
yì jiàn diào chá
  • opinion survey;sounding
  1. 综合社会保障援助受助人意见调查

    Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Customer Opinion Survey

  2. 诺基亚公司通过在公司上下进行一年一度的员工意见调查,以及针对具体沟通活动的目标调查,衡量公司内部沟通方面的绩效。

    The company measures its performance in internal communications through the company-wide annual employee opinion survey as well as targeted surveys around specific communications activities .

  3. 这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。

    The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman .

  4. 国际公共意见调查公司Ipsos在12月12日至14日期间电话采访了1000位成年人。

    The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted by telephone Dec. 12 to 14 by Ipsos , an international public opinion research company .

  5. 这报告收录了最新的意见调查结果。

    This report contains results of the latest opinion poll .

  6. 意见调查部分证实了这种观点。

    Opinion surveys bear some of this out .

  7. 根据一份新的意见调查显示。

    According to a new survey .

  8. 为此课堂协调员在本学期内将多次进行非正式意见调查。

    For this purpose the class coordinator will conduct a number of informal polls at several times during the semester .

  9. 高职商务英语专业学生对英语教师课堂语码转换的意见调查

    An Investigation of the Business English Majors ' Feedback on Their Instructors ' Code-switching in EFL Classroom in Higher Vocational Institutes

  10. 定期进行所属项目的客户意见调查,了解承租方的需求和要求,以改善物业管理工作;

    Making regular question research from the customers and managing to knowing well the tenants'requirements and needs , so as to improve the property management ;

  11. 至1997年,根据全国意见调查结果,在英国每六人之中便有一人是素食者或是有心想成为素食者。

    In1997 , a national opinion poll revealed that in the uk , one person in six was either vegetarian or currently considering becoming vegetarian .

  12. 本次验收公众意见调查结果表明,筱溪水电站建设工程各项环保恢复措施落实情况基本得到公众认可。

    The public opinion survey revealed that the implementation of the environmental protection recovery measures in the construction of Xiaoxi hydropower station was basically approved by the public .

  13. 客户通常比一些无署名的统一信件,会更能接受较个人化的要求。这样他们就更可能参与做你的意见调查了。

    Customers often respond much better to personal requests rather than generic letters . Thus , there 's a much better chance that they will take your survey .

  14. 研究结果显示「影片回馈组」在教学意见调查的「表达能力」与「教学效果」两项,得分显著优于「事前训练组」。

    The results showed that the feedback group performed significantly better than the orientation group in some domains of their teaching evaluations such as expression clarity and teaching outcomes ;

  15. 通过专家意见调查获得的资料,并应用了改进的层次分析法分析建立了中国医药制造业产业安全评价指标的权重。

    Improved analytic hierarchy proeess ( AHP ) method has been used to establish the weight of the evaluation index system to the industrial security of Chinese pharmaceutical industry .

  16. 最理想的是,国会的个别调查工作使议员承担“意见调查官”的角色,检查行政部门工作的质量并帮助公民获得有关机关的公正对待。

    Ideally , congressional casework puts the legislator in the role of an " ombudsman " checking up on the quality of administration and helping citizens to obtain fair treatment from the agencies .

  17. 利用统计学对比、神秘访客、意见调查等工具评估系统监督、评估培训与发展活动的效果确定标准已经达成。

    Implements evaluation systems to monitor and evaluates the effectiveness of the training and development activities such as comparison of statistics , mystery caller , and survey testing to make sure that standards have been achieved .

  18. 文中将对马中两地的教学标准和教材内容进行描述对比,然后对两套教材的汉字进行统计分析,并通过教师意见调查的方式进行研究。

    This study is to describe and compare the teaching standards and teaching materials between Malaysia and China , do the statistical analysis of the Chinese characters in the teaching materials , make use of teachers ' opinions collected through survey in the research .

  19. 关于转衔教育的成效,从儿童本身能力前后的对比、学校教师对特殊儿童的态度、观念、普通儿童与特殊儿童的人际关系以及对家长和教师的意见调查方面都反应出了积极的效果;

    About the effect of the transition education , there are active impact from the children ability development of the two tests , the attitude , concept of the teacher to the children , the mind of the parents and teachers , the relation between general and special children .

  20. 作者提出了分析意见和调查结果,指出在设计中仍应遵循P0>Ps+(0.05~0.10)MPa的条件。

    UPOn his analyses and investigation results , the author points out that the condition of P . > Ps + ( 0.05 ~ 0 . 10 ) MPa should still be kept in design .

  21. 北京市部分聋人和聋校教师对《中国手语》推广意见的调查报告

    The Suggestions of the Deaf and Teachers on Modification of Chinese Sign Language

  22. 现代信息技术环境中的信息资源配置、开发与利用&专家咨询意见的调查与分析

    Modern Information Technique of Transducer Allocation and Development of Information Resources in the Modern IT Environment

  23. 我国甲级足球队运动员对管理工作意见的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis to opinions of management from football players of A-class teams in our country

  24. 但是,离开群众经验和群众意见的调查研究,那末,任何天才的领导者也不可能进行正确的领导。

    Yet without investigation and study of the experience and opinions of the masses , no leader , however talented , can provide correct leadership .

  25. 国家杂志上刊登出对这个月对内部政客意见的调查结果显示,大部分民主党政客,说客,战略家支持同性婚姻合法化。

    And when National Journal polled political " insiders " this month , it found a majority of Democratic politicos , lobbyists and strategists in favour of making gay marriage legal .

  26. 以专家意见和调查访谈为依据提取行业要素,结合商业连锁企业的特性,笔者对BE模型作了简要修正,并提出了一系列研究假设。

    With expert opinion and surveys based on interviews with industry extracting elements , combined with the characteristics of commercial chain enterprises , the author made a brief amendment to the BE models and proposed a series of hypotheses .

  27. 提供技术、专家意见和市场调查方面的信息

    " Provide technology information , expertise and market research . "

  28. 总共55位专家参与脾胃湿热证的诊断意见的问卷调查,涉及全国绝大多数中医脾胃病学的主要专家。

    There is52 symptom related.55 specialist participate in diagnose opinion questionnaire survey , involving the vast majority of T.

  29. 另一方面结合来自政策对象群体的意见与实地调查的情况自下而上验证执行效果。

    The other hand , combined with the views from the policy target groups with field survey to verify the implementation results from " Bottom-up " .

  30. 然后据试填结果,调查者的反馈意见及被调查者的需要,经课题组论证确定其可行性后,再将表正式投入使用。

    Then according to try to fill a result , the feedback opinion of investigator and drive investigator of demand , through topic set argument assurance its possibility after , again form formal devotion usage .