首页 / 词典 / good


méi jìn
  • weak;tired;weary
  • boring;meaningless
没劲 [méi jìn]
  • (1) [exhausted]∶一点力气也没有

  • 浑身没劲

  • (2) [be no fun;boring]∶毫无趣味

  • 这相声听起来没劲

  1. 弄垮他们的身体,让他们浑身没劲。

    To mess up their body and make them feel weak .

  2. 他感到自己的双腿没劲,舌头一直发痛。

    He found his legs were weak and his tongue gave him pain all the time .

  3. 下棋没劲,还是去打乒乓球吧。

    Playing ( at ) chess is no fun ; let 's go to play table tennis .

  4. 打扑克没劲,咱们去游泳吧。

    Playing cards is no fun ; let 's go swimming .

  5. 累了一天,浑身没劲。

    I felt very tired after working the whole day .

  6. 这个星期真没劲&乏味极了。

    I had a dull week & nothing to write home about .

  7. 小王的聚会真没劲,只来了四个人。

    Xiao wang 's party was a disappointment , only four people came .

  8. 昨天的大会开得稀稀拉拉,真没劲。

    Yesterday 's meeting was a dull affair .

  9. 跟他下棋没劲,他老是拔招。

    He is no fun to play at chess because he 's always changing his moves .

  10. 3.Mark一听就失望了,只是去一家咖啡馆阿,多没劲,就不能去高级俱乐部之类的地方吗?

    Mark : Just a caf é ? Can 't we go to a high class club or something ? Marie : Oh , Mark .

  11. 不看有线电视节目我并不是说不看电视——我会看DVD碟,因为我能确定我所播放的都是有意义的东西,而不是电视上常播的那些没劲的节目。

    Cut out cable TV 119 I 'm not saying I don 't watch TV-I watch DVDs , so that I 'm sure that what I 'm watching is something great , rather than the useless stuff you find on TV most of the time .

  12. 阿森纳球星托马斯?罗西基认为切尔西是一支没劲的球队。

    Arsenal star Tomas Rosicky has labelled Chelsea a boring team .

  13. 那两个女人仍在争论,但已经没劲了。

    The two woman argued away , but without heart now .

  14. 李老师的课是最没劲的。

    Mr Li 's lessons are the most interesting of all .

  15. 尝试回答那个问题实在是没劲。

    That was a rather leaden attempt to answer the question .

  16. 她太没劲了,都快让我睡着了。

    He 's so boring ! He makes me fall asleep .

  17. 一年里十一月份最没劲了。

    November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year .

  18. 我在学校过得挺好,但我觉得没劲。

    I get on well there , but I 'm bored .

  19. 这太没劲了,坐吧。

    Well , isn 't that interesting . Have a seat .

  20. 那部戏演得很没劲。

    It was a very flaccid production of the play .

  21. 爬上那陡坡之后我再也没劲了。

    After that steep climb my strength reached vanishing point .

  22. 我们本周每顿饭都吃没劲的老胡萝卜。

    We 've had boring old carrots with every meal this week .

  23. 不是吧圣诞节都没劲了

    Oh , no , Christmas is cancelled ( ! )

  24. 他发现独自坐在这里很没劲。

    He found it boring to sit here alone .

  25. 她浑身没劲,不能自己走动。

    She was not strong , and could not walk anywhere by herself .

  26. 青山镇的男孩真没劲。

    The boys in tree hill are so boring .

  27. 和他们再三打交道真是没劲。

    It 's such a drag to deal with them again and again .

  28. 冬令营没有电视、没有电脑,琪琪觉得很没劲。

    Kiki doesn 't like the camp at all .

  29. 我几乎没劲起床了。

    I could barely work up the energy to get out of bed .

  30. 大热天的太辛劳了,做的没劲。

    Of old hot days too painstaking , do do not have interest .