
  • 网络forfeit;confiscation articles
  1. 对没收物品处理的立法思考

    The Consideration for Lawmaking about the Handling of Confiscation Articles

  2. 其他被抓官员被指倒卖走私车辆,还有盗取没收物品。

    The other officials have been detained on allegations which extend from selling smuggled automobiles to stealing confiscated goods .

  3. 我们要没收这些物品。

    We 'll have to confiscate this object .

  4. 根据《治安管理处罚条例》规定,我们要没收该物品。

    We have to confiscate it in accordance with the 《 Rules of Public Safety Management & Penalty 》 .

  5. 同时,调查显示,在法国,当地人的行李里最常被没收的物品是烟花。

    Meanwhile in France , the survey showed that locals were most likely to have fireworks taken off them from their hand luggage .

  6. 在西班牙,最常被安检没收的物品是餐具,而在意大利是染发剂,在德国是死动物。

    In Spain , the most common item removed at security was cutlery , in Italy it was hair dye and in Germany it was dead animals .

  7. 调查还询问了1000名西班牙、意大利、德国及法国居民,以找出这些国家的人最常被机场安检没收的物品。

    The survey also questioned 1000 residents of Spain , Italy , Germany and France to find out what were the most common items confiscated by people from those countries .

  8. 纵使无人因某一物品或物件而被定罪,亦可根据第一款颁发没收该物品或物件之命令。

    An order for forfeiture of an article or thing may be made under subsection ( 1 ) notwithstanding that no person is convicted of any offence in connexion with that article or thing .

  9. 拍卖由人民法院依法没收的物品,充抵罚金、款的物品以及无法返还的追回物品,适用前款规定。

    The auction of articles confiscated by a people 's court according to law , articles used to pay fines and found articles that cannot be returned are subject to the stipulation of the above paragraph .

  10. 请注意,宿舍生活办公室将没收一切违禁物品。

    Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life .

  11. 令人诧异的是,被没收的奇怪物品榜单中的第三名是活体动物。8%的人承认,他们曾在登机前,被从行李箱中搜出蜥蜴和蜘蛛等动物。

    Bizarrely , third on the list of items confiscated was living animals , with eight per cent of people admitting they 'd had creatures including lizards and spiders removed from their hand luggage before boarding their flight .

  12. 最近,一项对超过2000位英国人的调查,列出了在机场被没收的最奇怪物品的前五名,其中包括手铐、甚至还有活体动物。

    A recent survey of more than 2000 Britons has revealed the top five strangest items confiscated at the airport and they include handcuffs and even live animals .

  13. 手铐位列被安检没收最奇怪的物品排行榜的榜首。有14%的受访者透露,这一奇怪的情趣用品是他们陷入与机场工作人员的麻烦中的罪魁祸首。

    Top of the list of items removed by security was handcuffs , with 14 per cent of respondents revealing the kinky bedroom accessory was the reason they had gotten into trouble with airport staff .

  14. 犯走私罪的,由人民法院依法判处刑事处罚包括判处罚金,判处没收走私货物、物品、走私运输工具和违法所得。

    Criminal sanctions imposed by the people 's Court on persons guilty of smuggling shall include a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles , the means of transport carrying them and illegal incomes obtained therefrom .

  15. 走私烟草专卖品,数额不大,不构成犯罪的,由海关没收走私货物、物品和违法所得,可以并处罚款。

    If the smuggling does not involve tobacco monopoly commodities in large quantities , thus not constituting the crime of smuggling , the smuggled commodities and articles as well as the illegal income derived therefrom shall be confiscated by the Customs , and as a fine may concurrently be imposed .