
  • 网络Treasury bond funds;National debrs funds
  1. 稳健财政政策下国债资金的投向重点研究

    Study on the Investment of National Debt under Steady Financial Policy

  2. 我国国债资金运营效率实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on Operational Efficiency of Our Country 's Treasury Bonds Fund

  3. 近年长期建设国债资金投入应保持必要的政策连续性;

    The in recent years long-term construction capital input of national debt must maintain necessary policy continuity ;

  4. 使用国债资金建设城市防洪排涝工程的管理

    Management for using the national debt fund to construct the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project

  5. 要及时调整国债资金使用方向,提高资金使用效率;

    The direction of using national debt fund should be adjusted ; meanwhile , the efficiency should be improved .

  6. 第三,优化国债资金的使用方向.改进财政管理制度.强化财政监督体制.提升中央财政支出效益。

    Third . optimize the direction of the use of national debt . improve the financial management system . strengthen financial supervision system .

  7. 建立国债资金使用的监督约束机构;5、利用现代化的高科技工具促进西部信息透明化建设。

    Make use of modern instruments in Western China , such as Internet , to fasten the development of western Transparency of Information .

  8. 利用国债资金,加快我国钛、钨、钼等稀有金属深加工产品生产发展

    Utilize funds from treasury bonds to accelerate development of domestic downstream processing industries of domestic titanium , tungsten molybdenum and some other rare metals

  9. 在中央发行的6600亿元国债资金中,用于水利建设的占18.7%。

    Of the 660 billion yuan of treasury bonds issued by the State , 18.7 percent were used in the construction of water conservancy works .

  10. 国债资金投放方式太过传统,投资结构有待调整等,这些问题将是未来国债政策改革的重点。

    D fund investment is too traditional , investment configuration should be adjusted etc. The questions above will be the reform keystone in the future .

  11. 为支持东北地区经济振兴,国家已实施了振兴东北老工业基地改造国债资金和高新技术产业发展专项。

    To rebuild the old industrial base and support economy vigorously in northeast China , the state has enforced national debt fund and high-tech industries .

  12. 要切实管好用好国债资金,确保国债项目工程质量和资金使用效益。

    We need to manage and use treasury bonds well and ensure the quality of the projects they finance and the efficient use of investment capital .

  13. 水利水电工程移民水土流失特点及防治对策投入水利的国债资金70%用于防洪建设。

    Characteristics and Countermeasures of Soil Erosion in Water and Hydropower Engineering Migrations Some 70 percent of the treasury bonds invested in water conservancy works were used in flood-control projects .

  14. 修筑了土墙和排水沟来防止风沙和水涝。使用国债资金建设城市防洪排涝工程的管理

    Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water . Management for using the national debt fund to construct the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project

  15. 因此,要增强稳健财政政策的宏观调控功能,必须遵循公共支出的基本原则,合理安排国债资金的投向,努力提高财政支出效率。

    Therefore , to strengthen macroscopic regulation , we must follow the basic principle of public expenditure , arrange the national debt fund reasonably and enhance the efficiency of fiscal expenditure .

  16. 根据国债资金投入数量与项目工程造价之间的关系以及我国水利工程项目的特点,提出应树立水利工程全面造价管理的思想。

    Based on the relationship between the national debt input and cost work of projects as well as characteristics of water resources projects in China , this paper presents the thought of comprehensive cost work of water resources projects .

  17. 通过分析,建议从数量的确定、偿还期限的安排、运行的规范化、国债资金使用的监督等方面来防范我国的国债风险。

    By analysing the quantity , the date of repayment , the operational scale of national debts and the supervision for the fund usage of the national debts should be enhanced in order to prevent the risk of our national debts .

  18. 继续加强对国债资金使用、项目建设和工程质量的监督管理,严厉查处各种截留、挪用国债资金的行为。

    We will continue to tighten supervision and management over the use of capital from treasury bonds , the construction of projects and the quality of engineering and to investigate and severely deal with any act of withholding or misappropriating these funds .

  19. 为了大力推动西部高等教育信息化发展,国家利用国债资金,投巨资在西部152所大学建成校园网,为高校教师进行教育科研和学生进入网路平台提供了基本保障和支持。

    In order to promote the development of west high education , the government used the national debt fund , built the campus network for 152 universities in West , provided the ensure and sustainment for teachers teaching and researching and students connecting network .

  20. 同时从体制缺陷、发行规模膨胀、国债资金在生产领域难以退出以及缺乏偿债资金来源等方面对国债兑付的失效及成因进行了深入分析。

    In addition , this article further analysis the reasons of the inefficiency in national debt cashing in terms of system defect , issuing scale expand the difficulties to withdraw of the national debt treasury in production field , and the lack of the fund source .

  21. 指出今后国债资金投资的重点应为:农村基础设施建设、基础教育建设、西部大开发和支持东北地区等老工业基地调整改造、生态建设和环境保护等四个方面。

    It points that the later emphases of investing the fund of national debts are the construction of rural basic establishments and basic education , large development of western areas , supporting the adjustment and reconstruction of northeast industrial base , environmental construction and environmental protection .

  22. 国债转贷资金的宏观定位与微观管理

    An Analysis of Macro-Localization and Micro-Management of the Treasury Bond Fund Using in Way of Lending

  23. 年初适当减少中央财政赤字和国债项目资金,同时增加中央基建投资。

    At the beginning of the year , we reduced the central government deficit and funding for bond-financed projects and increased spending on capital construction in the central budget .

  24. 通过对目前国债专项资金会计核算的说明,分析目前核算办法所存在的矛盾,提出更为合理的会计核算方法。

    Through the illustration of accounting of present special fund for treasury bond , the authors analyze the existing contradiction in present accounting method and put forward some more reasonable ones .

  25. 为进一步适应社会主义市场经济的要求,结合国债专项资金的特点,桂林市城市防洪排涝工程全面实行了以项目法人责任制为核心的三项制度。

    To adapt for the demand of socialist market economy , the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project , put forth " three rules " which takes project corporation duty rule as center .

  26. 为加大政府住房保障投入,可以拓宽筹资渠道、设立国债专项资金、完善住房补贴形式,使保障方式由砖头补贴转为人头补贴。

    For increasing the government investment of housing security , financing channels should be enlarged , special fund for Treasury bond can be set up and the form of housing subsidies can be improved .

  27. 就结构而言,区县政府显性负债主要是直接显性负债;直接显性负债中又主要是由解决地方金融风险专项借款、国内金融组织其他借款、向单位借款、国债转贷资金四部分。

    As far as structure is concerned , explicit debt of county is mainly direct explicit-debt , which includes four parts such as , special loan for solving local financial risk , other loan of domestic financial institutions , loan from unit , conversion capital from national debt .

  28. 首先,汉密尔顿提议征收新税,为国债计划提供资金,还采取各项具体措施,使其具有可信度。

    First , Hamilton proposed new taxes to fund his assumption programme together with specific measures to make them credible .

  29. 从外面流入美国国债市场的资金流可能放缓,这似乎带有不可避免的意味。

    An air of inevitability exists around a potential slowdown in capital flows from outside the US to its Treasury market .

  30. 一方面沉淀于预算单位的资金的使用效率低下,另一方面当政府修建公共设施等而又无充足财力时,将大量增发国债,造成资金使用成本增加。

    And , on the other hand , in the use of the funds of a unit budget of low efficiency , on the other hand , when the government public facilities and without adequate resources , will cause additional funds of Treasury bonds , use cost increase .