和企业都抵押出去。

    Yet conservative people in rural areas were tremendously enthusiastic about buying shares of railroad stock , often mortgaging their farms or businesses to do so .

  23. 你们这因信蒙上帝能力保守的人,必能得著所预备,到末世要显现的救恩。

    Who through faith are shielded by god 's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time .

  24. 蒙上帝保守的人有平安,但是那些投入世界中的人,即使只在自己家中行走却不戒备的仍是有祸的。

    They are well kept whom God keeps , but woe unto those who go forth into the world , or even dare to walk their own house unarmed .

  25. 缺点:需要避免与保守的人一起玩,因为你想出的一些单词可能会在他们看来有隐晦意思。

    Cons : Avoid playing with a conservative group to get the most fun , as you can come up with a lot of words with implied raunchiness in them .

  26. 耶稣基督的仆人,雅各的弟兄犹大,写信给那被召,在父神里蒙爱,为耶稣基督保守的人。

    Jude , a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of james , to those of god 's selection who have been made holy by God the father and are kept safe for Jesus christ .

  27. 他对生活持多么保守的中年人看法!

    What a conventional , middle-aged attitude he has to life !

  28. 守口的人一个嘴巴紧闭的人,尤指能保守秘密的人。

    A close-mouthed person , especially one who can keep a secret .

  29. 有舒适工作和观点保守的年轻人。

    Young people with comfortable jobs and a middle-aged outlook .

  30. 他们绝大多数都是思想比较保守的共和党人。

    Most of them are conservative and Republican .