
  • 网络Jiangxi Coer
  1. 本文论述了江西铜业公司所通过的ISO10012-1《计量检测设备的计量确认体系》与ISO9000系列标准的关系及生产级计量确认体系的建立。

    This article discusses the relations between ISO-10012-1 " The Measuring Device Verification System " and " ISO9000 Standard " and the establishment of the production-level measuring verification system .

  2. 应用NokiaPCM复接器,将江西铜业公司所属矿山的局域网数据通过微波传输,本文介绍了微波数据通讯系统关键设备配置以及与企业管理网互连的解决方法。

    Nokia PCM multiple connector has been used in local area network data transmission through microwave communication in the Mines of Jiangxi Copper Company . This paper introduces the configuration of key equipment in microwave digital communication system and interconnecting mode of intranet .

  3. 对江西铜业公司尾矿坝安全监测的思考

    Consideration about safety supervision for tailing dam in Jiangxi Copper Company

  4. 试论江西铜业公司湿法提铜产业化

    Something about the industrialized hydro - metallurgical copper recovery at Jiangxi Copper

  5. 江西铜业公司计算机网络的设计及实施

    Design and Implementation of Computer Network in Jiangxi Copper Company

  6. 江西铜业公司东乡铜矿通风系统测定

    Ventilation system testing at Dongxiang Copper Mine of Jiangxi Copper Industry Company

  7. 江西铜业公司德兴铜矿采用堆浸-萃取-电积工艺从废矿石中回收铜资源。

    Dexing Copper Mine adopts leaching-solvent extraction-electrolysis process to recover copper from copper ore.

  8. 江西铜业公司能耗现状分析

    Current energy consumption situation analysis of Jiangxi Copper Company

  9. 江西铜业公司堆浸生产现状及发展前景

    The Productive Status and Developmental Prospects of Dump Leaching in Jiangxi Copper Company

  10. 江西铜业公司贵金属及铼、钼生产评述

    A Review on Production of Rhenium , Molybdenum and Precious Metals in Jiangxi Copper Company

  11. 江铜集团的前身&江西铜业公司于1979年诞生。

    Jiangxi Copper Company , the predecessor of Jiangxi Copper Corporation , was founded in1979 .

  12. 介绍了江西铜业公司湿法炼铜技术应用现状及存在的一些问题。

    Application of copper hydrometallurgical process in Jiangxi Copper Co. , Ltd. , is described .

  13. 江西铜业公司物资供应统计信息系统的设计与实现

    The design of statistical information system for material supply in Jiangxi Copper Company and its practice

  14. 本文简述了江西铜业公司物资供应统计信息系统的结构设计、功能实现系统特点。

    This article presents the structural design , function realization and system characteristics of the statistical information system in Jiangxi Copper Company .

  15. 本课题的研究成果正应用于江西铜业公司德兴铜矿动力厂,并取得了满意的效果。

    The system has been applied to the Dexing copper mine power factory of Jiangxi Copper Corporation and made a satisfied achievement .

  16. 本文分析了目前江西铜业公司财务管理现状,指出了公司财务管理工作存在的问题和差距,提出整改意见和措施。

    This article analyzes current situations of Jiangxi Copper 's financial management , points out existing problems and gaps thereof and puts forward rationalization opinions and measures .

  17. 江西铜业公司一直被列为国家重点建设项目而受到国家的高度重视和大力支持。

    Jiangxi Copper Company , as a national key construction project since then , has been given a lot of care and support from the central government .

  18. 文章结合江西铜业公司等相关企业的成功实践,对企业文化的重要性、企业文化的内涵与功能以及企业文化的组织实践进行了阐述。

    In this article , the author elaborates the importance , connotation , function and construction of the enterprise culture by combing it with the successful case such as Jxcc etc.

  19. 本文阐述了江西铜业公司尾矿坝安全监测现状及存在的问题,并对改进尾矿坝安全监测提出了几点认识和建议。

    The article introduces present situation and existing problems of safety supervision of tailing dam in Jiangxi Copper Company and advances some recognitions and suggestions about how to improve safety supervision of tailing dam .

