首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 没里易交货期有什么新东西!游戏没有变;人性也没有变。

    Nothing is new in commodities ! The game does not change and neither does human nature .

  2. 你有3个星期没往里凑钱了。

    You haven 't put any money in the kitty for three weeks .

  3. 是的没错车里有汽油之类的东西

    Yeah , right . There is gas in there .

  4. 没人家里会缺盐的。

    No one is out of salt .

  5. 他穿着凉鞋、旧仔裤,衬衫下摆也没塞进裤子里。

    He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirt-tails weren 't tucked in .

  6. 谁也没在房间里。

    There was nobody in the room .

  7. 她没理睬锅里的汤,让它一个劲地煮。

    She took no notice of the soup in the pot and let it boil away .

  8. 他没看见院子里有人,但此时,门把手动得更厉害了,我赶紧跑出去和朋友呆在一起。

    He didn 't see anyone . Then the door handle started moving much more violently and I ran out to my friend .

  9. B:是的,我们大部分人都没在办公室里安装。

    B : Right . Most of us do not have it in the office .

  10. 你不安静躺好,我们没法让里了解。

    We can 't help you understand until you lie still .

  11. 我没想到家里还有一个人。

    I never thought there 'd be one in this house .

  12. 但这是一个存在于每个地方、没种文化里的问题。

    But this is a problem everywhere and in every culture .

  13. 从你确认后我就没在教堂里见过你。

    I haven 't seen you in church since your confirmation .

  14. 而且他也没伤害车箱里的人。

    And he didn 't hurtthe man in the car trunk .

  15. 我没想到屋子里会有这么多灰。

    I 've never thought my house could be that dusty .

  16. 他们也没在商店里买糖果。

    They bought no sweets in the shop , neither .

  17. 你看没看过江里的月亮?

    Have you ever seen the moon in the river ?

  18. 你还没和家里联系过吗?

    Haven 't you gotten in touch with home yet ?

  19. 你都没想过学校里的孩子?

    You don 't ever think about the children at the school ?

  20. 我没发现课文里有很多错误。

    I didn 't spot many mistakes in the text .

  21. 你没在池子里撒尿吧?

    Tell me you didn 't pee in the pool .

  22. 你以前没在山洞里迷路过吗?

    Haven 't you ever been lost in a cave ?

  23. 我们应该没走出10里。

    We can 't have come more than ten .

  24. 因为她没在遗嘱里呢?

    Because she was left out of the will ?

  25. 对不起。我没在家里。

    Sorry . I was not in the house .

  26. 我不清楚为什么他没在饭店里。

    I don 't know why he wouldn 't be at the restaurant .

  27. 虽然他们搜遍了,却没在房子里找到任何东西。

    Though they searched , they could not find anything in the house .

  28. 嗯,我还从来没在图书馆里工作过呢,但是……

    Um ... I 've never worked at the library before , But .....

  29. 你没在电话里跟她哭诉吗,怎么可能

    You didn 't cry to her on the phone ? What ? No.

  30. 为什么我们还没到竹林里?

    Why isn 't the woods coming up ?