
  • 网络A Welcome Letter
  1. 客务服务经理需在客人到达前,把总经理或前厅经理及房务总监发出的欢迎信放在房间里。

    GSM prepared the welcome letter from General Manager or Director of Rooms in the room prior to the guest arrival .

  2. 客房部将负责房间内鲜花、欢迎信和照明。

    Housekeeping will be responsible for preparing the room with flowers , greenery , lighting and turndown if required .

  3. 这样一封欢迎信的语气要热情,内容要友好,措词要有节制。

    Such a letter of welcome should be warm in tone , friendly in content , and low-key in any message you wish to convey .

  4. 太太,晚安。欢迎光临信林餐厅。

    Good evening , ma'am , welcome to the Gourmet Restaurant .

  5. 在中国有些教会,他们在欢迎初信者时,会说:“主耶稣又加添了新的眼睛去观看、新的耳朵去聆听、新的助手去办事,和新的心灵去爱人。”

    In some churches in China , they welcome new believers by saying " Jesus now has a new pair of eyes to see with , new ears to listen with , new hands to help with , and a new heart to love others with . "

  6. 使用类似于Facebook的模型,该公司最近开始在广受欢迎的微信(WeChat)即时通讯应用的公共区域投放广告,这些广告出现在个人用户和官方公共账户发布的帖子中间。

    Using a model similar to Facebook , the company recently began to include ads in public areas of its popular WeChat messaging app , where they appear among posts from individual users and official public accounts .

  7. 他留下一封段信,对我表示欢迎,那信写的热情洋溢,一如其人。

    He had left a note of welcome for me , as sunny as his face .

  8. 依照苹果公司出台的程序内购买规定,腾讯公司将关闭备受欢迎的微信打赏功能,苹果手机用户将不能再在表情平台和公众号平台上进行打赏。

    Tencent Holdings Ltd. is shutting down a popular feature on WeChat that allows iPhone users to tip emoji and content creators to comply with Apple Inc. " s policy on in-app purchases .

  9. 虽然阿里巴巴有一些出色的智能手机应用,但在移动网络方面,它仍远不及竞争对手腾讯,腾讯经营的微信非常受欢迎,微信是一个通讯和社交网络应用。

    Though Alibaba has a number of standout smartphone applications , in mobile , it remains in the shadow of its rival Tencent , which runs a hugely popular messaging and social networking application called WeChat .

  10. 腾讯公司拥有广受欢迎的微信,其市场部门高管表示,微信已经成为电影推广的一个关键工具。腾讯、百度和阿里巴巴集团都是主要的电影售票商。

    Tencent - which owns the wildly popular WeChat messaging service that , marketing executives say , has itself becoming a crucial movie promotional tool - is also a major movie ticket seller , along with Baidu and the Alibaba Group .