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huān xǐ
  • joy;happy;like;delighted;joyful;be fond of;glee
欢喜 [huān xǐ]
  • [joy] 欢乐心喜

  • 心中大欢喜。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 满心欢喜

  • (1) [like]∶喜爱、爱好

  • 她欢喜拉手风琴

  • (2) [be fond of]∶喜欢、喜爱

  • 欢喜滑水

欢喜[huān xǐ]
  1. 忙得快乐,累得欢喜。

    Be busy but happy , and tired but joyful .

  2. 这部电视剧真实地描绘了怀孕与生产,其中伴随着欢喜与悲伤。

    The realistic portrayals of pregnancy and childbirth fluctuate between joyful and heartbreaking .

  3. 她的情绪总是变幻不定——时而欢喜,时而忧伤。

    Her moods kept changing ─ now happy , now sad .

  4. 我一想到可能发生的事就满心欢喜。

    I go all tingly when I think of what might happen .

  5. 他们空欢喜一场。

    They have rejoiced too soon .

  6. 说了半天是空欢喜一阵。

    We spoke too soon , only to have our hopes dashed to pieces .

  7. 她欢喜拉手风琴。

    She likes to play the accordion .

  8. 这张相片非常讨亨利的欢喜,以致他送出了一些签名照给他的亲友

    The photograph was so flattering that Henry sent out autographed copies to his friends and relatives .

  9. befilledwith充满着她女儿出生时她十分欢喜。

    She was filled with elation when her daughter was born .

  10. Beauty的每一天都充满了欢喜,也充满了孤独。

    Beauty 's days were filled with loveliness , but also with loneliness .

  11. Clifford又满心欢喜地去帮他的忙了!

    Clifford is glad to help him !

  12. 我要感谢有一个可爱的狗狗叫Teddy,它总让我欢喜微笑。

    I am thankful for having a cute dog named Teddy who always makes me smile .

  13. 昨天深圳市BEC高级的成绩公布,有人欢喜,但更多的是“有人愁”。

    Yesterday the result of the BEC Higher in Shenzhen City was released , leaving some happy and some sad .

  14. 周四,欢喜传媒将宣布,已和总部设在英国的流媒体服务供应商Mubi达成联盟。

    Huanxi will announce on Thursday that it has agreed an alliance with Mubi , a streaming service headquartered in the UK .

  15. 欢喜传媒和Mubi表示,他们期望今年在中国推出电影流媒体服务,不过他们拒绝详述将如何向中国政府取得必要牌照。

    Huanxi and Mubi said they expected to launch their service in China this year , though they declined to detail how they would obtain the necessary licences from Beijing .

  16. 内在的欢喜会形于外吗?

    The happiness inside cannot help but show on the outside ?

  17. 讨神欢喜是人生的目标。

    The smile of God is the goal of your life .

  18. 面对死亡,要有如游子回家的欢喜;

    Facing death , be happy like a wanderer returning home .

  19. 老妈也满心欢喜的忙里忙外。

    Mama was also very happy , busy in and out .

  20. 他们一见到那星,极其高兴欢喜。

    And seeing the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .

  21. 思想要点:当我信靠神,他就欢喜。

    Point to ponder : God smiles when I trust him .

  22. 连那季节的交替和所有的欢喜。

    All seasons , and their change , all please alike .

  23. 上海免费公园开放为什么让人欢喜让人愁?

    Shanghai free park open why people happy people loses ?

  24. 然后他们欢喜而又惊奇地喊起来。

    Then they gave a cry of joy and surprise .

  25. 既然敬拜使我们在神里面得到欢喜,当然会有情感的表现。

    Since worship involves delighting in God , it engages your emotions .

  26. 我非常欢喜能够共襄盛举。

    I am very happy to be part of it .

  27. 我想她也正沉浸在圣诞的欢喜中。

    She must also immersed in the happiness of christmas .

  28. 那儿好几分钟里都是一片欢喜雀跃的场面。

    For several minutes a lively scene was enacted there .

  29. 邻居拿一窝蜜蜂换来了两头羊,心里可欢喜啦!

    The neighbor willingly gave them a beehive for the two goats .

  30. 他丈人丈母见他,欢喜得了不得。

    Fang Hung-chien 's in-laws were overjoyed at seeing him .