
  • 网络Factoring business
  1. 这里正是国际保理业务可以发挥关键作用的地方。

    This is where international factoring can play a vital role .

  2. 论我国商业银行国际保理业务的开展

    Talk about the development of international factoring for our country commercial banks

  3. 加入WTO后,大力发展国际保理业务是我们所面临的一项紧迫任务,具有十分重要的现实意义和广阔的市场前景。

    After China was accepted by WTO , it is an urgent task for us to develop international factoring , which has practical significance and bright market prospects .

  4. 在采购融资、存货融资、保理业务等核心服务的基础上,3PL开始了自己的金融服务。

    On the basis of the core serrices such as purchase financing , inventory financing and insurance indemnity business , 3PL starts its own financial serrices .

  5. 保理业务在中小企业融资运用中的困境

    Dilemma of factoring used in financing for medium and small enterprises

  6. 国际保理业务在供应链前置中的融资创新研究&以我国出口生产型中小企业为服务对象

    Study on Financing Innovation of International Factor ahead of Supply Chain

  7. 商业银行实现无追索权保理业务的思考

    Reflections on the Claim - Free Insurance Service of Commercial Banks

  8. 我国应收账款保理业务分析

    Analysis on the Accounts Receivable Factor Transactions of our Country

  9. 开展国际保理业务促进国际贸易发展

    On the Development of International Factors and the Promotion of World Trade

  10. 我国国际保理业务现状及完善化建议

    The Present Situations of International Factoring in China and Suggestions for Improvement

  11. 浅谈国际保理业务在我国的发展

    Comments on the development of China 's international factoring business

  12. 你可以在中国交通银行办理出口保理业务。

    You can transact export factoring in the communicate Bank of china .

  13. 银行在出口保理业务中的风险和防范

    On Prevention against the Bank Risks in Export Factoring

  14. 我国商业银行开展国内保理业务若干法律问题研究

    Legal Research on Domestic Factoring Service of Commercial Banks

  15. 关于中国发展国际保理业务的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on Developing International Factoring Business in China

  16. 物流保理业务&一种新的物流融资模式

    Logistic Factoring & A New Model of Logistic Financing

  17. 我国国际保理业务现存问题研究

    A Research on the Problems in the Development of International Factoring in China

  18. 基于角色的访问控制模型在保理业务中的应用

    Application of Factoring Management System Based on RBAC Model

  19. 关于发展我国国际保理业务的认识和思考

    Thinking on development of international factoring in china

  20. 我国银行开办国际保理业务的难点与对策

    The Nodus and Countermeasure for Our Country 's Banks to Start the International Factoring

  21. 我们的出口保理业务是一项新服务。

    Our export factoring is a new service .

  22. 关于国际保理业务在中国未来发展基本格局的探讨

    The Discussion on the Basic Pattern of the International Factoring Development in China Tomorrow

  23. 应收账款保理业务账务处理设计

    A Design of Dealing with Accounts of Receivables as a Business of Bank Agents

  24. 透过国际保理业务看中外资银行的差距

    An Analysis of the Gap between Chinese Banks and Foreign Banks through International Factoring Business

  25. 最近出口保理业务很流行。

    Exporting factoring is very popular recently .

  26. 但开办无追索权保理业务对银行来说又具有较高的风险。

    However , purchase accounts receivable without recourse service will pose quite great risks for banks .

  27. 严格审查保理业务相关的各个协议;

    Strictly examine the related contracts ;

  28. 出口信用保险和保理业务的区别及其在中国的发展

    The difference between the export credit insurance and insurance agency operation and their development in China

  29. 近年来,保理业务在我国国际、国内贸易中得到了迅速的发展。

    The market for factoring in China has been growing at rapid rates in recent years .

  30. 完善保理业务法律体系;

    Perfect the factoring law system ;