
  • 网络companion animal;pet
  1. 总而言之,伴侣动物的定义应当得到明确。

    To sum up , the definition of companion animals should be clarified .

  2. 其次,一些人辩称伴侣动物本质上也是动物。

    Second , some people argue that companion animals are animals in nature .

  3. 只要动物仍然被蓄意繁殖,人们没有为他们的伴侣动物绝育,开放的动物收容所和像PETA一样的组织就必须做社会的肮脏工作。

    As long as animals are still purposely bred and people aren 't spaying and neutering their companions , open-admission animal shelters and organizations like PETA must do society 's dirty work .

  4. 大卫偏爱白色的伴侣动物狗。

    David is partial to a white companion animal dog .

  5. 你在家有伴侣动物吗?你喜欢狗吗?

    Do you have a pet at home ? Do you like dog ?

  6. 电视里关于伴侣动物以及拯救遭受虐待的狗的节目很受欢迎。

    Television programs on raising companion animals or rescuing abused dogs are popular .

  7. 伴侣动物已经成为许多人情感生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    Companion animals have become an integral part of the emotional life of many people .

  8. 支持伴侣动物的领养工作,以领养代替购买;不支持非法宠物交易。

    Adopt pets instead of buying them and do not buy pets from illegal markets .

  9. 不抛弃伴侣动物;

    Do not abandon any pet .

  10. 保留伴侣动物(宠物)是一个不可逆的趋向在今天的世界里。

    Keeping a companion animal ( pet ) is an irreversible trend in today 's world .

  11. 但是首先,在你确认可以给它们合适的照料的时候,才养伴侣动物。

    And do not adopt an animal unless you are quite sure you can properly care for it .

  12. 如果他们变成某人的伴侣动物,对于动物将会有一个枷而且失去他们的自由。

    For the animals will be given a shackle and lose their liberty if they become someone 's pets .

  13. 和伴侣动物一起消磨时间可以为病人消除紧张并带来愉快感受,这点已经广为人知。

    Spending time with companion animals is widely known to ease stress and bring a sense of well-being to patients .

  14. 虚拟宠物作为伴侣动物在虚拟空间中的延伸,具有广泛传播和全面普及的潜质。

    Virtual pets as the extension of companion animals in virtual space , they have the potential to be widespread .

  15. 现在研究的项目包括临床试验设计和伴侣动物心衰的病理生理学和治疗。

    Current research interests include clinical trial design , and the pathophysiology and treatment of heart failure in companion animals .

  16. 但是当他们开始的时候,这些人开始了解到'伴侣动物'和一个铁笔和谈话的他们的小狗对他们经过喇叭筒。

    But these people began to understand when they started to'pet'their puppies with a stylus and talk to them through the microphone .

  17. 我们的狗补充物和伴侣动物产品被喂到我们的包括狗,马,爬虫动物,鸟等的个人伴侣动物。

    Our dog supplements and pet products are fed to our personal pets that include dogs , horses , reptiles , birds , etc.

  18. 对不能提供有效动物检疫证书、狂犬病疫苗接种证明的伴侣动物,出入境检验检疫机构作限期退回或没收销毁处理。

    The accompanying animals without effective quarantine and vaccination against rabies certificates will be repatriated within the stipulated time or killed in a humanitarian manner .

  19. 伴侣动物,顾名思义,是指那些能够陪伴自己主人的动物,例如宠物和一些工作动物。

    Companion animals , just as the name implies , refer to the animals which can accompany their masters , such as pets and some working animals .

  20. 这些行为不只威胁着伴侣动物的生存,而且还会影响我国公民的心理健康,严重损害了我国的国际形象。

    Such behavior not only threatening the survival of companion animals , but also affect the mental health of our citizens , serious damage to the international image of China .

  21. 调查还显示每四个人中就有一个认为狗是他们最好的朋友,而每六个女性中就有一个会和伴侣动物单独分享她们内心最深处的秘密。

    In addition the survey found that one in four people describe their dog as their best friend and one in six women share their deepest , darkest secrets with their pet alone .

  22. 在2008年形成,伴侣动物阴谋有已经完成了游览的圣杯为北京乐团,演奏到包装-外面的听众在世界的柏林、科隆、布达佩斯和巴赛隆纳出名的举办地点。

    Formed in2008 , Pet Conspiracy has already done the holy grail of touring for Beijing bands , playing to packed-out audiences in Berlin , Cologne , Budapest and Barcelona at world famous venues .

  23. 我国已经具备了为伴侣动物提供基本福利保障的物质基础、文化基础、群众和组织基础以及法制基础。

    China already has the basic foundation to give the protection of basic welfare of companion animals , including the material basis , cultural foundation , people and organizational basis , and legal basis .

  24. 随着社会经济发展,人与伴侣动物直接或间接接触机会越来越多,人兽共患病原对人类健康是潜在威胁。

    Following the economic development of society , there are more and more direct or indirect contact between people and companion-animals and the pathogen of amphixenosis is a potential threat to human beings ' health .

  25. 目前,我国还并没有一部完整的、全国性的伴侣动物保护法,以致于伴侣动物在我国的生存福利得不到有效的保障。

    At present , there is no one complete national law of companion animal protection in our country , so that the living condition of companion animals in our country can not get effective guarantee .

  26. 他认为,即使在没有伴侣连接习性的动物当中如家鼠这些特征仍可能通过性奖赏的经验固定下来。

    He says that even in animals that are not supposed to pair-bond , such as rats , these features may get fixed with the experience of sexual reward .