
  • 【电影】There's No Tomorrow
  1. 她拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。

    She spends money like there 's no tomorrow .

  2. 如果没有明天,那么今天想这个问题也没有价值了。

    Tomorrow is unknown , that 's why we need today .

  3. 因此,我们说心理上并没有明天。

    So , we are saying psychologically there is no tomorrow .

  4. 到最后再没有明天时,昨天也是永在的。

    Where there is no tomorrow any more , yesterday is always there .

  5. 我想问问有没有明天下午的航班?

    And I was wondering if there was a flight sometime around mid-afternoon .

  6. 艾米莉:如果没有明天那会是什么样呢?

    Emily : What if there is no tomorrow ?

  7. 如果没有明天,会怎去说再见?

    Without tomorrow , how can we say goodbye ?

  8. 像没有明天那样生活,像没人观看那样跳舞。

    live like there is no tomorrow and dance like no one is watching .

  9. 他们大吃大喝,好像没有明天了一样。

    They feast like there is no tomorrow .

  10. 每一个人都可能突然遭遇没有明天的一天。

    Every one may suddenly only have today as the last day of life .

  11. 像没有明天那样生活。

    And live like there 's no tomorrow .

  12. 赶快抓紧时间购买,或许就没有明天了!

    Hurry up and place your order today , there might not be a tomorrow !

  13. 我把每一天都当作最后一天来生活…因为根本没有明天。

    I 'm living like there 's no tomorrow ... because there isn 't one .

  14. 你们是一群没有明天的球员,但正是这样让你们所向无敌!

    There is no tomorrow for you , and that makes you all very dangerous people !

  15. 当您感觉象没有明天时,记住所有那些爱您的人。

    When you feel like there is not tomorrow , remember all those who loves you .

  16. 用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来“就像没有明天似的”。

    She worked , to quote her daughter ," as if there was no tomorrow " .

  17. 写作营-没有明天。

    The Writing Camp-No Tomorrow .

  18. 没有明天。

    There is no tomorrow .

  19. 只有今天没有明天的关系,也是他们下意识保护自己的方法。

    Keep the relationship in today and there is no tomorrow is the subconscious methods to protecting themselves .

  20. 他加班工作直至凌晨,然后松开领带,尽情狂欢,就像是没有明天。

    He toils until the wee hours , then loosens his tie and parties like there 's no tomorrow .

  21. 5.:深夜,凌晨(半夜后至清晨四点的时间段)他加班工作直至凌晨,然后松开领带,尽情狂欢,就像是没有明天。

    eg. He toils until the wee hours , then loosens his tie and parties like there 's no tomorrow .

  22. 呃,我想明天坐飞机去汉堡,我想问问有没有明天下午的航班?

    Er , I want to fly to Hamburg tomorrow and I was wondering if there was a flight sometime around mid-afternoon .

  23. 不过如果不好好把握今天的话,有可能没有明天。所以当下最重要。

    But if you do not take advantage of today , then there may be no tomorrow . Therefore , the most important moment .

  24. 并没有明天,这意味着明天,心理上,意味着一个朝着思想所创造的那个事物的运动,意味着正在追寻。

    There is no tomorrow , which means tomorrow , psychologically , implies a movement towards that thing which thought has created and is pursuing .

  25. 今天我要好好生活,就好象既没有明天,也没有昨天。

    We all enjoy one sentences of the thesis : So today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow , And I am going to forget about yesterday .

  26. 人生只有一次,如果可以,我真的很想从头再唱一次,可是人生只有一次,我也想,就像没有明天般的唱下去。

    Life is only once , if you can , I really want to head once more , but life is only once , I also want to , like the sing no tomorrow .

  27. 他们还没有公布明天的计划。

    They haven 't released the schedule for tomorrow yet .

  28. 收音机并没有报道明天是否下雨。

    The radio didn 't say whether it would rain or not tomorrow .

  29. 在自己的心里好像已经没有了明天?

    In his mind seems to have no tomorrow ?

  30. 我没有为明天的电影买一张好票。

    EG : I didn 't buy a good seat for tomorrow 's movie .