
  • 网络MSCI
  1. 确实,过去10年,在列入摩根士丹利资本国际指数的发达国家中,日本的经济增速和投资回报率均表现得最差。

    True , Japan performed worst in both growth and returns over the past 10 years among the MSCI developed countries .

  2. 其他涵盖中国海外上市股票的指数例如摩根士丹利资本国际指数(msci),预期市盈率约为12倍。

    Other indices of foreign-listed China shares , such as the MSCI , show prices closer to 12 times forward earnings .

  3. 根据摩根士丹利资本国际指数,发达市场相对于新兴市场的溢价正处于至少5年来的顶峰,以预期市盈率计,分别为14倍和11倍。

    Developed markets " premiums over emerging markets , in terms of forward price-earnings ratios , are at their highest in at least five years at 14 and 11 times respectively , based on MSCI 's global indices .

  4. 大多数烟草公司的股价超过了摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCIWorldIndex)130%的涨幅。

    Most tobacco companies have beaten the 130 per cent return of the MSCI World index .

  5. 就连涵盖海外上市公司的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(mscichinaindex)也预计,每股收益将增长22%。

    Even the bluer chip MSCI China Index of companies listed abroad has forecast EPS growth of 22 per cent .

  6. 自3月初以来,摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChinaindex)上涨五分之一;摩根士丹利资本国际印度指数则下跌近十分之一。

    Since the beginning of March , the MSCI China index is up one-fifth ; MSCI India is down nearly one-tenth .

  7. 但这一表现远逊于今年摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(msciworldindex)18%的涨幅。

    But that performance is beaten by the 18 per cent improvement in the MSCI World Index during the year .

  8. 涵盖23个发达国家股市的摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(msciworldindex)自1970年问世以来,今年是开局最差的一年。

    The MSCI World Index of 23 developed country equity markets has suffered its worst start to a year since it was created in 1970 .

  9. 由于中国对海外投资者施以种种限制,中国股目前仅占摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(msciworldindex)的2%。

    Because of the restrictions placed on overseas investors , at present Chinese equities make up only 2 per cent of the MSCI global index .

  10. 亚洲其它一些股市的表现也颇为强劲,不包括日本的摩根士丹利资本国际亚洲指数(MSCIAsiaex-Japanindex)上探至纪录高位。

    There were strong gains elsewhere , with the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index touching a record high .

  11. 自年初以来,不包括日本的摩根士丹利资本国际亚洲指数(MSCIAsiaex-Japanindex)的涨幅为22%。

    The MSCI Asia ex-Japan index is up by 22 per cent since the beginning of this year .

  12. 从那时起,该基金的资产净值已经下降了16%,业绩比作为基准的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(mscichinaindex)低了近10个百分点。

    Since then , the net asset value of the fund has dropped 16 per cent , underperforming the benchmark MSCI China Index by almost 10 percentage points .

  13. 中国内地股市的预期市盈率已升至14.8倍,相比之下,摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChinaindex)的预期市盈率为10.8倍。该指数追踪在中国内地之外上市的中国股票。

    The price-to-forward-earnings ratio for mainland shares has risen to 14.8 times , compared with 10.8 times for the MSCI China , an index of shares listed outside the mainland .

  14. 举例来说,目前中国在摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCIAll-CountryWorldIndex)中的权重仅为2.5%,这个数字是基于在香港上市的H股得出的。

    For example , today , China is a mere 2.5 per cent of the MSCI All Country World Index , based on Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong .

  15. 中国多头/空头基金表现最差,这一期间下跌逾17%,而摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(mscichinaindex)下跌超过20%。

    The worst record was for China long / short funds which dropped more than 17 per cent in the period , while the MSCI China Index was down more than 20 per cent .

  16. 截至昨日香港市场收盘前,不包括日本在内的摩根士丹利资本国际亚太指数(MSCIAsia-PacificIndex)下跌0.5%,至509.24点,即将触及自圣诞节前以来的最低收盘点位。

    The MSCI Asia-Pacific index excluding Japan dropped 0.5 per cent to 509.24 by the close in Hong Kong , and was set for its lowest close since before Christmas .

  17. NedDavisResearch表示,平均而言,过去5届奥运会主办国的股市在赛事结束后的12个月内强劲上涨,表现全部优于摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCIWorldindex)。

    On average , stock markets in the past five Olympic host countries rose strongly in the 12 months after the games and all outperformed the MSCI World index , according to Ned Davis Research .

  18. 最受欢迎的风险偏好衡量指标之一不包括日本的摩根士丹利资本国际亚洲指数(MSCIAsiaex-Japanindex)自去年10月底触及4年低点以来已上涨近五分之一。

    One of the most popular barometers of risk appetite the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index has gained almost a fifth since touching a four-year low at the end of October .

  19. 截至6月20日,富达中国自年初以来已经下跌逾20%,而其比较基准指数&摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChina)的跌幅则为4%。

    As of Monday 20 June , Fidelity China had fallen more than 20 per cent since the start of the year , compared with a 4 per cent fall in the MSCI China , its benchmark index .

  20. 自去年8月以来,CRB指数下跌了11%,而摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数则上涨了21%。

    Since August , the CRB is down 11 per cent , while the MSCI World is up 21 per cent .

  21. 我们认为Yao的多样化程度将远高于新华富时(金融股占46%的权重,能源占20%,消费品的权重为零),而摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数则过于头重脚轻。

    We think Yao will be far more diversified than the FTSE Xinhua , which has 46 per cent in financials , 20 per cent in energy and zero in consumer goods , while the MSCI index is very top-heavy .

  22. 事实上,上周摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数同比仅上涨了2%,而摩根士丹利资本新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarkets)和追踪美国以外发达国家市场的EAFE指数双双下跌了近5%。

    Consider the fact that , through last week , the MSCI World Index gained just 2 % on the year , with nearly 5 % drops for both the MSCI Emerging Markets index and the EAFE index of developed markets outside of the United States .

  23. 然而,尽管摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数反弹,但市盈率的扩张并不过分。

    Yet despite the rally in the MSCI China index , multiple expansion has not been excessive .

  24. 但他们还是已经在“关闭风险”贸易中深受重创,相比在摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数中11%的跌幅,今年下跌22%。

    But they have still suffered in the " risk-off " trade , declining by 22 % this year against an 11 % fall in the MSCI World Index .

  25. 例如,摩根士丹利资本国际新加坡指数在过去12个月中上涨了58%,远远超过欧美相关指数的表现。

    The MSCI Singapore index , for example , has climbed 58 per cent over the past 12 months , well ahead of comparable benchmarks in the US and Europe .

  26. 摩根士丹利资本国际亚太指数的红利来自于14个国家的公司,其中前10大红利支付公司的红利支付占到了红利支付总额的大约五分之一。

    Dividends in the MSCI Asia Pacific index are derived from companies in 14 countries , with the top 10 dividend payers accounting for about a fifth of total dividends paid .

  27. 从年初至今,该基金微幅上涨了0.45%,其表现优于摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarketsindex)。

    The fund has outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets index year-to-date , up marginally by0.45 % .

  28. 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)中最大的赢家。

    He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index in 2009 .

  29. 自2009年3月跌至低点后,美国股市的表现显著好于“摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数”(msciemergingmarketsindex)。

    Since US stocks hit lows in March 2009 , they have , remarkably , outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets Index .

  30. 金砖四国在摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketsindex)中占据大约半壁江山,而投资者往往参考该指数设定投资组合中的权重。

    BRIC countries make up about half of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index , often used by investors to set weightings for their portfolios .