
yì jiàn ɡōu tōnɡ
  • communication
  1. 行政立法过程的利益表达、意见沟通和整合

    Expression of Interest , Communication of Opinions and Collaboration in Administrative Rule-making Process

  2. 以及人性化的意见沟通与互动式的交流魅力等一系列关于电视新闻传播的启示,为当前电视新闻的消解“逆反”、有效传播提供一个崭新的视角。

    And the personalized communication and interaction . Thus a new perspective for the dispelling of the " rebellion " of the TV news is offered .

  3. 多与意见领袖沟通信息和交换看法。

    More communication with the opinion leaders .

  4. 环境影响评价制度是一个依赖于公众表达意见和沟通的制度,讨论和对话在环境影响评价过程中占有很重要的地位。

    EIA system depends on public expressions and communications which take an important role in EIM process .

  5. 网站还设了洁净煤技术论坛,供广大技术人员和专家自由发表意见,沟通信息。

    A clean coal technology forum is set up in net for exchange opinion and information between experts and technical workers .

  6. 就建议和意见进行沟通;对人员的满意程度进行测量;了解人员加入和离开组织的原因。

    By communicating suggestions and opinions , by using measurements of its people 's satisfaction , and by investigating the reasons why people join and leave the organization .

  7. 这样,他们可以告诉我:他们是怎么写的,我也可告诉他们我对这篇文字的意见,思想沟通了,我们彼此也比较满意。

    They would tell me how they had done the composition , and I would express my opinion on it . And we would both feel pleased with the frank exchange of views .

  8. 以我个人的意见,成功的沟通不应是争执,而是协商与婉言。

    In my personal opinion , a successful communication should not be argument but be negotiation and euphemism .

  9. 协助农信协调项目组与各业务部门之间针对项目的意见分歧,做好沟通和解释工作。

    Assist GDRCC in communications when difference opinions occurred between project team and business departments regarding project issues .

  10. 在内蒙电信试用过程中,了解他们对当前完成功能的意见,然后与其沟通,一起制定下一轮开发的计划。

    In NeiMengGu Telecom trial process , to understand their views on the current completion , and then communicate with its next round of development with the development plan .

  11. 所以,大家筹备婚礼时都要尊重父母的意见,大家好好沟通,毕竟给婚不是两个人的事,而是两家人的事吗。

    Therefore , when you are planning your wedding you should respect your parent 's opinions and have good communication as it is not the marriage of two people but two families .