
  • Stand by Me
  1. Phoenix出演了电影《伴我同行》和《蚊子海岸》,这让他和他的家人在财政上能很轻松的生存。

    Phoenix was a part of movies like Stand by Me and The Mosquito Coast - making it easy or his parents to sustain themselves financially .

  2. 他还为今年早些时候上映的日本真人电影《小偷家族》和2014年CG电影《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》制作过中国本土海报。

    He 's also done local posters for " Shoplifters " ( also known as " Manbiki Kazoku " ) , a live-action Japanese movie released earlier this year , and the 2014 CG " Stand By Me Doraemon " film .

  3. 他演唱了本·E·金的《StandByMe(伴我同行)》—之所以选择这首单曲是因为此曲体现出美国和英国的持久关系。

    He sang Ben E. King 's " Stand By Me " - chosen because he felt it captured the enduring relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom .

  4. 噢,亲爱的,伴我同行(帮助我支持我)

    Oh yeah , oh my darling , stand by me .

  5. 我的朋友伊娃伴我同行。

    I took my friend Iva with me for company .

  6. 您俊逸优雅的身形,伴我同行。

    Your graceful figure accompanied me .

  7. 马克:这让我想起了一部很棒的电影:《伴我同行》。

    Mark : That reminds me of a great film . It 's called Stand by Me .

  8. 因为这都过了两分钟了,你居然没提《伴我同行》这部电影。

    Cause it 's been , like , two minutes and you haven 't even brought up Stand By Me .

  9. 日本漫画电影《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》28日在中国正式上映,成为近三年来登陆中国的首部日本电影。

    The manga movie Stand By Me Doraemon became the first Japanese movie to be shown in China in nearly three years as it opened here on Thursday .

  10. 在吸血鬼日记第四季第15集《伴我同行》中,岛上半数的神秘瀑布镇小组回家了,剩下的则继续留在加拿大的荒岛上。

    In The Vampire Diaries Season 4 , Episode 15 , Stand by Me , half the wandering Mystic Falls crew heads home , while others stay behind on the Canadian island .