
  • 网络no one knows;Nobody knows
  1. 没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。

    No one knows how many people currently surf the Net .

  2. 没人知道这件事与你有关。你可以置身事外。

    No one knows you 're a part of this . You can just walk away .

  3. 没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。

    No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease .

  4. 会上到底发生了什么现在还没人知道。

    Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting .

  5. 因为没人知道密码,所以任何人都不可能进得去。

    It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password

  6. 没人知道火车为什么会脱轨。

    No-one knows why the train derailed .

  7. 没人知道她为什么惊慌地逃走了。

    No one knows why she fled in panic .

  8. 他可算是藏龙卧虎:赚大钱,但没人知道。

    He 's a bit of a dark horse : he was earning a fortune , but nobody knew .

  9. 没人知道如何让这快速实现。

    No one knows how to make that happen quickly .

  10. 没人知道如果电池产业真能胜出的话,哪种电池技术会是最终的赢家,但是有一件事是显而易见的。

    No one knows which --- if any --- battery technology will ultimately dominate , but one thing remains clear .

  11. 没人知道你游泳时会发生什么事。

    Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming .

  12. 没人知道我们还在秘密地工作。

    No one can know we 're still on line .

  13. 没人知道自己在做什么。

    Nobody knows what the hell they 're doing .

  14. 例句没人知道这则故事出自何人。

    No one knows where the story came1 from .

  15. 某人做的,没人知道是谁。

    Somebody did it and nobody knows who .

  16. 没人知道洁米为什么这么做,但随着调查的深入,证明这两个女孩子是一对恋人。

    No one could understand why Jamie did this , but as investigations4 later proved , the two girls were lovers5 .

  17. 他们的死因是惊吓过度,没人知道他们看见了什么,大家只知道他们吓得把命都丢了。

    They had died of fright . No one knows what they saw except it scared the hell7 out of them .

  18. 古普塔表示:没人知道Windows的许可费是多少,但肯定是有费用的。

    No one knows how much Windows ' licensing fee is , but there is certainly a cost associated with that , says Mr Gupta .

  19. 我们家里没人知道怎么会这样,但是随着时间的推移,这种反面形象集中表现在一个想象出来的人物Sam身上。

    No one in my family remembers how it happened , but as time went on , the negative images congealed into an imaginary character named Sam.

  20. 德里市克什米尔门外陆军准将约翰尼科尔森(BrigadierGeneralJohnNicholson)的塑像究竟何时消失,被谁拿走,没人知道。

    Exactly when the statue of Brigadier General John Nicholson disappeared from outside Delhi 's Kashmiri gate , and who took it , is unclear .

  21. 我当时不知道Emma的职业的未来,而且没人知道自己的工作的未来,但是我知道这些:

    I didn 't know the future of Emma 's career , and no one knows the future of work , but I do know this :

  22. FBI称,该网站上的信息“仅是一种野心,没人知道威胁是否会执行,还是只是在论坛里说说而已。”

    The FBI wrote that the information on the website " is aspirational and it 's unknown if the threat will progress beyond these discussion forums . "

  23. 就像在著名电视节目老友记中的插曲,没人知道Chandler上班的时候做什么一样,大多数人也不知道我做什么。

    Like the famous episode of the TV show Friends where nobody knows what Chandler does at work , most people don 't know what I do .

  24. 我不知道Emma的工作将来是什么样的,也没人知道将来的工作是什么样的,但是我知道:身份资本会创造出更多身份资本。

    I didn 't know the future of Emma 's career , and no one knows the future of work , but I do know this : Identity capital begets identity capital .

  25. 事实上前几天我才见到JustinTuck没人知道JustinTuck是谁他是巨人队的边锋见到他很激动

    In fact I was met Justin Tuck the other day , Nobody knows who Justin Tuck is , he plays the lines , he 's lines for the Giants.and that was a thrill .

  26. Saunders说道,她不知道Kane是怎么从家中失踪的,也没人知道它是如何横跨三个州来到西北部的俄勒冈。

    Ms Saunders said she still has no idea how Kane disappeared from her home in Phoenix . And no one knows how he wound up three states away in northwestern Oregon .

  27. 对他们来说,这比他们每年尝试进行的其他许多调整要容易得多,比如说,如何应对没人知道一台iPod里有多少唱片的事实。

    It is far easier for them to do that than to make the many other adjustments they attempt every year to cope with the fact that nobody knows how many gramophones there are in an iPod .

  28. 没人知道所谓的Haynesville地层到底涵盖多大:政府机构没有对此划分过。

    Nobody knows for certain how big an area the Haynesville Shale covers & no government entity has mapped it .

  29. 然而没人知道细节(RATP以这是内部事务为由不愿透露)。因此无法判断净利益。

    Yet without knowing the details ( which the RATP will not divulge , on the ground that this is an internal matter ) it is impossible to judge the net benefit .

  30. 没人知道他运作的方式。

    Is that no one knows the way that it works .