
  • 网络Flexibility;flexibility principle;elastic;principle of flexibility
  1. 企业在整合过程中应遵循全面性原则、过程性原则、专业化原则和弹性原则。

    The enterprise should observe the principles of comprehension , procedure , specialization and flexibility .

  2. 然后指出生态化建筑项目管理应坚持的广义生命周期管理原则、整体系统原则、经济高效原则和动态弹性原则;

    Then , the principles of general lifecycle management , whole system consideration , economy and high efficiency , and dynamics and flexibility are pointed out , to which the ecological construction project management should conform .

  3. 区划法主要是对城市形态的一些硬性规定,而设计导则大多体现的是弹性原则,两者相辅相成,形成对城市形态既控制又引导的机制。

    The zoning ordinance mainly the hard controls while the design guidelines are the soft controls . They supplement each other and form a rational mechanism , both controlling and guiding the urban form .

  4. 力学测试及临床观察结果表明,该固定器符合弹性固定原则,固定效果可靠,能加速骨折愈合及关节功能恢复。

    The mechanical test and clinical observation revealed that according with the elastic fixation principle , the fixator could provide a reliable fixation , and thus speed up fracture healing and joint functional recovery .

  5. 除法治国家的一般要求外,制定和实施电子政务法还应遵循保护公民基本权利原则、信息公开化原则、行政信息共享原则、政府中立原则和弹性化原则。

    Besides sharing the general request of law nations , when establishing and practicing such law , we should still follow some principles like protecting the basic rights of citizens , opening the information , public sharing the administrative information , and government keeping neutral and with flexibility .

  6. 文中介绍了调制原理、选择弹性元件的原则,推导了传感头的数学模型。

    The modulating principle and the rule to select the element is described . The formulas of sensor header is derived .

  7. 欲促进教育发展,需要我们积极引入多中心理念,创建一个多中心的教育体制,按照渐进、分类以及弹性的改革原则,以实行协同治理。

    To facilitate further development of education , a multi-centered education system should be established within which a gradual , classified and flexible reform will be possible to achieve coordinated governance .

  8. 其次根据剪切变形比能最大及单晶材料不同晶面晶向剪切弹性模量不同的原则,结合超精密切削模型,建立KDP晶体超精密切削各向异性的剪切角理论计算模型;

    A theoretic model of shear angle of KDP ultra-precision machining is built with the principle of the maximum specific energy of shear deformation and the mechanism of change of the shear modulus with different crystal planes and orientations .

  9. 坚持设施标准刚性与弹性相结合的原则;

    The principle of combining the rigidity with the flexibility of the facility standards should be adhered to .

  10. 把现场实际情况和弹性元件的设计原则结合起来,设计了一套适合现场操作而且线性度高,重复性好的传感器。

    Combining the design priciples of elastic component and real station , design a suitable reality sensors , further more the sensors have good repeat capability and linearity .

  11. 面对中断风险的威胁,论文提出了应该构建基于准事制的弹性供应链的构想,研究了构建弹性供应链的原则和过程,并构建了不同的基于中断风险管理的弹性供应链设计模型。

    In the face of disruption risk , we should construct the resilient supply chain based on the idea of " Just-in-Case " . In chapter 4 , the author studies the principles and process of constructing resilient supply chain and designs different model of resilient supply chain .