
  1. 信贷资产转让业务异化及其对金融监管的启示

    Credit Assets Transferring Transaction Alienation & Enlightenments for Financial Regulation

  2. 我看信贷资产转让回购业务

    My View on Credit Asset Transfer Repurchase Operation

  3. 信贷资产的转出方应征得借款人同意方可进行信贷资产的转让,但原先签订的借款合同中另有约定的除外。

    The transferor of a credit asset may transfer the credit asset only after obtaining the consent of the borrower , except as otherwise provided for in the originally signed loan contract .

  4. 第四章从信贷资产证券化的交易结构角度出发,研究信贷资产证券化过程中资产转让定价机制,从法律和制度层面采用经济学的分析方法分析信贷资产转让价格的决定。

    Chapter ⅳ mainly researches the pricing mechanism of credit asset transfer in the process of credit assets securitization based its transaction structure from the aspect of laws and system with the economics analysis .