
  • 网络Suspension Hardware
  1. 用Picard迭代法求解了单机开式复合约束绳系吊装系统动点坐标的非线性方程组,建立了计算动点坐标的通用迭代算式,并描述了实现通用算法的关键编程技术。

    It is solved with Picard iteration that the nonlinear equations with respect to the moving point coordinates of open complex restrained rope system of single crane .

  2. 284.5m大吨位无支架缆索吊装系统主扣塔合用施工技术

    Main Tower Combination Construction Technology for 284.5m Large Ton and Non-Support Cable Erection System

  3. 第三,系统阐述了净跨195m箱型拱桥施工缆索吊装系统和主扣塔合用技术的设计计算理论。

    Thirdly , the thesis clarifies the design calculation theory for cable suspension system and integrated main tower technology for arch bridge with a clear span of 195m .

  4. 研究了缆索吊装系统的方案设计与受力分析。

    The scheme design and mechanical analysis of cable-shifting system were focused .

  5. 缆索吊装系统有限元分析中的滑轮单元

    Cable-pulley element in finite element analysis of cableway erection system

  6. 该桥是对我国无支架缆索吊装系统的进一步完善。

    The example perfects further for the non-support cable hoisting system in our country .

  7. 倒锥壳水箱吊装系统的受力计算与分析

    Analysis and Calculation of Receiving Power of Water Tank Prefabricating Hoist Assembly System about Inverted Cone Water Tower

  8. 东莞水道特大桥无支架缆索吊装系统设计

    The design on cable - hoisting erection system without supporting frame of the extra - large bridge on Dongguan watercourse

  9. 最后,合作开发了多台起重机协同吊装系统。

    And the problem of collision detection is workout in the simulation system of multi-crane . Finally , a multi-crane cooperative lifting system is developed .

  10. 在自动化生产现场,能有效、快速地把所需物料搬运至适当地点的自动化物料吊装系统越来越受人所重视。

    In the automated production field , there is growing concern on the automated material handling systems which can Handle the necessary materials to appropriate locations effectively and quickly .

  11. 第三,介绍了弹簧吊装系统的振动分析理论,建立了振动模型,得到了系统的固有频率及主振型,分析了系统的振动响应;

    Thirdly , vibration analysis theories of suspension system with package cushioning introduced . Vibration model is established and inherency frequency and main vibration type are obtained , vibration characteristic response is analyzed .

  12. 燃气轮机吊装轨道系统结构强度分析研究

    Structure Strength Analysis of Hoisting and Installation Track System for Gas Turbine

  13. 板坯连铸机扇形段吊装更换系统的设计

    Slab CCM segment suspension system design

  14. 本文结合现代电子技术和嵌入式系统技术,提出一种以ARM处理器和WINDOWSCE操作系统为控制核心的长臂架起重机吊装安全监控系统设计方案。

    Combined modern electronic technology with embedded system technology , a design about hoisting safety monitoring system of long-boom crane based on ARM processor and Windows CE operating system is proposed in the paper .

  15. 多机协调吊装平台控制系统设计与研究

    Design and Research on the Control System of Multi-robot Cooperative Hoisting Platform

  16. 助手吊装方案设计系统

    The Assistant Hoisting Scheme Designing System Software

  17. 大型构件吊装安全监控系统

    Security Inspection System of Large-scale Opponent

  18. 全站仪钢柱吊装实时测量系统建立与应用

    The Establishment and Application of Real Time Measuring System for Steel Column Hosting with Total station

  19. 详细阐述了开发格构式桅杆吊装辅助设计系统的思路和方法。

    This paper describes the method of developing the hoisted CAD system of mast-crane of steel framework in detail .

  20. 最后进行了吊装机构控制系统的速度闭环控制、位置闭环控制、参考速度输入、防摆算法控制实验,通过实验避免了吊装机构建模的不准确性对系统误差和控制精度的影响。

    Finally , it carried out the closed-loop speed control experiment , closed-loop position control experiment , reference speed input experiment and anti-swing algorithm control experiment , to avoid the effect of inaccuracy of hoisting system modeling for the system error and control accuracy .

  21. 用可视有限元计算方法校核吊装门式桅杆系统

    Check of Portal Crane Mast System by Visible Finite Elements Calculation

  22. 介绍了集装箱吊装模拟器原型机的系统构成。

    The paper introduces the prototype system architecture of container crane simulator .

  23. 大型设备吊装装置自动控制系统的开发及应用

    The design and application of an automatic control system for lifting equipment

  24. 正在研制的激光定位吊装结构工作台系统是电子束曝光机的主要组成部分。

    The laser Positioning stage system with hoisting structure which is being developed is the main part of the Electron - beam Lithography Machine .

  25. 对超高层建筑热泵机组吊装应用做了系统介绍,对吊装工艺、机具、吊装过程进行了全面阐述,对此类吊装具有指导意义。

    The paper introduces the application of the hoisting of heat pump unit of super high-rise building and expounds hoisting technology , tools and hoisting process , which has certain instructional significance .

  26. 本文设计了一套基于射频技术的放射性废料桶吊装与无线控制系统,并设计了相应的软件。

    This paper designed a system based on radiofrequency technology , which used to hoist and deal with radioactive waste drum and wireless control . This paper also designed the related software .

  27. 本文通过湘潭市湘江大桥钢管拱吊装的施工实践,详细介绍了大跨径桥梁无支架缆索吊装系统的施工技术。

    Combined with the construction of Wusong River Bridge , the paper discussed the construction control technology of tie arch bridge without support .

  28. 结合万梁高速公路土地潭特大桥吊装的施工,介绍2×00m跨钢筋砼箱拱缆索吊装及扣锚系统。

    Based on the practice of oversize hanging bridge swing along Wan-Liang expressway , it presents the cable swing of 2 × 100m deck type reinforcement concrete box arch and the anchorage system .