
  • 网络strategic concept
  1. 顺应新型经济时代的变化与需求,实施新的战略观念与构想,中国旅游业才能持续生存和发展,才能全面提高竞争力,实现历史性的飞跃。

    Only if we meet the demand of the new economical environment to implement strategic concept and plan , can China 's tourism survive and develop .

  2. 本文针对我国海洋灾害科技工作发展现状,提出了一些建议:(1)树立科技减灾的战略观念;

    Based on the present situation of S & T work in marine disaster reduction , some suggestion are given . 1 . Set up the strategic concept of natural disaster reduction through science and technology .

  3. GHHY公司的战略观念是以顾客为关注焦点的需求方战略。

    GHHY Company 's strategy concept is the Demanders Strategy focused on Customer 's Concern .

  4. 没有明确的战略观念,对于公司的发展没有明确的目标。

    Poor strategy concept , not clear target of company development .

  5. 战略观念:现代管理的制高点

    The concept of strategy the commanding height of modern management

  6. 企业的战略观念是什么?

    What 's the ideal of its enterprise 's Strategy ?

  7. 我国城市建设战略观念的探索

    Discussion on the Strategic Thinking of Chinese Urban Construction

  8. 为此,必须有战略观念、战略布局和战略措施。

    So , we must possess some strategic ideas , arragements and measures .

  9. 论文的第三部分运用系统理论构建起民营企业培训体系的系统化模式,此模式是一个大系统,是由许多小系统构成的,这些小系统是:企业培训战略观念;企业培训保障系统;

    The third of paper is to build the system model of the training in the private corporation .

  10. 所以,财政部门要看到大事,要有战略观念。

    Therefore , the financial department should pay attention to the important things and take a strategic point of view .

  11. 并通过对药品市场的分析,指出中汇制药的营销战略观念是需求方战略;

    Through the analysis of the drugs market , point out the marketing strategy idea that Joint-wit is a square strategy in need ;

  12. 虽然没有哪种做法可以普遍适用,但企业可以启动一些具体步骤,在董事会中建立战略观念。

    While no single approach will suit every company , some concrete steps can start to build a strategic mindset in the boardroom .

  13. 发展DES/CCHP的制约因素不是技术和资金,而是各级政府的能源战略观念。

    Technology and fund are not road blocks to developing DES / CCHP but the views of governments at all levels about energy strategy are .

  14. 印度政府改变了几乎单纯依赖莫斯科提供军事装备的做法,这显示新德里的战略观念正在转变。

    As a sign of India 's changing strategic outlook , New Delhi has moved away from almost exclusive reliance on Moscow for its military hardware .

  15. 与西方已经形成的一种自相矛盾的战略观念不同,中国通过一种过渡框架体系的安排来解决它所要面对的可持续发展约束的问题。

    Unlike the West , where the very concept of strategy has become an oxymoron , China has embraced a transitional framework aimed at resolving its sustainability constraints .

  16. 针对调查中表现出的不足,提出对策:1各级领导应提高认识,转变观念,树立长远的战略观念。

    For the survey to show the lack of measures to : 1 at all levels of leadership should be to raise awareness , change attitudes , establish long-term strategic sense .

  17. 科学发展观、和谐社会、和谐世界是进入新世纪以来中国战略观念创新的集中体现,也是实现中国崛起的宏观战略设计。

    The author that the concept of scientific development , harmonic society and harmonious world the main innovations of China 's international strategic , and a macroscopic strategic of China 's rise .

  18. 在接下来,作者就电厂的成本构成及其特点进行了分析,并提出了该企业应在树立成本领先战略观念、健全成本管理体系的基础上,降低成本的几项措施。

    Later , author analyzed plant 's content and character of cost , draw a few ways to reduce cost basic with building up idea of cost leadership and perfecting its cost management .

  19. 绿色营销:旅行社营销战略新观念

    Green Marketing : New Concept for Travel Service 's Marketing Strategy

  20. 因为他们从不是按照战略的观念和方式在经营着他们的企业。

    Because they never care about their business in the strategic mind and ways .

  21. 战略成本观念在电信企业的应用

    The Application of SCM in Telecom Firms

  22. 我们必须转变传统的教育观念,牢固树立教育战略产业观念和教育为经济服务的观念。

    We must change traditional education concept , and strengthen concept of educational industry and concept that education must serve for economy .

  23. 国家廉政体系最终目的就是使腐败行为变得高风险和低回报,为治理腐败提供了系统工程的视角和长期战略的观念。

    The ultimate purpose of national building clean government is to make the corruption act highly-risky and low-return and provide anti-corruption a systematic perspective and long-term strategy .

  24. 本文试图通过对战略成本观念的论述和其主要观念在中国网通集团南方通信有限公司的应用,探讨战略成本观念在电信企业的应用。

    The paper tries to discuss how telecom firms could apply SCM in the cost management through introducing the reform of the cost management institution of China Southern Netcom Company .

  25. 我们将企业危机管理融入到企业文化中,从总体战略的观念上认识企业危机管理的重要性。(2)划分了企业危机的不同类型。

    We add enterprise crisis management to enterprise culture , which helps to realize the importance of enterprise crisis management from the point of overall strategy . ( 2 ) This dissertation classifies different types of enterprise crisis .

  26. 本文从导向的特征及企业管理导向应具备的条件入手,通过对企业管理导向具体形式的分析,认为,自始至终导向企业管理的只有风险,即战略风险观念。

    This paper tries to discuss the characteristics and the necessary conditions of the business management guiding and tends to show that strategic risk idea , by analysing the specific forms of the business management guiding , is the only way to realize the target of the business .

  27. 它基本上可以分为:战略思维基本观念和战略思维方式。

    Basically strategic thinking can be divided into two parts : fundamental thinking concept and thinking mode .

  28. 作为改革战略的现代化观念,则是东西方共有的。

    The concept of modernization as a strategy for reform is shared by both the East and the West .

  29. 研究世界化工动态适应全球化发展潮流&谈发展战略中的观念转变

    Study on recent development of global chemical industry to adapt the trends of globalization : idea change in development strategy

  30. 随着战略管理的观念与技术在我国企业管理中的应用,战略成本管理在我国企业中的推行势在必行。

    With the application of strategic management idea and technology in Chinese enterprise management , it is unavoidable to promote SCM in our enterprises .