
cénɡ cì lùn
  • Theory of Levels
  1. 在文学文本的构成问题上,一直存在着“要素论”和“层次论”的分歧和争论。

    There are various differences and arguments in the theory of elements and the theory of levels on the formation of literary text .

  2. 阐述了外部性理论、信息不对称理论、需求层次论和标准差异论对SPS措施形成的影响并提出可能的解决对策。

    This paper explains the effects of externality , information asymmetry theory , demand hierarchy theory and different standard theory in forming the SPS measures and its possible solutions .

  3. 运用人类基本需要层次论成功的开展心理护理

    To Make Successful Mental Nursing by Operating the Human Basic Needs

  4. 古代文论诠释主体的境界层次论

    The Gradation Realm of Interpretative Subject in Classical Literary Criticism

  5. 分析了激励理论中的马斯洛需求层次论,并将该理论应用于安全管理。

    Hierarchy of need theory is analyzed and applied in safety management .

  6. 对刑事诉讼证明标准阶段层次论提出质疑。

    It challenges the level theory of proof standard of criminal procedure .

  7. 从需求层次论看新生英语周记

    On Freshmen English Journals from the Perspective of Need-Hierarchy Theory

  8. 需要层次论与高校素质教育中图书馆的对策

    Requirement Gradation Theory and Countermeasures of Libraries in Universities ' Quality Education

  9. 评人物性格多层次论

    On " multiple layer " theory of character nature

  10. 需要层次论在重症脑血管病护理中的应用

    Applications of hierarchical theory of needs in nursing of severe cerebrovascular disease patients

  11. 中国酒业竞争层次论

    Discussion on the Competition in Liquor-making Industry in China

  12. 居住区外部空间设计层次论

    The Levels in Exterior Space Design of Residential District

  13. 文章从需要的周期性角度简要分析了对马斯洛需要层次论的理解。

    The article analyses the Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory from the periodical angle .

  14. 马斯洛需求层次论是用户心理需求分析的理论基点。

    Maslow hierarchy of needs is the grounds of users ' psychological needs study .

  15. 主要观点包括:马斯洛的需要层次论与动力开发;

    The standpoints include : Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory & Impetus Development ;

  16. 商业经济信息系统观念层次论

    Idea Identity Theory of Business Economy Information System

  17. 服务业顾客期望层次论

    Study of Hierarchy of Customer Expectations to Service

  18. 需要层次论是他的动机理论中最重要的部份。

    The need hierarchy theory is the most important part of his motivation theory .

  19. 也谈需要层次论与管理

    Discussing the Theory of Need and Management

  20. 科学与艺术关系的层次论

    The relationship ; On Sciences and Art

  21. 谈马斯洛需要层次论

    The Comprehension of Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory

  22. 法治层次论与法治发展模式

    The Theory of Hierarchies of Rules of Law and the Developmental Patterns of Rules of Law

  23. 存在&人本心理学的人格理论需求层次论及其具有深刻人性根源的存在哲学倾向;

    Personality Theory of Existence-Humanistic Psychology and the philosophical tendency stemmed from its deep humanity source ;

  24. 财政风险层次论

    On Financial Risks at Different Levels

  25. 行动学说与层次论

    Action Theory and Hierarchical Concepts

  26. 需要多层次论。

    Hierarchy of human needs .

  27. 需求层次论;

    Theory of Need Hierarchy ;

  28. 用马斯洛需要层次论对传销组织精神控制的分析及对策

    Analysis of Mental Control by Multi Level Marketing Organizations in Light of Hierarchy of Needs and Countermeasures

  29. 翻译本质二层次论

    On the Essence of Translation

  30. 本研究课题,主要涉及的激励理论包括:马斯洛的需要层次论、赫兹伯格的激励-保健理论以及当代激励理论等;

    This subject , motivational theory that involve mainly include : Ma the need level theories of SiLuo ;