
  • 网络International contracted engineering;International Project Contract
  1. PM进度计划在大型国际承包工程中的应用

    CPM program used in large-scale international project contracting

  2. FIDIC合同中调价公式在国际承包工程中应用研究

    Research of Price Adjustment Formula FIDIC Contract in the International Contracting Projects

  3. 介绍了国际承包工程(BOT方式)投标报价的原则、内容和计算方法。

    The law , content and calculation of tender price declaration about international contract project ( in BOT ) are presented .

  4. 国际承包工程及FIDIC合同中工程量清单的运用

    The International Contracted Engineering and the Application of the Quantities Bill in the FIDIC Contract

  5. 铁路工程实行清单报价存在的问题及对策国际承包工程及FIDIC合同中工程量清单的运用

    Problems and countermeasures of quotations by bill of quantities used in railway projects The International Contracted Engineering and the Application of the Quantities Bill in the FIDIC Contract

  6. 对法文版FIDIC条件及法文国际承包工程合同中若干难以理解的关键词汇,应根据国际承包工程专用术语、中国人的用语习惯以及上下文的意思确定词意,准确翻译。

    To translate the difficult words exactly in FIDIC conditions and French Contracts of International Engineering Construction , we should take into consideration the following factors : the terms of International Engineering Construction , its Chinese expressions , and the context .

  7. 在国际承包工程中,通常采用FIDIC条件下的单价合同,这类合同一般以承包商实际完成的工程量计算工程价款。

    In international undertaking contracted projects , the unit price contract is widely used under the FIDIC conditions . Generally speaking , this kind of contract accounts the cost of projects according to actual amount of work done by the contractor .

  8. 国际承包工程代理商的作用

    On the Functions of the Agent of International Contract Engineering

  9. 在国际承包工程中如何适应工程监理制

    How to Suit the Supervision System in Contracting International Projects

  10. 法文国际承包工程合同若干重要词汇的翻译

    The Translation of Key Words in French Contracts of International Engineering Construction

  11. 国际承包工程报价区域研究

    To study on the offer area in the bid for international construction

  12. 国际承包工程独立保函相关法律问题研究

    On Relevant Legal Problems of Demand Guarantee Letter in International Contract Project

  13. 索赔是国际承包工程中经常发生的一种经济现象。

    Claim is a common economic phenomenon for International projects .

  14. 国际承包工程投标估价与报价研究

    Research on Bidding Estimation and Quotation of International Contracting Project

  15. 实体工程公司国际承包工程的管理模式

    A New Management Mode of International Contracting Projects Implemented by Entitative Engineering Companies

  16. 信息技术在国际承包工程中的应用

    Application of Information Technology in International Construction Project Contract

  17. 试论国际承包工程施工中的管理关于缔约过失责任制度几个问题的理论探讨

    Discussion on the Construction Management of Internationally Contracted Engineering

  18. 时间因素对国际承包工程的影响

    Influence of time factors on international contracted works

  19. 老挝万象市政国际承包工程项目合同管理与索赔

    Contract Management and Claims in International Contracting Project of Vientiane Urban Improvement Project in Laos

  20. 国际承包工程索赔问题的研究

    The Research on International Contract for Claims

  21. 浅谈国际承包工程的项目管理&实战厄特教师进修学院项目

    Analysis of the Management of International Engineering Project & Eritrean Teachers ' Training Institute Project

  22. 国际承包工程运作实务探赜(下)&以水文地质打井为例

    A Probe Into Operating Practice in International Contracted Projects & With Hydrologic Drilling as an Example

  23. 国际承包工程中的索赔管理

    Claim Management for International Contract Projects

  24. 国际承包工程的成本控制

    Cost Controll on International Contract Project

  25. 中国公司凭借着劳动力的低成本和坚毅的品质在国际承包工程市场闯出了一番天地。

    With low labor cost and inflexible will , the Chinese firms have created a new world .

  26. 国际承包工程投标的技巧

    Bidding skills of international project

  27. 浅论工程量清单报价与国际承包工程项目的经济效益

    Primary Demonstration on Economic Benefit of BOQ to International Contract Engineering Projects Comparisions Between Project Quantity List Offer And Traditional Offer

  28. 叙述了国际承包工程施工中的项目进度管理、项目实施过程的效益控制、项目的施工质量控制。

    This paper describes the schedule control , profit control and quality control of the project in the construction of internationally contracted engineering .

  29. 首先,作者对国际承包工程独立保函的主要条款进行法律分析。

    Author does his research work from two aspects . One is analysis on basic clauses of demand guarantee letter in international contract project .

  30. 该文从国际承包工程市场的背景,对我国当前建筑业人力资源的现状进行研究分析,以及对国际工程项目中人力资源管理的特点进行论述。

    The author research and analyze the current situation of the construction HR of our country at present , and describe the characteristic of HR management in the international project .