
  • 网络wrapper class;wrapper;Packaging
  1. 您需要为Employee集合声明一个包装类。

    You need to declare a wrapper class for the Employee collection .

  2. 加强Spring配置文件中的bean的定义,以反射包装类。

    Enhance the bean definition in the Spring configuration file to reflect the wrapper class .

  3. 为Axis感知的包装类加强Spring配置

    Enhancing the Spring configuration for Axis-aware wrapper classes

  4. 该包装类将参数格式化为类似上面代码的XML字符串。

    The wrapper class would take care of formatting the arguments into an XML string resembling the code above .

  5. 下一小节将描述如何加强Spring配置文件中的bean定义来反射这些包装类。

    The next section describes how to enhance the beans definition in the Spring configuration to reflect these wrapper classes .

  6. 现在我将为您刚才创建的包装类更新IoCbean定义。

    Now I 'll update the IoC bean definitions for the wrapper classes you just created .

  7. Java语言支持两种基本的浮点类型:float和double,以及与它们对应的包装类Float和Double。

    The Java language supports two primitive floating point types : float and double , and their wrapper class counterparts , Float and Double .

  8. Spring为简单Java™对象提供框架,使这些对象可以通过包装类和XML配置使用J2EE容器。

    Spring provides a framework for simple Java ™ objects that enables them to make use of the J2EE container via wrapper classes and XML configuration .

  9. 或者,该字段可以是基本类型之一,其中包括Java原语,所有原语包装类,Date和String。

    Or the field can be one of the basic types , which includes Java primitives , all the primitive wrapper classes , Date , and String .

  10. 本文的源代码中,我为所有IoCbean提供了类似的包装类(参见下载)。

    I have provided similar wrapper classes for all the IoC beans in the article 's source code ( see Download ) .

  11. 使事情更糟的是,在基本float类型和包装类Float之间,用于比较NaN和-0的规则是不同的。

    To make matters worse , the rules for comparing NaN and-0 are different between the primitive float type and the wrapper class Float .

  12. 包装类隐藏了对底层Win32函数的调用并提供了一种舒适的通用接口。

    A wrapper class hides the calls to the low-level Win32 functions and provides a comfortable generic interface .

  13. 接下来,我们将构建服务并创建JiBX数据绑定包装类。

    Next you will build the service and create the JiBX data bindings wrapper classes .

  14. 在测试过程中,我们通过编译JiBX绑定类来创建包装类,使数据绑定类成为整个Web服务中的一个功能部分。

    In this test process , you 'll compile the JiBX binding classes to create wrapper classes , making your data bindings classes a functional part of the overall Web service .

  15. 理解Win32服务的基本概念,使你能更好地用C++来设计包装类。

    Understanding the basic concepts of Win32 services , allows you to better use C + + for designing a wrapper class .

  16. 现在我们只需编译JiBX绑定包装类,与前面构建服务中的编译一样。

    Now you just need to compile the JiBX binding wrapper classes , as you did for the service .

  17. Ajax请求受到一个PHP驱动程序页的保护,该页先确保请求有效,然后将其传递到一个处理该请求的数据库包装类。

    The Ajax requests are fielded by a PHP driver page , which makes sure that the request is valid and then passes it onto a database wrapper class that handles the request .

  18. 在编译和创建JiBX数据绑定包装类之前,我们必须首先编译各类。

    Before you can compile and create the JiBX data bindings wrapper classes , you must first compile the classes themselves .

  19. 这就确保像button这样任意底层组件的FX包装类都能把变化正确地传播到JavaFX脚本层。

    This happens for components by making sure that the FX wrapper class for any underlying component , such as a button , propagates changes appropriately to the JavaFX Script layer .

  20. 对于客户机和服务,我们都指定了JiBX数据绑定并分别为它们成功地创建了数据绑定包装类。

    And for both the client and service , you specified JiBX data bindings and successfully created the data bindings wrapper classes for each .

  21. 第四章讨论了包装类模式在EJB容器模型中的应用。接下来五、六、七章分别详细描述了容器对EJB组件的生命周期管理、交易管理和持续化管理设计与实现。

    The architecture of the EJB server and container are discussed in section 2 and 3 . We describe the design of the wrapper class model in section 4 . In section 5,6 and 7 , we elaborate the implementation of life-cycle management , transaction management and persistence management respectively .

  22. 基本浮点类型和包装类浮点有不同的比较行为

    Primitive float type and wrapper class float have different comparison behavior

  23. 输入要生成的包装类的名称。

    Enter the name of the wrapper class to be generated .

  24. 2002中国之星包装类金奖作品选

    2002 " Stars of China " - Selected Works with Golden Prize

  25. 主要生产各类包装类胶带。

    The main production of various kinds of packaging tape .

  26. 表示文件句柄的包装类。

    Represents a wrapper class for a file handle .

  27. 大型超市包装类食品区商品陈列规划与仿真

    Planning and Simulation of Commodities on Display in Packaged Food Area of a Supermarket

  28. 浅谈绿色教育在包装类高等人才培养中的作用

    Plain Talk About the Functions of Green Package on the Training of Package Engineers

  29. 如果您采用这种方法,那么每种个别情况可能都需要一个定制的包装类装入器。

    If you go this route , each individual situation will probably require a customized wrapping classloader .

  30. 如果安全类库中已经存在包装类,则请勿自己创建包装类。

    Do not create a wrapper class yourself if one already exists in a secure class library .