
  1. 她最近以追逐风暴为主题为一家销售培训公司设计了一个游戏化战略。

    She recently designed a gamification strategy for a sales training company with a storm-chasing theme .

  2. 传统的培训公司和大学现在正将很多课程放到Internet上。

    Traditional training companies and universities are now making many of their classes available via the Internet .

  3. 本段文字的作者是项目管理培训公司esiinternational执行副总裁

    The writer is executive vice-president of ESI International , a project management training company

  4. 来自公共演讲培训公司UKBodyTalk的共同研究人理查德•纽曼建议,双脚应分开站立与肩同宽,站立过程中避免身体乱晃。

    Co-researcher Richard Newman , of public speaking training company UK Body Talk , recommends standing still , with feet shoulder-with apart .

  5. 高管培训公司CareerLeverage总裁南希?弗里德伯格同意比森的观点,此外,她还提出了自己的两条建议。

    Nancy Friedberg , president of executive coaching firm Career Leverage , agrees , and offers two further thoughts .

  6. 最后,对服务营销、关系营销、网络营销以及体验营销理念在AL英语培训公司的市场应用中的应用进行了研究。

    Finally , service marketing , relationship marketing , network marketing and experiential marketing concept in the AL English training market applications .

  7. 戴尔•卡耐基培训公司(DaleCarnegieTraining)的CEO彼得•韩铎建议按照如下的3个步骤来采取行动。

    Peter Handal , CEO of Dale Carnegie Training , suggests approaching your response in three stages .

  8. 本文作者卡米尔o普勒斯顿是虚拟领导力专家、作家、演讲家、高管教练和领导力培训公司AIMLeadership的创始人兼CEO。

    Camille Preston is a virtual leadership expert , author , speaker , executive coach , and the founder and CEO of AIM Leadership .

  9. JD公司是一家小型拓展训练培训公司。

    JD Company is a small one specialized in outdoor training .

  10. 美国理疗师培训公司运动迹象的CEO约翰蔡尔斯对有关仰卧起坐的最新研究持怀疑态度。

    John Childs is the CEO of Evidence in Motion , a US company that trains physical therapists , and he remains skeptical about the latest study against sit-ups .

  11. SallyChopping是美国培训公司ActingforBusiness的演讲教练。多年来,她一直很害怕有一天自己会在做报告时脑内一片空白。

    For years , Sally Chopping , a speech coach for the US training company Acting for Business , had feared the day she would draw a blank during a presentation .

  12. “每到这个时候,政治讨论往往就会异常热烈起来,”明尼阿波利斯的沟通培训公司RoshiniPerformanceGroup的主管以及《有话好好说!》(CommunicateThat!)一书的作者罗什尼•拉基库玛表示。

    " Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around , " says roshini Rajkumar , head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm roshini performance group and author of a book called communicate that !

  13. 凡尔内•哈尼什是经理人培训公司Gazelles公司的首席执行官。

    Verne Harnish is the CEO of gazelles Inc. , an executive education firm .

  14. 史蒂文斯是波士顿高管培训公司ClearRock的主理合伙人。

    Stevens is managing partner of Boston-based executive coaching firm clearrock .

  15. 销售培训公司SandlerTraining近期对1082名就业的美国人进行了调查。其中有80%认为,在当今社会,人们应该更加擅长自我推销。

    Almost 80 % of 1 , 082 employed Americans in a recent survey by sales development firm Sandler Training believe that in today 's world , people need to be better at selling themselves .

  16. 在某些情况下,新入行者是通过收购进入这个市场的——比如职业社交网站领英(LinkedIn)最近收购了在线培训公司Lynda.com。

    In some cases , the new entrants have arrived through acquisitions - LinkedIn , the professional networking site , for example , recently bought Lynda.com , the training company .

  17. DougCarter是加拿大陈述报告技能培训公司PresentationsEtc.的创始人。在可能的情况下,他都会提前一天到达做报告的现场,确保所有的电子辅助设备正常运作。

    Doug Carter is the founder of Canada-based presentation skills training company Presentations Etc. When possible , he gets to the location of his presentation the day before to make sure all the electronic aids work .

  18. 结果来之不易,而其中的固有挑战也许能解释培训公司ESI国际(ESIInternational)一项调查的结果。这项调查发现,83%的受访公司存在项目经理短缺的现象。

    It 's not easy , and the inherent challenge may explain the results of a survey by training firm ESI International , which found a shortage of project managers at 83 % of organizations surveyed .

  19. 麦特森是再就业与高管培训公司凯斯通联合公司(KeystoneAssociates)的高级副总裁,专门为与你丈夫情况类似的人提供帮助,避免他们因为过于沮丧,从而失去继续找工作的动力。

    Mattson , a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates , specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work .

  20. 在某些情况下,新入行者是通过收购进入这个市场的&比如职业社交网站领英(LinkedIn)最近收购了在线培训公司Lynda.com。

    In some cases , the new entrants have arrived through acquisitions & LinkedIn , the professional networking site , for example , recently bought Lynda . com , the training company .

  21. 毫不意外的是,英国申请抵押顾问资格的人数急剧减少,而另一方面,领先国际培训公司kaplanprofessional公布,“我们的房地产培训业务大幅下滑”。

    It will come as no surprise that UK applications for mortgage advisory qualifications have slumped while , across the pond , Kaplan professional , a leading international training company , reports " dramatic declines in our real estate training business " .

  22. 赫伯德目前在经营一家名为赫伯德(HerboldGroup)的高管培训公司,公司客户包括辉瑞制药(Pfizer)、戴尔公司(Dell)、百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)和惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)等。

    Herbold runs the Herbold group , an executive coaching firm whose clients include Pfizer ( PFE ) , Dell ( DELL ) , PepsiCo ( PEP ) , and Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) .

  23. Career-Crossings培训公司负责人、领导及职业发展教练MichaelBeasley说“要愿意一起去探讨出如何完成某个任务的方法”。

    " Be willing to brainstorm ways to get something done ," says Michael Beasley , principal of Career-Crossings and a leadership and career development coach .

  24. 在英国,萨拉戴维森(SaraDavison)曾经和前夫经营一家自我发展和培训公司。当她和前夫离婚的时候,无意中萌生了从事离婚指导的想法。

    In the UK , Sara Davison , who ran a self-development and training business with her ex-husband , stumbled upon the idea of divorce coaching when the couple separated .

  25. 波士顿高管培训公司ClearRock的董事总经理安妮•史蒂芬斯也见过很多求职者在第二次或第三次应聘时终获录用的情况。

    Annie Stevens , managing partner at Boston-based executive coaching firm clearrock , has also seen plenty of job seekers lately who have gotten hired on their second or third approach to a company .

  26. 我们培训公司的管理层以增强其表达技巧。

    We train our agency leaders to enhance their presentation skills .

  27. 早上好,这里是橡树叶业务培训公司。

    Man : Good morning , Oakleaf Business Training .

  28. 我目前仍在培训公司从事商务英语的培训项目。

    One of my projects is a business English class in the training center .

  29. 培训公司发掘有培训需求的人,由摩托罗拉大学培训、认证和指导他们。

    The training company talent-scouted the trainers ; MU trained , certified and monitored them .

  30. 我国管理培训公司发展战略选择

    Strategic Alternatives for Domestic Management Training Companies