
  • 网络Baolan;J. Kevin Boland;Bawm Lang;Emily Bolam;Marc BOLland;Beauraing
  1. 陇海宝中包兰环状铁路沿线旅游资源*优势及其开发意义

    Evaluation of tourist resources along the Longhai circular railway and its significance for exploitation

  2. 沙坡头地段位于腾格里沙漠东南缘,包兰铁路沿线,属草原化荒漠带。

    Shapotou area , where the Baotou-Lanzhou Railway pass through is situated at the southeast edge of Tengger Desert , belonging to steppe desert zone .

  3. 介绍了包兰线铁路专用电话与光传输系统组网中的若干问题及解决方法。

    With respect to the remark of Bao Lan Line , some problems on connection of railroad special telephone with optical fiber communication system are explored in this paper .

  4. 无灌溉条件下、工程措施与生物措施相结合的防沙固沙工程体系始建于1956年,近半个世纪以来该体系确保了包兰铁路的畅通无阻,累计经济效益逾百亿人民币。

    Combined engineering ways and biological measures without irrigation the system controlling sand began to establish after 1956 . The protective system has insured the Bao-Lan railway smoothly straightway for near a half century , and has made 10 10 Yuan accumulative economic benefit .