  20. 江西铜业公司计算机广域网络建设的实践表明,该网络设计方案充分利用了公司原有资源,考虑了网络系统配置的性价比和可扩充性,满足了公司的应用需求。

    The practice shows that the design fully utilizes company 's original investment , fully considers the performance cost ratio and expandability of network system configuration and meets the demand of company 's application .

  21. 本文简单回顾了江西铜业公司股改上市的背景及主要过程,总结了江铜上市的成功经验&增强国有资产的控制力。

    The author makes a brief review on the background and main procedure of the stock listing for Jiangxi Copper Company , summerizes the successful experience of stock listing-Strengthen the control capability of state-owned assets ;

  22. 文章在分析江西铜业公司1997年主产品质量的基础上,指出高砷、锑、铋、铜精矿对产品质量的影响不容忽视;

    Based on the analysis upon quality of main products of Jiangxi Copper in 1997.this article points out that the influence of copper concentrates with high As . Sb contents to product quality should not be neglected .

  23. 文章评述了30年来世界上湿法提铜工艺的技术特点和发展趋势,回顾了江西铜业公司湿法提铜的历史和存在问题;

    This Paper reviews the technical features and developing trends of hydro - metallurgical copper recovering process in the world in the last 30 years , runs back over the history of hydro - process and the existing problems at Jiangxi Copper .

  24. 本文介绍了半导体少长针消雷器的防雷原理与安装设计,并结合江西铜业公司有线电视台的实践经验对有线电视系统中的前端设备防雷措施做了明确阐述。

    This article gives a presentation on the thunder-proof principle and fixing design of semi-conductor thunder arrester , and illustrates clearly the thunder-proof measures of front-end equipment in the cable television system combined with practicing experience of Jiangxi Copper Cable TV Station .

  25. 本文对江西铜业公司贵溪冶炼厂从三个不同时期所采用的精矿喷嘴的结构进行分析,并对两种不同类型的中央精矿喷嘴的性能进行比较

    This article analyzes the concentrate burner structure that has been utilized in three different phases in Guixi Smelter , and compares two sorts of different performance of the central concentrate burner . Optimization of Concentrate Spray Nozzle of Jinlong Company 's Flash Furnace

  26. 对江西铜业公司德兴铜矿2尾矿坝主剖面的透镜体进行盒维数分析,表明透镜体分布存在分形特性,分形维数为1.5024。

    The lenticles of the main cross-section of No. 2 tailings dam of Dexing Copper Mine is analyzed with box dimension method . The result shows that the distribution of tailings lenticles has the fractal characteristics and the fractal dimension is 1 . 5024 .

  27. 结合江西铜业公司计算机企业网建设的实践经验,分析探讨影响大型企业计算机企业网建设的主要因素,并对大型企业计算机企业网的建设提出了相应的方法和策略。

    The major factors which affected the construction of computer enterprise network in large-scale enterprise are analyzed combining with practical experience of construction of computer enterprise network in Jiangxi Copper Company , and propose corresponding method and strategy to construction of computer enterprise network in large-scale enterprise .

  28. 结合江西铜业公司的实践,介绍了计算机网络建设的设计原则、设计方案、设备选型和应用效果等,为大型企业计算机网络的建设提供了一个完整、成功的范例。

    Combining the practice of Jiangxi copper company the paper introduces the design principle and plan , equipments model selection and application effect of the construction of computer network s , offers a comprehensive and successful scheme for the construction of computer network s the large - scale enterprises .

  29. 本文主要对泰铜ISA电解工艺情况进行介绍,对存在的问题进行了分析,并和江西铜业集团公司贵溪冶炼厂ISA电解工艺进行了比较。

    This paper introduces the ISA electrolyzing process in Thai Copper , analyzes the current problems and compares it to the ISA process of Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi Copper Corporation .

  30. 本文主要对泰铜(简称TCI)的ISA电解阴极铜加工机组进行介绍,并和江西铜业集团公司贵溪冶炼厂(简称JCC)的ISA电解阴极铜加工机组进行比较。

    This paper introduces the Cathode Washing and Stripping Machine by ISA Process in Thai Copper , comparison is made between those operation units in Guixi Smelter and Thai Copper .