
  • 网络Survey feedback
  1. 作为中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目的子课题,为促进云南省牟定县计划生育优质服务项目的开展,本研究针对牟定县计划生育系统应用了调查反馈(SurveyFeedback)方法。

    As a part of the Pilot Project on Quality of Care in Family Planning in Mid-West China , this research intends to push forward the project initiated in Mouding County , Yunnan Province through application of Survey Feedback in the Mouding family planning system .

  2. 研究结果表明:调查反馈是一个共同学习的过程;

    The results show : Survey Feedback is a process of learning together ;

  3. 北京大学(PekingUniversity)光华管理学院(GuanghuaSchoolofManagement)重回排行榜第38名,去年该院因学员调查反馈率低而未上榜。

    Guanghua School of Management at Peking University returns to the ranking at 38 , after missing last year due to a low response rate from participants .

  4. 位于华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)麦克多诺商学院(McDonoughbusinessschool)重新回到了定制课程排行榜的第15位,去年,该校因客户调查反馈率低而未上榜。

    McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington DC returns to the custom ranking in 15th place after dropping out last year because of a low survey response rate from clients .

  5. 你的电话调查反馈好吗?

    Did you get a good response from the telephone survey ?

  6. 世纪末,捉虫忙&全国各省电信管理局2000年问题问卷调查反馈

    Busy Debugging at the End of Century & Nationwide Survey on PTA 's Y2K Issue

  7. 当前薪资毕业后三年的平均薪资。三年的薪资数字来自于2004、2005和2006年的调查反馈。

    Salary Today An average of salaries – three years after graduation – from the2004,2005 and2006 surveys .

  8. 作者通过对问卷调查反馈数据的研究,对中美商务谈判者提出一些具体建议。

    By analyzing the feedback of the questionnaire , the author provides some suggestions for both Chinese and American negotiators on the frontline .

  9. 而从工作场所的调查反馈来看,具有良好的自主学习能力和交际能力的员工更受欢迎。

    The feedback from the workplace indicates that the employees with a good command of autonomous learning ability and communication skills are more welcome at sports-related workplaces .

  10. 通过调查反馈,对实践教学改革的效果进行了客观评价。

    As a feedback of the results of practice reform , survey displays the expect effect , and attests the viability of practice teaching reform in Pharmacy Administration .

  11. 本文以详实的调查反馈信息为依据,在第一手材料的基础上分析了目前我国中国现当代文学教材的写作和使用情况。

    According to the details of investigation and based on the first-hand materials , this paper analyses the writing and using situation of the modern literary teaching materials .

  12. 然后根据对学生和教师调查反馈资料的统计,对新教材的实际使用情况进行了动态分析。

    Then according to the statistic of investigating feedback data from students and teachers , it focuses on dynamic analysis of the practical operating position of the new teaching material .

  13. 麦凯比说,商业学院的学生在调查反馈意见中将作弊定义为“在商界成功必需的一种手段和行为”。

    McCabe said that in their survey comments , business school students described cheating as a necessary measure and the sort of practice they 'd likely need to succeed in the professional world .

  14. 文章从毕业生的问卷调查反馈出的情况进行分析,阐述了加强毕业生的就业教育的重要性,提出了我校毕业生就业教育的五个着眼点,并指出我校毕业生就业的三个面向。

    By analyzing the feedback from questionnaire on graduates , this article expatiates the importance of strengthening employment education , brings forward five aspects about the employment education for Jiaxing College ` s graduates , and points out three facing-ups of the employment .

  15. 当前,如何树立客户第一的服务思想,建立完整的服务指标体系,构建客户满意度的调查反馈系统,落实服务满意行为的强化措施,是保险业急需解决的问题。

    At present , these are problems urgent to solve : how to establish Customer is No one service concept , set up complete service quota system , build an investigation feedback system of customer satisfaction extent , put intensification measures of satisfied service into effect .

