
bàn chàng
  • vocal accompaniment;accompany
伴唱 [bàn chàng]
  • [accompany] 为配合表演而从旁歌唱

伴唱[bàn chàng]
  1. 他是为她伴唱的最后一批男中音之一。

    He was one of the last baritones to accompany her .

  2. 弦乐和打击乐两种乐队伴唱,演唱服从一种固定的格式,但有着丰富的曲调和韵律。

    Two orchestras , playing string and percussion instruments , accompany the singing , which follows a fixed pattern but has a variety of melodies and rhythms .

  3. 约翰逊现在为迈卡·帕里斯伴唱。

    Johnson now sings backing vocals for Mica Paris .

  4. 莎伦也为巴里·马尼洛伴唱。

    Sharon also sang backing vocals for Barry Manilow

  5. 碧昂斯身穿半透明的白衣,在挥手致意的伴唱团陪伴下,演唱了福音赞美歌曲《亲爱的主,拉住我的手》(PreciousLord,TakeMyHand)。

    Beyonc é sang the gospel hymn " Precious Lord , Take My Hand , " dressed in diaphanous white and surrounded by a company with outstretched hands .

  6. 但问题是酷玩乐队似乎没有如此深度,也没有波诺(Bono)或刀子(theEdge)那样有特色的嗓音,而且U2他们能把吉他演奏得像伴唱。

    The problem is that Coldplay doesn 't seem to have unplumbed depths , or a voice as distinctive as either Bono 's or the Edge 's , whose guitar is U2 " s second vocalist .

  7. D36B的音质有点薄,用来录伴唱很合适,可以让他们的声音不至于盖过主唱的声音,尽管她们有四个人同时演唱。

    The D36B being thinner in tone worked well for backing vocals , helping them not take over the lead , even though four ladies were singing into it at once .

  8. 不过,后来当我们切割人声,用杂音过滤布把主唱歌手和背景音乐分开的时候,发现L36B录进的主唱声音非常好,D36B录的伴唱也不错。

    BUT , when it came time to cut vocals , with the lead singer and the backgrounds separated by a gobo , the L36B sounded really nice on the lead vocal , and the D36B worked fine for the backing vocals .

  9. 你唱,我们来伴唱。

    You sing the song and we 'll bear a bob .

  10. 她曾为惠特尼休斯顿伴唱。

    She used to be a backup singer for Whitney houston .

  11. 他边跳踢踏舞一边给自己伴唱

    Going through the tap dance , he sang his own accompaniment

  12. 她的妹妹和她一起巡回演出,为她伴唱。

    Her sister goes on tour with her and sings backup .

  13. 伴唱是他的新朋友——约翰·列侬。

    His new friend , John Lennon , sings backing vocals .

  14. 他的乐队奏出低沉轻柔的优美伴唱音乐。

    Band produce a beautifully deep and soothing backing sound .

  15. 那我要用这鼓来伴唱了。

    So I 'm going to play my songs on this drum .

  16. 塞吉奥:她也为许多其他艺术家伴唱。

    Sergio : She also sang backup vocals for a number of artists .

  17. 你的伴唱团,在你后面,亲爱的。

    PRODUCER : They 're your backup singers ... beind you , honey .

  18. 她常常是个伴唱,不过今晚她是主唱。

    She usually sings backing vocals , but tonight she 's the lead vocal .

  19. 他喜欢钢琴伴唱。

    He likes to sing to the piano .

  20. 她曾经为麦当娜伴唱。

    She once sang backup for Madonna .

  21. 这款新型伴唱机

    with this new karaoke machine !

  22. 萨拉伯母弹着旧式的脚踏风琴,哈里大伯和我的堂兄弟们伴唱。

    Aunt Sarah would play the old treadle organ and Uncle Harry and my cousins would sing .

  23. 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱;

    The music is " Duolang Mukamu "( a big divertimento ), accompanied by sonorous male singing .

  24. 我想做一份关于你如何作为伴唱的报告。

    Figgins : I wanted to get a progress report on how you 're working together as co-directors .

  25. 我们三个小孩:翠莎、蒙蒂和我,还有乔治通常会伴唱。

    We three children : Trisha , Monte and I , George Jr. , would often sing along .

  26. 除了伴唱带有问题,否则缴交伴唱带之后不得更换参赛曲目。

    Entrants may not change their song after hang over the demo , except for the problem of demo .

  27. 在韩国,一个人从背景伴唱到主音歌手是很困难且耗时很漫长。

    In Korea , it will be difficult and slow for someone who is a backup vocal becoming a main singer .

  28. 惠特妮休斯顿最初是在俱乐部里为很多组合做背景伴唱后来才成为主音歌手。

    WH started singing as a backup vocal for many groups in the club and was able to be a main singer .

  29. 他们就这样吃力地走上去;她一路唱着歌,保罗有时有气无力地低声伴唱着。

    So they went , toiling up ; she singing all the way , and Paul sometimes crooning out a feeble accompaniment .

  30. 另外还具有话筒输入信号放大以及放大后与原音混合实现伴唱的功能。

    It also can carry out kara OK function by amplifies the signal of microphone input and mixing it with music signal .