
  1. 巴西淡水河谷(vale)预计,得益于下半年中国建筑行业需求的复苏,以及印度铁矿出口量的减少,今年的铁矿石价格将保持坚挺。

    Vale has predicted that prices of iron ore will hold up this year thanks to a recovery in demand from Chinese construction in the second half and lower exports from Indian mines .

  2. 与此同时,银河SOHO、达沃斯会议中心等新一批数字建筑的落成标志着中国建筑行业与世界的接轨,中国的建筑数字实践开始新一轮浪潮。

    At the same time , the completion of a new batch of digital buildings , such as the Galaxy SOHO , Davos Congress Centre marks the construction industry in China and in the world standards . Practice of digital building in China starts a new round wave .

  3. 管理技术陈旧的中国建筑行业无疑是这场春雨的最大受益者之一。

    Construction industry with obsolete management technique was one of the biggest beneficiaries .

  4. 中国建筑行业诚信建设问题研究

    Research on trust construction to China Construction Industry

  5. 最后,一系列共三份团体作品将以公司理财课题的中国建筑行业上市公司(五家)财务分析报告作结。

    Finally , the last part is my corporate finance report of which the topic is " Corporate Finance Analysis of 5 Listed Construction Companies " .

  6. 但由于长期以来我国实行计划经济体制,在该体制下,中国建筑行业实行定额定价模式确定工程造价。

    However , we have executed the planned economic system for a long time in which the construction industry carry out the model of quota and fixed pricing to insure the costing .

  7. FJ公司在中国建筑胶粘剂行业已经发展近十年,是和中国房地产行业一起发展壮大起来的。

    FJ construction adhesive industry in China has developed nearly a decade , with Chinese real estate industry to grow up .

  8. 2006年度中国建筑防水行业发展报告

    The 2006 Report on the Chinese waterproof building material industry

  9. 中国建筑装饰行业电子商务模式研究

    E-commerce Mode of China Architectural Decoration Industry

  10. 中国建筑陶瓷行业本身并没有投资回报和快速产业。

    Chinese building ceramic industry itself does not return on investment and the quick industry .

  11. 由于社会的快速进步,促进了中国建筑装饰行业的繁荣。

    With the rapid progress of society , the construction and decoration industries are also prosperity .

  12. 中国的建筑行业,正处在从传统建筑业向现代化建筑业转型的关键时期。

    This is a key period for Chinese Construction Industry ( CI ) transforming from traditional to modern construction industry .

  13. 过去的十年中,中国建筑工程行业的不断发展促使建筑工程监理行业的出现。

    In the last decade , the development of construction industry in China enhances the emersion of supervision of construction industry .

  14. 如今,中国建筑设计行业已经成为国际同行业大家庭中不可忽视的重要成员之一。

    Today , the building and design industry in China has become the international community in one of the important members .

  15. 中国国内建筑行业也大幅滑坡,从而降低了对运输燃料的需求,特别是物流公司所使用的柴油。

    The domestic construction industry has also slowed sharply , reducing demand for transportation fuel , especially diesel used by logistics companies .

  16. 中国的建筑行业作为一个劳动密集,广泛的贸易,很长一段时间背后的管理和技术手段。

    China 's construction industry as a labor-intensive , extensive trade , for a long time behind the management and technical means .

  17. 本文的主要数据来源于国家统计局、国家信息中心、海关总署、中国建筑装饰行业协会等业内权威专业研究机构以及我中心的实地调研。

    These data is mainly comes from National Bureau of Statistics , State Information Center , Architectural Ornament Industry Association of China and field research .

  18. 随着我国建筑装饰行业的高速发展、城市化进程的加快、全球一体化的迅速扩张及灾后重建的客观需求,外来的现代文化与传统文化的碰撞给中国建筑装饰行业,带来了前所未有的挑战。

    With rapid development of Chinese architectural decoration industry , accelerating urbanization , prompt expansion of globalisation and objective requirements of the after-earthquake reconstruction , it has presented Chinese architectural decoration industry with unprecedented challenges from the collision between foreign modern and traditional cultural .

  19. 中国的建筑装饰行业是一个蓬勃兴起的朝阳产业,而装饰建材交易市场是一个正在发展、逐步规范、逐步向现代流通方式转变的行业。

    The industry of building decoration in China is a sunrise industry . The trading market of decorative building materials is an industry which is being developed , and gradually regulated and turned into modern circulation means .

  20. 随着中国建筑和施工行业得到前所未有的发展,工程机械和钢材的需求量日益增大,其供货商不仅数量众多,而且产品质量良莠不齐。

    With the unprecedented development of the architecture and consultation operations industry of China , the demands for the steels and piling machines are keeping rising . The number of the suppliers is great while the quality of service is different .

  21. 随着中国的建筑设计市场逐步向境外设计师开放,中国建筑设计行业也获得了与国外同行沟通交流的机会。

    With the opening of the Chinese architectural design market to foreign design industry , the Chinese architectural design industry has been communicating with foreign counterparts to exchange .

  22. 饶先生说,比起从前,中国现在有更多的好客户。但他仍认为中国的建筑设计行业缺乏人才与品位。

    Jao says there are more sophisticated clients in China now than before , but he still thinks the architectural design industry in China is short on talent and taste .