  16. 问卷调查反馈出的若干成人英语学习者词汇学习策略表明:一,有效使用英语词汇学习策略可提高英语学习成绩:二,英语词汇学习策略具有可习得性;

    From the feedback of the questionnaire , some English vocabulary learning strategies are presented and the feedback of the questionnaire also shows that ( 1 ) English vocabulary learning strategies and English learning results are positively related ; ( 2 ) English vocabulary learning strategies are acquisitive ;

  17. 方法将舒适护理模式引入到手术室整体护理服务质量管理中来,制定手术室舒适护理服务程序,并将其应用于手术病人,通过自行设计的问卷调查反馈结果。

    Methods Led the comfortable nursing model to the entire nursing service quality management of operating room , formulated the proceeding of the comfortable nursing service of operating room , and applied this into surgical operating patient . , The result was feedback by questionnaire which designed by ourselves .

  18. CET测试效度&基于调查问卷反馈意见的分析研究

    CET validity-a analytic study based on the feedback from the questionnaires

  19. 本文通过对调查问卷反馈意见的统计分析,研究了CET效度存在的问题及对我国现行大学英语教学的影响。

    The paper statistically analyses the data from the questionnaire feedback , studying the problems about CET validity and its influence upon our current college English teaching .

  20. 建立健全图书馆的读者调查与反馈机制

    Establishment of reader investigation feedback system in libraries and its perfection

  21. 通过对65名学生的调查及其反馈表明,这种写作教学模式对提高学生的写作能力很有帮助。

    The wring teaching mode is quite helpful to improve students ' writing ability by means of investigating 65 students .

  22. 基于这种模式,笔者进行了一项为期两个月的试验,辅以调查问卷反馈并作出统计。

    Based on this model , the author conducted a two-month experiment , and make statistics with the questionnaires for feedback .

  23. 我们已经通过每篇文章后面的评论功能、来信以及用户调查的反馈而对您的想法表示了欢迎。

    We already welcome your thoughts on articles through comments at the end of each item , letters and your feedback in user surveys .

  24. 这项研究是基于今年一到三月的一项在线问卷调查的反馈结果,该调查覆盖了30个省、市、自治区。

    The research was based on feedback between January and March to online questionnaires sent to netizens in 30 provinces , municipalities and autonomous regions .

  25. 对调查问卷反馈的结果进行量化分析,对结果的评价持谨慎态度,坚持做到客观,实事求是,并认真推敲和进行必要的讨论。

    Exchanging to inquire about a result rolling up the feedback quantifies to analyses , and the manner is held carefully in the expounding evaluation to the result .

  26. 从调查结果反馈显示得出这三个方面集中体现在意识、文化、行为、制度四个层面上的结论。

    Feedback obtained from the survey results showed that three aspects are embodied in consciousness , culture , behavior , the system of four levels on the conclusions .

  27. 2008年调查委员会反馈回信息,提出了建议,包括扩大积极区别对待政策以惠及那些没有享受政策的部落&约占总部落数的五分之一。

    Its recommendations , to which the government has not responded , included taking steps to extend positive-discrimination measures to those tribals perhaps a fifth of the total who lack them .

  28. 但是,也有一些用例匿名角色更能满足业务需求,例如,经理和普通员工都参与的培训活动,匿名调查和反馈活动。

    There are , though , some cases were anonymous avatars make sense for business use , e.g.training sessions where both managers and non-managers are involved , anonymous surveys and feedback sessions .

  29. 根据这些调查和反馈意见,本文提出了这套教材的运用对策,探讨研究如何使这套教材发挥最大的效能。同时也为教材提供了修改的参考方向。

    According to these investigations and feedback opinion , this article put forward the usage counterplan of it , indagate how to display the most efficient of it , and simultaneously has also provided the revision reference direction for it .

  30. 最后,政府部门应该及时评估规范公务员收受礼品政策的落实情况,并且针对调查情况反馈不断完善和调整政策与机制,以达到真正的规范公务员收受礼品问题目标。

    Finally , the government should regulate civil servants accepting gifts and timely assess the implementation of policies , and continuously improve and adjust the policies and mechanisms to achieve the real goal of regulating the issue of civil servants accepting gifts .