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qǐ jìn
  • vigorously;energetically;enthusiastically;with gusto;in high spirits
起劲 [qǐ jìn]
  • (1) [with gusto]∶情绪高,劲头大

  • 谈得很起劲

  • (2) [vigorously;energetically]∶用劲;用力气

  • 干活很起劲

起劲[qǐ jìn]
  1. 爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。

    Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously .

  2. 她擦得很起劲却没有把污迹抹掉。

    She wiped vigorously but the stain remained .

  3. 我刚开始玩得起劲我们就得离开了。

    I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave .

  4. 演讲者就她的主题越讲越起劲。

    The speaker was now warming to her theme .

  5. 他靠在墙上,努力想鼓起劲继续下去。

    He leant against the wall , fighting for strength to continue .

  6. 没过多久,我们便聊得很起劲了。

    Before long , we were deep in conversation .

  7. 他们越干越起劲。

    The more they worked , the more energetical they became .

  8. 他愈讲愈起劲。

    He warmed up as he went on with his speech .

  9. 他越说越起劲,大家越听越入神。

    As he talked with more and more gusto , we came more and more under his spell .

  10. 演讲者感觉到听众对他的话题有兴趣,讲得更加起劲了。

    Sensing the interest of the audience , the speaker warmed to his topic .

  11. 那位老师过于起劲地向孩子们灌输没有用的知识。

    The teacher works too hard trying to grind useless facts into the children .

  12. 我们正在愉快地交谈,她却起劲地加入进来,说些令人不愉快的话。

    We were enjoying a pleasant conversation , until she sailed in with her unpleasant remarks .

  13. “工作进展如何?”“哦,还慢慢干着呢,这工作叫人提不起劲。”

    " how 's the work ?"" oh , jogging along all right , but it isn 't exactly exciting . "

  14. 他一行接一行地学习,非常起劲;一个半小时后,他就对这首诗了如指掌了。

    He studied line after line , very busily ; and in one hour and a half he knew the poem perfectly .

  15. 轮机组都起劲地埋头修理堵塞的阀门

    The engineering gang fell earnestly to work on jammed valves .

  16. 西尔维亚也在他们中间,为那些长期珍藏的无用知识,友好地、起劲地鼓掌

    Sylvia among them , good-naturedly applaud so much long-hoarded treasure of useless knowing .

  17. 一个女学生坐在座位上,嘴里起劲地嚼着口香糖,脚却伸到课桌间的走道里,被老师发现了。

    The school girl was sitting with her feet streched far out into the aisle her .

  18. BusinessInsider收集了一组起劲为止网友发现的最经典的siri语录,我们展示在下文。

    Business Insider has collected some of the best Siri responses to date in their list , which we 've published below .

  19. 你给我打电话时,我跟玛丽谈得正起劲。

    When you called , I was caught up with Mary .

  20. 他骂得太起劲了,以致丢了差事。

    He did it so often that he lost his place .

  21. 学生们起劲地工作。

    The students set about doing their tasks with a will .

  22. 我和玛丽正谈得起劲,安娜突然插话进来。

    Mary and I were talking excitedly when Anna jumped in .

  23. 看,他都半截入土了还这么起劲。

    Look , he 's half-dead , and he 's still interested .

  24. 安迪一直在起劲儿地为明天的聚会烧饭和做菜。

    Andy 's been cooking up a storm for the party tomorrow .

  25. 农夫们在田野里干得多起劲!

    How hard the farmers are working in the fields !

  26. 孩子们起劲地干起来把碗碟收拾好。

    The children turned to and cleared the dishes away .

  27. 他们非常起劲地谈着度假计划。

    They talked of their holiday plans with great animation .

  28. 这次旅行我真提不起劲来。

    Can not work up much enthusiasm for that journey .

  29. 秋秋很兴奋,也就忙得特别起劲。

    Qiuqiu was also quite excited and thus particularly zealous .

  30. 非常起劲地互相交谈着。

    Talking to each other in a very energetic dialogue .