
mò luò
  • decline;decay;wane;degenerate;sinking;downcast
没落 [mò luò]
  • (1) [decline]∶衰落;陷

  • (2) [decay]∶衰败

  • 当地的工艺和美术也没落了

  • [degenerate] 衰败

  • 没落的王朝

没落[mò luò]
  1. 他是没落的贵族。

    He is one of the aristocrats in decline .

  2. 欧洲经济大趋势:复苏还是走向没落?

    European Economic Trend : Recover or Decline ?

  3. 现在两人的事业都到了没落期。

    Now both men are in the twilight of their careers

  4. 没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。

    Without the founder 's drive and direction , the company gradually languished

  5. 我觉得这标志了美国文化的没落。

    I feel this signals the degradation of American culture .

  6. 这家宾馆有一种没落的贵族氛围。

    The hotel has an air of faded gentility .

  7. 该行业的没落给数以千计辛苦经营的商贩带来了难言的苦楚。

    The demise of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen

  8. 这些葡萄园日渐没落。

    The vineyards were falling into ruin

  9. 三年了,事情还没落局。

    It has not come to an end even after three years .

  10. 他出生于一个没落的封建家庭。

    He was born in a declining feudal family .

  11. 天没落黑,我就到家了。

    I got home before dusk .

  12. 尽管如此,这种方式也已经开始日渐没落了;开发人员越来越喜欢使用API而不是直接访问硬件了。

    Nonetheless , even that is starting to fade ; developers are more and more likely to use an API rather than accessing hardware directly .

  13. 多年以来,许多优秀的文章都在赞美着基于CSS设计的优越,哀叹着基于表格设计的没落。

    Over the years there have been many great articles extolling the virtues of CSS based design and bemoaning table based design .

  14. 酿酒厂在禁酒时期(Prohibition)纷纷没落,葡萄酒被认为是贫穷移民及贫民窟酒鬼才喝的东西。

    Wineries had all but perished during Prohibition , and the beverage was considered the drink of poor immigrants and Skid Row drunks .

  15. 比如,美国电话电报公司去年对HTCFirst(配有以Facebook为中心的软件系统)的降价促销就没能挽救它最终没落的命运。

    For example , AT & T 's price cut last year on the HTC First , a phone with Facebook-centric software , didn 't save it from eventually being killed off .

  16. 一些行业分析师甚至开始怀疑这是不是Hulu开始走向没落的开端。

    Some industry analysts even wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Hulu .

  17. 产业可能没落;在如今这个PlayStation风行的世界中,呼啦圈怎么样了呢?

    Industries can fall out of fashion ; what now for hula hoops in a PlayStation world ?

  18. 再后来,越来越多的人可以随时浏览BBC和CNN,或者登录互联网,“敌台”于是彻底没落了。

    Later , more and more people can always visit BBC and CNN , or access to the Internet ," enemy units ," so completely downhill .

  19. 现在,摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)这个去年被谷歌(Google)收购的没落的手机行业先驱者即将发布一款名为MotoX的旗舰手机,它的设计用意是让这些功能用起来更简便快捷。

    Now , Motorola Mobility , the faded cellphone pioneer purchased by Google last year , is about to release a flagship phone , the Moto X , that aims to make those functions easier and quicker .

  20. 如今,身为JCPenney首席执行官的约翰逊正在运用这些经验,试图担起重任,重振这家没落的零售企业。

    Now Johnson is applying these lessons to the challenging task of turning around JC Penney ( JCP ) , the struggling retailer where Johnson is CEO .

  21. BugattiVeyron因为不断地推迟上市而没落得好名声,如今它终于在欧洲上市销售了。

    Bugatti Veyron is lack of good reputation because of constant postponing , and now it was finally sold in Europe .

  22. 在所有适于刊登在家庭小报上的特殊社会经济学称谓当中,有一个曾风靡于二十世纪八九十年代的词在进入了二十一世纪之后逐渐没落了,那就是“雅皮士”(yuppie)。

    Of all the family-newspaper-appropriate socioeconomic slurs , one that was ubiquitous in the 1980s and " 90s is slowly on its way out in this millennium : yuppie .

  23. 第一个例子是NBA超级巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBronJames)。他在迈阿密热火队度过辉煌的四年后,今年7月份宣布将回归没落的克利夫兰骑士队。29岁的他成为返回故乡的最富有的美国孩子之一。

    Exhibit A may be LeBron James , the N.B.A. superstar who in July announced that he would be going back to rust-belt Cleveland after four glamorous years in Miami , becoming , at age 29 , one of America 's wealthiest boomerang children .

  24. SabinaDeitrick认真研究了匹兹堡从主要工业钢铁中没落,到作为一个小城市通过不同的工业重生的过程。她说,如果城市要成功,再次使用现存土地和空间,城市生活的重新发明非常重要。

    Sabina Deitrick has closely studied Pittsburgh from the loss of its main industry , steel , to its rebirth as a smaller city with different industries .

  25. 该公司专擅制作喜剧,但涉足了从电视制作到现场演出的一切业务,连公共关系都没落下。Avalon博得了其他广播公司的敬仰,即使该公司以在谈价格时特别咄咄逼人著称。

    It specialises in presenting comedy , but does everything from TV production to live performance and even public relations . It commands respect from broadcasters , even though it is known to drive hard bargains .

  26. 作为最伟大的现代主义诗人中的一员,T.S.艾略特从他的文学创作生涯初期起就开始描绘西方世界文明的衰败与没落。

    As one of the greatest modernist poets , Thomas Sterns Eliot ( 1888-1965 ) began to describe the decayed western world and civilization from the early period of his literary career .

  27. 到了元朝,定窑终于逐渐没落。

    To the Yuan Dynasty , Ding finally and gradually disappeared .

  28. 张爱玲创作中的没落贵族意识

    The ideology of the declining aristocrat in Zhang ai-ling 's works

  29. 女性的职业理想的诉求与没落

    Profession for Women ( excerpts ) Ideal 's Pursuit and Collapse

  30. 两人还都动情地谈论美国中产阶级的日益没落。

    Each also talks passionately about the declining US middle class .